I need to lose weight

Im on a psuedo-diet, but with my erratic schedule, I tend to eat just one small meal a day.

At work it is nothing but raw poultry, the plant smells, and I admit I can't eat at work or just feel sick the rest of the shift. I eat more normally on the weekends though so I think it all balances out.

with your busy schedule, why not just have bunch of fruits in your lunch bag? get some snack bars too. drink room-temperature water because my doctor told me that drinking cold water frequently makes you bloated which is why i always had a big pot belly. Even though I'm skinny - I cannot live off on 1-meal a day. I'd go crazy and hallucinate after a few days.

but.... I can imagine.... working at poultry plant... yea that's gonna kill your appetite fast.
Wow Dixie! Pls be careful!

I have been exercising at a more steady basis and I already feel the muscles in my arms and I see that my arms are starting to look more defined. Yay!

I think it will take me a year to lose 50 lbs if I continue with this exercise regime! :)
diets don't work for me cuz i am allergic to raw fruit and veggies. yeah it sucks! but i'm always excited to hear people lose the unwanted pounds. i've been trying and not succeeding but i haven't given up hope. the only advise i can give is that you should listen to your cravings and try to indulge a LITTLE or else you will go completely off the wagon. i like a hershey's kiss or something small like that for my sweet cravings and i try to find healthy snacks for the munchies or salty cravings. they are out there you just have to find them!!! keep it your mind that you can do this and you will succeed!!!!
you could check out the ginko biloba extract tablets for circulation, it also helps concentration and memory but some doctors dont like that, for some believe is lowers the seizure theshold....
now how about working on getting a six pack? for flat stomuch is going to be a LOT easier to show the abs muscles...... and have more protein too
in a way im saying that, excercising to be stronger will make you just that stronger which can means your body is going to function better , thus holding together better and more toned, losing weight and being thinner isn't always the way, toning up and getting stronger is just as good , maybe better, just my opinion
you could check out the ginko biloba extract tablets for circulation, it also helps concentration and memory but some doctors dont like that, for some believe is lowers the seizure theshold....
now how about working on getting a six pack? for flat stomuch is going to be a LOT easier to show the abs muscles...... and have more protein too
in a way im saying that, excercising to be stronger will make you just that stronger which can means your body is going to function better , thus holding together better and more toned, losing weight and being thinner isn't always the way, toning up and getting stronger is just as good , maybe better, just my opinion

I agree with you about being stronger and more toned is better than being skinny. I noticed since I started weightlifting, my ankles and feet dont hurt as much as before. I am sooo thrilled!
But I prefer the skinny but athletic look. Like Carrie Tollefson. Mmmmm.

As for lowering the seizure threshold, hmmm, I guess it just comes down to whether or not I want to play Russian Roulette with my health some more or not.

And today I had a setback. Mom brought home a bunch of no-nos for me to eat. Every bloody bit of it was deep fried in oil. Eww. You know, now that I dont eat so much fried stuff, I get sick at the thought of it.

I am DETERMINED to get down to 120-125. I'm sick of looking at that goddamn cow in the mirror every time I walk by. I think I am very much within my goal at 139. (actually 140.5 today damn half pound gained).

I think tomorrow I shall go for a run in the evening when it is cooler. Grab the iPod, put on some Tiesto and just run til it hurts or I collapse whichever comes first. ;) :P

Lord I miss those days where Id go on 90 minute runs. I was like unbelievably fit. I could finish a mile in 6 minutes. :eek:
I am seeing a weight management doctor, and have started on a diet, right now I am on a 2000 calories a day, with 250g of carbs, 60g of fat, and more than 120 g of proteins.

I think I have lost a bit of weight, i can tell in my pants, but I don't go for my first weigh in for awhile, I was suppose to go last week, but my mom had an conflict schedule, (we go together because she is on a diet too and we both see the same dr)

I am just writing this post, to keep track and perhaps maybe get some supports from other people on the same journey.

I can't wait til I am at least 130lbs.

May 14 2008
287lbs (I know i am fat)
BMI 47.6

Right now the dr has set up a goal of 10% loss, so he wants me to go to 257lbs, then will set another goal and so on til my bmi is down to under 25 (the normal classification) :doh:

Wish me Luck.

Darkangel, have you tried Weight Watchers (WW)? I am doing WW with my mom. So if you have any questions about WW, just ask!
But I prefer the skinny but athletic look. Like Carrie Tollefson. Mmmmm.

As for lowering the seizure threshold, hmmm, I guess it just comes down to whether or not I want to play Russian Roulette with my health some more or not.

And today I had a setback. Mom brought home a bunch of no-nos for me to eat. Every bloody bit of it was deep fried in oil. Eww. You know, now that I dont eat so much fried stuff, I get sick at the thought of it.

I am DETERMINED to get down to 120-125. I'm sick of looking at that goddamn cow in the mirror every time I walk by. I think I am very much within my goal at 139. (actually 140.5 today damn half pound gained).

I think tomorrow I shall go for a run in the evening when it is cooler. Grab the iPod, put on some Tiesto and just run til it hurts or I collapse whichever comes first. ;) :P

Lord I miss those days where Id go on 90 minute runs. I was like unbelievably fit. I could finish a mile in 6 minutes. :eek:

I will never achieve the "skinny" look cuz I have always had a althetic build hence my ability to pick up and play any sports easily. All I want to be is toned everywhere and then I am happy. :)
Hey, darkangel.. how are you doing with your progress?

Grummer, I need gingko biloba to remember crap!

Dixie! Darren. Cow at 140lbs as a guy? I am kind of shocked you made that comment about yourself. Do you think you may have a distorted body image?

Shel, congrats on losing the weight and taking your time too! I admire that very much. I think you are a beautiful gal, though.

I like being healthy and strong. Sure dont buy into the hollywood/european size zero hype either. Being skeleton-skinny and being morbidly obese scare me.

However, I'm just not so judgmental of others' weight as I am of mine - I have been there on the overweight scale, and I lost 55 lbs and still want to lose about 15lbs more. Grr at me being so petite that regular capri pants would cover my ankles completely.

I commend anyone who has lost weight or is on track. Reasonably. I know how it feels. It is not so easy health-wise to be overweight - diabetes, and all that crap. Although I must say that beauty comes in all sizes and shapes. Empowerment is so important and comes first before anything else. Gotta love ourselves regardless!
Hey, darkangel.. how are you doing with your progress?

Grummer, I need gingko biloba to remember crap!

Dixie! Darren. Cow at 140lbs as a guy? I am kind of shocked you made that comment about yourself. Do you think you may have a distorted body image?

Shel, congrats on losing the weight and taking your time too! I admire that very much. I think you are a beautiful gal, though.

I like being healthy and strong. Sure dont buy into the hollywood/european size zero hype either. Being skeleton-skinny and being morbidly obese scare me.

However, I'm just not so judgmental of others' weight as I am of mine - I have been there on the overweight scale, and I lost 55 lbs and still want to lose about 15lbs more. Grr at me being so petite that regular capri pants would cover my ankles completely.

I commend anyone who has lost weight or is on track. Reasonably. I know how it feels. It is not so easy health-wise to be overweight - diabetes, and all that crap. Although I must say that beauty comes in all sizes and shapes. Empowerment is so important and comes first before anything else. Gotta love ourselves regardless!

Im not a guy Im a gal at 5'4" and 139 lbs. Im not happy with myself at this weight. I think I would feel much better about myself at 120-125. I admit though I have weighed less than that but I doubt I will ever be able to be that thin again after having given birth. My lowest weight was 108 and a size 4. :eek: (And yes I still have those size 4 jeans in my closet.) Sadly though Id be lucky just to get one thigh through a size 4 hole.
Actually tell ya what. Tomorrow I shall post a pic of myself for you to see. Won't be easy for me to do but I'll do it.

And even more sad is that there is an unauthorized photo of me weighing near 180 pounds circulating around the internet. When I saw it I cried. :(
Ooo, Dixie! Sorry, assumed you were a guy from your lovely avatar. Ahh, yeah, makes sense. Thanks for being patient with me! Oh my, 108lbs. 139lbs isnt that bad, but I support you wanting to lose more weight.

That was pretty uncool that someone posted your picture without your permission.
Actually tell ya what. Tomorrow I shall post a pic of myself for you to see. Won't be easy for me to do but I'll do it.

And even more sad is that there is an unauthorized photo of me weighing near 180 pounds circulating around the internet. When I saw it I cried. :(

Dont cry..whoever put that pic of you on the Internet is the one who should cry cuz he/she is so pathetic to do something like that. Usually when someone who is spiteful like that arent happy themselves.
Thanks Liza.

It is the time of the month for me so I am totally pigging out on salty foods. I hate that! Makes me feel like all the hard work exercising went down the toilet. :(
Dixie, there will be always unauthorized pictures circulating on the internet. I see it plenty of times. You should be really proud of who you are in the past and present as beauty is underneath the skin.....you have done a lot to lose from your old weight. :)

Edit: As Jazzy said below....I agree with her....
But I prefer the skinny but athletic look. Like Carrie Tollefson. Mmmmm.

As for lowering the seizure threshold, hmmm, I guess it just comes down to whether or not I want to play Russian Roulette with my health some more or not.

And today I had a setback. Mom brought home a bunch of no-nos for me to eat. Every bloody bit of it was deep fried in oil. Eww. You know, now that I dont eat so much fried stuff, I get sick at the thought of it.

I am DETERMINED to get down to 120-125. I'm sick of looking at that goddamn cow in the mirror every time I walk by. I think I am very much within my goal at 139. (actually 140.5 today damn half pound gained).

I think tomorrow I shall go for a run in the evening when it is cooler. Grab the iPod, put on some Tiesto and just run til it hurts or I collapse whichever comes first. ;) :P

Lord I miss those days where Id go on 90 minute runs. I was like unbelievably fit. I could finish a mile in 6 minutes. :eek:
You remind me of myself when I was 35. All I wanted to say to you. Be careful, u will gain all those weight back later because of losing weight too fast. U should lose one pound per week instead of too many pounds. I learned my lesson in hard way and those bad diet almsot killed me. I lost 30 pounds in few weeks and almost lost my mind. Stopped eat for three days because I was not hungry and my brain was starved for certain proteins and my potassium was so low and I smelled burn sulfur from my body. Don't let bad diet destroy your body without u even know what is going on inside of you.
I'm keeping myself in check. Ive pushed myself to the brink and back once before and so far I have no regrets. But then again I am one thats all about pushing the limits. Seeing how far I can go. At the same time though I know when I've likely crossed the line then I take a step or two back and re-evaluate.

Like today in my weightloss group we discussed those phony rapid weight loss diets and the ones we've tried. One I tried ended up screwing everything up and I ended up in the hospital for a week and all I had to show for it was a 10 lb loss. Needless to say I never went back to that diet.

Somedays though I really want to weigh what I did in my senior year, but at the same time I don't want to look sickly either. I know I've developed fully as a woman physically now and I will likely never see myself that light again. (or I could but the health risks far outweigh the 'benefits'.)

Oh yeah, the self pic is coming up in a bit once I get the kiddo to bed.
I'm keeping myself in check. Ive pushed myself to the brink and back once before and so far I have no regrets. But then again I am one thats all about pushing the limits. Seeing how far I can go. At the same time though I know when I've likely crossed the line then I take a step or two back and re-evaluate.

Like today in my weightloss group we discussed those phony rapid weight loss diets and the ones we've tried. One I tried ended up screwing everything up and I ended up in the hospital for a week and all I had to show for it was a 10 lb loss. Needless to say I never went back to that diet.

Somedays though I really want to weigh what I did in my senior year, but at the same time I don't want to look sickly either. I know I've developed fully as a woman physically now and I will likely never see myself that light again. (or I could but the health risks far outweigh the 'benefits'.)

Oh yeah, the self pic is coming up in a bit once I get the kiddo to bed.

hey where's the pix! :cool2:
Camera battery died; its on the charger...
I gots self pics finally!



I haven't sent these through photoshop yet, I only did basic editing using the Windows Editor which is extremely basic at best. Sorry for the low quality photos.

My dad saw me taking pics of myself in the mirror and he was like what the hell are you doing? He probably thinks I've finally come off my rocker now, :lol: