You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off.
He actually looked good back them. The best appearance of his was in those shiny red/black jackets with zippers all over. I had one of those jackets where it's red all over and when you unzip parts of it, silver is revealed. A few of his good movies were
The Wiz,
Moonwalker, and
Captain EO.
You wore a banana clip or one of those slap on wrist bands at some point during your youth.
I remember those. I had quite a few and I would sometimes play the snapping games with my friends. There were sometimes popularity based on how many you had on your arm. :roll: In fact, I got another one last May at a party I went to on campus. They were giving them out to the students. I threw it away when I was moving out.
You know the profound meaning of ''Wax on, Wax off.''
Oh yeah...
The Karate Kid. Now, that was a good movie... certainly better than
The Next Karate Kid.
The Karate Kid was a motivational movie where one kid thrives to improve himself against someone else who's a prick. In
The Next Karate Kid, it was something else.
You can remember watching Full House and Saved by the Bell for endless hours!!!!!!
I've always thought that Kelly Kapowski and DJ Tanner were hot. Today, they're old news.
You have seen at least 10 episodes of Fraggle Rock.
No, this was not because I wanted to... but because I was flipping through channels.
Fraggle Rock was one of those "last resort" shows that I watched when there was absolutely nothing else on television.
You know that another name for a keyboard is a ''Synthesizer.''
I didn't know what it meant, but I always saw that word used in a bunch of those 80s movies.
You hold a special place in your heart for ''Back to the Future.''
That was one of my favorite movies. I own the trilogy on DVD. I remember seeing the first movie, then waited and waited for them to make the sequel. Finally, they did it.
You know where to go if you ''Wanna go where everybody knows your name.''
Cheers! *passes around beer* Yep, I loved that show.
You thought Molly Ringwald was REALLY cool. (Was there an 80's movie she WASN'T in?)
She was one of those other chicks that I thought was hot. Now, when I see her in those movies... I think she's depressing.
You know what ''Sike'' means.
Sike! Psyche!
You wanted to be a Goonie - (hey u guyz!!)
This was one of those good movies with Sean Astin and Corey Feldman. This felt like a kids version of Indiana Jones.
You actually saw Ted Danson as the MacDaddy he played ''Sam'' to be.
That was one of my favorite parts of
You ever wore fluorescent -neon if you will clothing...(or nail polish)
Of course! You weren't cool unless you had some neon on you! I had neon shirts, neon shoelaces, neon bracelets, neon headbands, neon pencils and pens, etc. Of course, no nail polishes! Hehehe!
You remember when ATARI was a state of the art video game system. (Remember Pong)
I was a couple years old when I first played the Atari. As the years went by, we got a lot more games... but the worse game was
ET. Yikes!
You remember MC hammer well.
You can't touch this! I also remember one of his commercials for Pepsi.
You can still sing the rap to "Fresh Prince of Bel Air"
Here's a story of how my life got flipped and I became the fresh prince of bel aire! Who could forget that weird haircut he had. Hard to believe that he's now the only survivor in the middle of New York City in
I Am Legend.
Of course, popularity was based on who owned the most cassettes. Now, it's who owns the most CDs. :roll:
You remember and/or own any of the CareBear Glass collection from PizzaHut.
I might have owned one or two, but not any more. But I do remember when they had those glasses at Pizza Hut. I was always trying to get one whenever we ate out at Pizza Hut.
You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the ONLY female smurf.
I never thought about it at first, but I did think about it later when I got older.
You wanted to have an alien like Alf living in your house.
I remember Alf. I never understood the show, just laughed cuz Alf looked funny.
You actually spent countless hours trying to perfect the care-bear stare.
Yep! I would sometimes role-play with my friends. "Care Bears... stare! Hahaha! I later found out that it was a sorority sister that invented the Care Bears and that sorority has a deaf chapter at RIT.
You wanted to be The Hulk for Halloween.
I was actually the Hulk for Halloween in Kindergarten! My mom got me to wear green panty hoses both ways while wearing green paint on my hands and face... dyed my hair black... and cut up a pair of old purple jeans. To give me muscles, she stuffed the panty hoses with kleenex.
You Believed that ''By the power of Greyskull, you HAD the power''
I always role-played this with my little brother. Hehehe!
You thought that Transformers were more than meets the eye.
I still collect Transformers today.

I was always jealous when my little brother got more than I did. I only had one.
If you can identify with at least half of this list then you, my friend, are a ''Child of the 80's.''
Hmm... 25 out of 44... Yep!