Ive had that happen a time or two - especially with people that I did not know. At work most people know that I am HH/deaf so they aren't too mean when it comes to me not hearing them when they are behind me and say 'exscuse me' I just apologize for not being aware and tell them that I am HH/deaf and the best way to get my attention from behind is a light tap on the arm or shoulder. After a while when someone taps me I know it is someone trying to walk by, so we smile and go on about our days.
Ive also been to places like the mall in Ft. Smith and I am sitting on a bench and I have my bags sitting next to me and a woman with a cane came up an asked if she could have a seat- of course this was from behind so I did not see nor notice. Then I saw her walk by and give me an ugly look as if I had intentionally ignored her. I got up said "Ma'am, you can have my seat, I am deaf, so I did not hear or notice you until you moved in front of me."
She apologized for not realizing this and the misunderstanding was cleared up. It wasnt like I was giving up my seat to somone who was 'more' disabled than I am, its the simple fact that she was having difficulty walking and asked if I could share my bench with her for a moment. If I had heard her, I would have not had a problem with it. Being nice can go a long ways, but at the same time, dont allow yourself to get stomped on.
Whoa, u lucky she didnt whack you with her cane, LOL!
Yeah, really, its aggravating when you cant hear people when they
are behind you or there is noise in the background (i wear hearing aid)
geez. Remember deaf is an invisible handicap....*sigh*...