Suppose no computer technology....
No space travel.
No hand-held calculators.
No computerized cash registers at stores and restaurants.
No debit and credit card scanners at stores and gas stations.
No bar codes to speed up check out lines at stores, for tracking UPS packages, for keeping inventories, etc.
No digital hearing aids, CIs, cameras, video cams, dish TV, watches, phones, clocks, radios, fax machines, PDAs, etc.
I guess I would still be using my old manual or electric (not electronic) typewriter, watching my TV with rabbit ears or roof-top antenna, calling on my rotary dial corded phone, and doing my math with a paper and pencil.
I would probably spend more time at the library doing research. I would play more board games with the family, and maybe go back to my drawing. I would like to have a darkroom for photography.
No more shopping on line.
No MRIs, or many other computer dependent medical technologies.
No alternative news sources on the web.
No global positioning; no advanced weather prediction equipment.
Many people would need to look for new jobs.