Idaho woman accidentally shot and killed by 2-year-old in Wal-Mart

This statement?

"A gun-shop owner in Spokane, Wash., considers the shooting highly improbable, something she's never seen before."

I can't say what's she's never seen before, and I don't know in what way she considers the shooting highly improbable, so I don't think anything about her statement. By saying that the shooting is highly improbable, is she doubting that it happened the way it was described? I don't know.
No, everything she said in the article. She "can't believe" that the child was able to pull the trigger. Therefore, she considers the shooting highly improbable.

Her argument is that the child shouldn't have been able to pull the trigger since it requires the strength to do that. Oh well, maybe his mother's gun was older and easier to pull the trigger and newer guns are harder to pull the trigger?
Haven't I heard about guns going off when dropped? Plus you hear about other young children shooting themselves or friends, so I can't see it being improbable that this 2 year old was able to shoot the gun.
No, everything she said in the article. She "can't believe" that the child was able to pull the trigger. Therefore, she considers the shooting highly improbable.

Her argument is that the child shouldn't have been able to pull the trigger since it requires the strength to do that. Oh well, maybe his mother's gun was older and easier to pull the trigger and newer guns are harder to pull the trigger?
We don't know the details of the shooting, so anything's possible. Kids can do a lot of things we can't imagine to be possible.

Bottom line is that the mom should never have left a gun in her purse where a child (or anyone) could access it.
An updated report now says it was a 9mm semi-automatic. Even though I would still consider this a freak accident she made a critical mistake as I mentioned earlier. Don't keep a round in the chamber!!!!! A 2 year old cannot chamber a round. Besides it's just a safer way to pack.
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An updated report now says it was a 9mm automatic. Even though I would still consider this a freak accident she made a critical mistake as I mentioned earlier. Don't keep a round in the chamber!!!!! A 2 year old cannot chamber a round. Besides it's just a safer way to pack.

I'm not good at throwing so keep mine loaded and in a holster.
Unfortunately, these accidents happen many times each year, the woman obviously had the gun for protection and it ended up killing her, so she ended up paying the ultimate price and her son will end up having to live his life with it because someone will bring it up instead of keeping their mouth shut.
Those carrying guns for personal protection has a 4.9 times greater chance of being killed by their own gun than someone accosted who has no gun. Women who carry a gun are 7 times more likely to be killed by their own gun. So you might feel safer carrying your own gun, but your actually putting yourself at greater harm. In a study done on kids 8-12 years old more than 1/3 pulled the trigger on a gun they found. Not trying to change anyones minds, just thought I'd point out a few facts.
Those carrying guns for personal protection has a 4.9 times greater chance of being killed by their own gun than someone accosted who has no gun. Women who carry a gun are 7 times more likely to be killed by their own gun. So you might feel safer carrying your own gun, but your actually putting yourself at greater harm. In a study done on kids 8-12 years old more than 1/3 pulled the trigger on a gun they found. Not trying to change anyones minds, just thought I'd point out a few facts.
I would like to point out that the source of your numbers and "facts" has been debunked:

Debunking Mother Jones Gun Myths List
I am sure ALL of you know that no one is perfect. That applies to gun owners. So I am trying to say what seb said... be careful or you can be dead like the mother unfortunately died. Oh yeah you are aware of it but all of them are aware of it, I doubt it.
I have had a CCW for about 13 years. Carry WITH a round in the chamber, safety on. To do otherwise, you might as well throw your car keys at a bad guy - it is faster.

The below story says it best:

If it's holstered I would agree. In a purse with kids I disagree. Too many variables. I believe this incident proves my point. BTW I too have a concealed carry license. If I'm awake I'm probably armed. To me it's no big deal.
I would like to point out that the source of your numbers and "facts" has been debunked:

Debunking Mother Jones Gun Myths List

But who debunked it? The NRA? They only believe the facts that they concoct in order to get more people to join up and buy a gun and "feel safer!" The one I love is that the Government is coming after your guns, which is totally crazy because the gun owners outnumber the Government in total number of guns owned by a huge majority. However, I'm done with any debate because I have learned that you can't debate rationally with a gun nut, I just hope that they don't kill some innocent bystander or someone that is just plain innocent when they are "protecting themselves," but I know it will happen because it has happened time and again.

I just read up on the author of your article Nic Leghorn, just as I suspected he is a self proclaimed "gun nut" or "gun nerd" and is a member of the NRA.
An updated report now says it was a 9mm semi-automatic. Even though I would still consider this a freak accident she made a critical mistake as I mentioned earlier. Don't keep a round in the chamber!!!!! A 2 year old cannot chamber a round. Besides it's just a safer way to pack.

Oh, thanks for clearing that one up. I was hoping it wasn't a bolt action or pump action handgun. If she had kept a flintlock instead of the semi-automatic, she could have challenged any would be rapist to a duel.
Uhh. Possibly a revolver.

But a revolver would definitely need a round in the chamber. Just razzing ya ;)

My 16 month old could definitely pull the trigger on a revolver. As a parent, I use extra precaution with my firearms when in the presence of children ... not just mine.

Well, I use extra precaution in general when around children, not just including firearms. Sharp objects, stairs, anything they grab that they might think is tasty, falling objects, hot surfaces (oven, fireplace, etc.), electrical circuitry, animals and all the usual suspects that can get a child "hurt", severely injured or result in death.
feel so bad for family but anyone time read about this gun accidents.having you law about guns it going keep happening.
I don't think needs to know all details even when grown it was gun accident end of matter.