Um, I have been searching for job every since I left High School...
It is my face, nobody want to give me a job because of my face....
My face is the main reason, and it has always been...
If I was pretty as my sister, I would get a job quickly.... with no problem.
It has nothing to do with my behavior, my negative attitude, or my past
I don't see any deform face working at Walmart, Office jobs, or as an interns at Washington DC....
Look at Michael Fox, he quit his acting job... and rather use his
disability to get the government to allow stem cell research.
I think he is wasting his time.... I think he should just give up
and stay at home and collect SSI, just like me.
If you do not see anyone working at Walmart, that does not have a disability, then you are keeping your eyes closed in the store. You cannot walk through Walmart without seeing someone, with some type of disability wearing the blue walmart apron. If that is the case, get a job stocking overnight.
As far as Michael Jfox, quiting acting and being an activist, more power to him! He worked for many years as an actor. He earned the money necessary to stay home and not work. Have you? You honestly expect everyone to believe that you cannot find a job and you have been searching for years. I do not think so. If your face is an issue, get a behind the scenes job, where customers will not see you. I know, get a job with a newspaper company delivering papers overnight. Its not much but atleast you would be doping SOMETHING.
Your comment about going downtown and seeing black people choosing crime instead of gainful employment, what the hell does any race have to do with the decisions they make?
I notice you told me you were not a felon, but you did not correst the statment that you got into trouble for fraud. Why is that? Did you make a plead bargain? SIS, SES of what. The fact that you did not contradict that, shows me that you were involved in some type of fradulent activity. So it still stands that you were trying to get $ without doing any legitamate work for it?
Based solely off of your attitude that I have seen on this page, I am pretty cetrain that you are different than most. You work harder at not working and complaining, than if you actually went out and got a job.
I have been working since I was 12 years old. I started selling newspapers in front of a church every sunday morning. I know for a fact, that if you really want/need a job, you can find one. I do not care about the appearance of your face or your ability to hear. As I have said many times, the job you get may not be a good one, but it is employment!
There have been several times in my life where I have needed a job RIGHT NOW. It has never taken more than 1 day to get a job. I worked as a loborer, a tire buster, a cook, a delivery driver, a waiter, a bouncer, and several other things. The jobs sucked, but they got me money to live off of.
When I moved back to St.Louis from Dallas, it was definately not planned. I brooke up with my fiancee on valentines day. I moved back that day and had a job wwaiting tabled at a restaraunt on feb 15 (the next day). Had I ever worked as a waiter? NO, but could I learn it and get paid? yes. I did it for a short time until I got something better. I quit there and worked at Home Depot fro quite alot more $.
If you want to work, you can period