I came across this in a blog of True Confessions of Soccer Mom so I copied/pasted it. HOW TRUE!!!! My oldest daughter is already talking to me like the one in 2000's version!
Typical teenager leaving the house on a Saturday night: 1980s version:
Parent: Honey, where are you going tonight?
Teen: To the movies, Mom.
Parent: Which one?
Teen: "Back to the Future"
Parent: Which one are we up to?
Teen: I don't know; I lost track...
Parent: Do you want me to iron your slacks and blouse for tonight?
Teen: No, Mom, I'm wearing the acid-washed jeans tonight.
Parent: Ok, are you bringing a cardigan in case it gets chilly?
Teen: No, Mom, I'm wearing my new Bennetton sweater.
Parent: Great; do you have extra money for popcorn and a Coke and a quarter if you need to call home for a ride? Take a $10 bill from my purse if you want.
Teen: Ok, thanks...
Parent: Ok, dear, don't be home later than 11? Your dad and I are going to try to figure out how the new VCR works!
Teen: Ok, don't wait up, Mom!
Typical teenager leaving the house on a Saturday night: 2007
Parent: Where are we off to tonight, girlfriend?
Parent: (A few minutes go by.) You there or what?
Teen: Sorry, Mom, I didn't hear you -- Acon was playing on my iPod.
Parent: Yeah, he's awesome. (Pause). So, where are you headed tonight?
Teen: To the movies; American Pie VII or something sh** like that.
Parent: Cool, let me know how it is, your dad and I are planning on seeing it next week. ... So, is your tee-shirt tight and short enough to see your new belly ring?
Teen: Yep.
Parent: Are your jeans low enough for your thong string and backtat to show -- that was your Sweet 16 birthday present, remember? Oh, don't forget to wear the new thong I got you; you know, the one with the purple lace.
Teen: Of course!
Parent: Can I borrow your Juicy Couture jeans tonight; Dad and I are going out to dinner tonight.
Teen: Definitely...
Parent: Well, ok, here's a fifty and leave your cell on in case we need to reach you. You can put it on vibrate during the movie.
Teen: Sure, Mom, see you Monday after school at Yoga.
Parent: For sure! Have fun, BFF!