I want to vent!

Ive had that happen a time or two - especially with people that I did not know. At work most people know that I am HH/deaf so they aren't too mean when it comes to me not hearing them when they are behind me and say 'exscuse me' I just apologize for not being aware and tell them that I am HH/deaf and the best way to get my attention from behind is a light tap on the arm or shoulder. After a while when someone taps me I know it is someone trying to walk by, so we smile and go on about our days.

Ive also been to places like the mall in Ft. Smith and I am sitting on a bench and I have my bags sitting next to me and a woman with a cane came up an asked if she could have a seat- of course this was from behind so I did not see nor notice. Then I saw her walk by and give me an ugly look as if I had intentionally ignored her. I got up said "Ma'am, you can have my seat, I am deaf, so I did not hear or notice you until you moved in front of me."

She apologized for not realizing this and the misunderstanding was cleared up. It wasnt like I was giving up my seat to somone who was 'more' disabled than I am, its the simple fact that she was having difficulty walking and asked if I could share my bench with her for a moment. If I had heard her, I would have not had a problem with it. Being nice can go a long ways, but at the same time, dont allow yourself to get stomped on.

Whoa, u lucky she didnt whack you with her cane, LOL!
Yeah, really, its aggravating when you cant hear people when they
are behind you or there is noise in the background (i wear hearing aid)
geez. Remember deaf is an invisible handicap....*sigh*...
Totally know the feeling!

I was in my supermarket with my mom because we needed to shop for food. I was hungary so mom gave me some money to buy some candy. After I brought the candy bar, I was eating it when a woman asked me to move. However, I did not hear this woman because I was enjoying my candy bar. When she passed me, she gave me a dirty look. I got :pissed: at her. Now, I wish I wore my "Deaf and Smart" t-shirt from Cafepress.com to show this woman THE REASON I did not hear her.

I was in Walmart last night, and this woman that works there (she only has 1 leg, and is in a wheelchair) apparently was trying to stop me because she thought I had a return, of which I didn't, and I know she saw me leave for like 2 seconds literally and then come right back past her, and she kept calling at me apparently, well I didn't hear her because my back was to her, and I don't have HA's yet, and then my bf realized she was calling me so I turned around and she asked me if it was a return, and I said no and she got all mad and yelled at me saying "OK! I was just trying to ask!" and I was like, sometimes there are disabilities that you can't SEE with your EYES, just because she was missing a leg, apparently she forgot that sometimes you can't SEE every disability. Gosh! LOL.

Anyway, so I can relate, that just happened last night. Whats up with these people!! OK, someone else talk now! :)
I was in my supermarket with my mom because we needed to shop for food. I was hungary so mom gave me some money to buy some candy. After I brought the candy bar, I was eating it when a woman asked me to move. However, I did not hear this woman because I was enjoying my candy bar. When she passed me, she gave me a dirty look. I got :pissed: at her. Now, I wish I wore my "Deaf and Smart" t-shirt from Cafepress.com to show this woman THE REASON I did not hear her.

Has nothing to do with disability. its more of disrespect, ignorance,, or any of the lacking for a better word. Im not no racist but depending on where i travel, ive been to many cities. where people of different ethenic background behave simular. but theres nothing more rude or annoying than having 2 people or even more standing in middle of a isle chatting in a supermarket. we go to store to buy food not chat. so i guess we spread thier own dyfunctional behavior.

its same for hearring drivers on phone all the time while driving not paying attention. so i have a good kick when sometimes at a intersection ill sit there for a whole light change sometimes typing on my sk2.

show them what its like. can be dangerious with road rage or such but to hell with them.
I know the feeling. You arent the only one. She isnt worth it. I would say "Oh. I didnt hear you bec I am deaf" If ppl give me the face or an attitude. I would scoff and walk away. It works. Other than that, it's their attitude plm, not you. Don't worry!! You know how New Yorkers are! ;)

Honestly i dont even take the notion to acknowledge that i didnt hear them cause im deaf. IMO i find it degrading to have to explain myself for someone's rudeness. its not like when i find 2 rude people blocking a isle. that i walk around calling them by some 'slant' name to express my fustration. i just walk around go out my way. or sometimes i might even just rudely bump them with basket and pass them depends on the situation. but if someone got agitated at me cause i didnt hear them and gave me a rude face. might as well flip them the bird.

That's too bad u're deaf.

Naw, Not too bad that anyone is deaf. Thank God we're deaf. we dont have to listen to the whinning annoying childish remarks, name calling or such from people in such situations. =)
I have to put up with that crap all the time, like yesterday a man who knows my soon to be x-husband. talk to me (try to talk to me ):roll: he ask me where I was from? he could not understand what I was saying.
she stated in another thread that she is hard of hearing but I'm sure she is deaf without her hearing aids...

I am sure she is deaf ... either with HAs or without HAs.
Do u have plm with me? If u think, I'm deaf that's fine with me. Don't argue with me anymore, lol.
if i can dumb it down for you just a bit, the original poster clearly said VENT in the title. they're not trying to find a solution to a huge wordly dysfunction, it's just an expression of anger. They're looking for similar experiences, maybe... i doubt they even sought advice, don't even try to make it seem like the OP is off base
That's too bad u're deaf.

:eek3: speechless...

SJCSue, First of all is good venting... Don't worry about that disrespectful, ignorant and arrogant lady who did to you... You will know yourself what sort of person she is.

I got like that sometimes in the past. I let them know in calm way that I am deaf... They are :shock: and feel embarrassment themselves.. and apology to me... I would advise you do that the same then they will :shock: and feel embarrassment.

Good Luck
Just ignored Lavender, she's experiencing a case of PMS.

Great vent there, Sue. I feel you. :hug:
Working in special education, people's ignorance comes as no surprise to me. However, I never had any direct encounters myself because I grew up hearing. Last week I was at the grocery store and I was checking out in the "self-check out" lane. I find this is easier than dealing with a clerk and much faster. I was trying to punch in a code for a bag of halloween candy and it wasn't working. I tried picking it up, putting it back on the scale etc. Finally, a clerk comes over and SCREAMS at me "Don't you hear me talking to you!?" :eek3: I looked at her and screamed back, "NO! I can't hear!" Then she got all apologetic and helped me with the code while everyone stared at her.
That's another thing that is starting to piss me off. My hearing loss doubled in a month and people who know about my situation or who I run into but haven't seen in awhile are always going "I'm so sorry" "How terrible" Stop apologizing!! Unless you have a voodoo doll that you're jabbing needles into the ears of, please don't tell me how sorry you are! I know people don't mean it in a bad way, but it's annoying nonetheless.
I was at Whole Foods last week at checkout and a old man grabbed my arm. He was so mad. His face was red and he was shaking. I didn't have my HAs in and I couldn't understand him 100%. I saw him earlier walking with the cart. We didn't hit, but I had to walk fast or we would. I think he thought I was rude with my cart and kept saying something with "Hear me???. But really I felt bad for saying "I'm sorry. No. I can't hear you". Once I said this he looked so embarassed and upset. I felt bad. It happens at times - they feel bad for yelling or being rude when I talk with them. I thought not saying about anything, but that would be rude too. Yes - sometimes people are rude and I am mad at them about this. But sometimes I feel bad because they didn't understand and later feel terrible. This is better to me than knowing about HoH/deaf and at the start being rude. I don't know - maybe this doesn't make sense. Sorry.