I need to lose weight

Im on a psuedo-diet, but with my erratic schedule, I tend to eat just one small meal a day.

At work it is nothing but raw poultry, the plant smells, and I admit I can't eat at work or just feel sick the rest of the shift. I eat more normally on the weekends though so I think it all balances out.
Drinking Diet Ice Tea would help. I hated drinking water so instead I changed into Diet Ice tea and that help greatly, I would drink two to four bottles a day of Ice Tea.

Plus, another thing that helps is if you watch your calories intake. Before I got pregnant, I didn't have to worry about that as my body just naturally stayed Skinny, even when I was eating alot of food. my body just burns calories fast nautrally. But After pregnancy, I gained 70 pounds from pregnancy and it took me 18 months to lose 60 pounds of it!!! What I did was watching my calories intake, drink Diet Ice Tea all day, don't eat late snack after dinner and start eating three meals a day, instead of two.

Well, at end of 18 months of dieting, I lost 60 pounds. I still currently weigh 111 pounds, but I'm still watching my calories intake and everything as I don't want to gain any pounds.

Ice cold water helps burns the fat...stay away from sugary products and fats, eats lots of fruits and vegetables & salads, lean meat if you gotta eat that too, have 3 ounces of meat...I've done that and it works!
Ice cold water? Just plain water will be good enough. :)
I lost 5 lb :thumb: With Plenty Water and Stop eat 5 p.m. dinner
Im on a psuedo-diet, but with my erratic schedule, I tend to eat just one small meal a day.

I'm lucky to get two meals a day but I usually end up only having one meal...I'm so busy (even while I'm posting on AD, I'm doing IEPs, curriculum reports, and other things at the same time). I'm so freaking busy these days to the point that I don't even know what day it is half the time.

My doctor made me do a food diary which I was faithful about recording everything - and he was shocked at my very low calorie intake. He said that my metabolism is literally starved to death - and that's why it is not burning anything. He said that I must eat small meals throughout the day (and the meals of course need to be healthy, blah blah blah)...I'm like, "sure" (sarcastic tone).
Im on a psuedo-diet, but with my erratic schedule, I tend to eat just one small meal a day.

I'm lucky to get two meals a day but I usually end up only having one meal...I'm so busy (even while I'm posting on AD, I'm doing IEPs, curriculum reports, and other things at the same time). I'm so freaking busy these days to the point that I don't even know what day it is half the time.

My doctor made me do a food diary which I was faithful about recording everything - and he was shocked at my very low calorie intake. He said that my metabolism is literally starved to death - and that's why it is not burning anything. He said that I must eat small meals throughout the day (and the meals of course need to be healthy, blah blah blah)...I'm like, "sure" (sarcastic tone).

I seem to be having the same problem with being so busy with my job and home life. I keep forgetting to eat dinner and now it is starting to show by getting some serious bruises all over. I went to Kings Dominion last Sat and rode on one roller coaster...no biggie right? Well, I got huge bruises on my arm and on my thighs from it. Everyone at work kept asking me what the hell happened to me cuz these bruuises were big as an apple and so dark blue and purple. Must be low on iron right now...ooops.
I lost 5 lb :thumb: With Plenty Water and Stop eat 5 p.m. dinner
That's good advice.

I usually tell people to stop eating before 6 pm... 7 pm at the latest.

If it's a social gathering with friends, then it won't hurt to do it once if it's before 9 pm. :)
I stepped on the scale this afternoon - I weigh 150 exact! Not fat not skinny, but damn I could definitely lose another 25 pounds and I'd be happy! But oddly, I weighed 160 at the Drs office last Friday after I had my seizure. Either I've lost an incredible amount of weight rapidly or someone's scale is off kilter. Oh well for now I'm not complaining about the weightloss, even though its possibly a sign my BGLs are way out of whack.
well I prefer cold water anyway! room temperature water?? ...blah!

I wish you good luck, darkangel. I know this'll be a big journey for you (one step at a time) and you'll feel nothing more than proud of yourself! my advice also, avoid drinking or eat near bed time, and go to bed at least two hours after supper/snacks. (except for the best nutrient; water of course). avoid that trigger helps big time!
I stepped on the scale this afternoon - I weigh 150 exact! Not fat not skinny, but damn I could definitely lose another 25 pounds and I'd be happy! But oddly, I weighed 160 at the Drs office last Friday after I had my seizure. Either I've lost an incredible amount of weight rapidly or someone's scale is off kilter. Oh well for now I'm not complaining about the weightloss, even though its possibly a sign my BGLs are way out of whack.
I think 150 lbs is good.

How tall are you?
Are you guys plan to lose the weight?? I need to lose my weight either. I found the best website. Go check it out here How to Lose Weight Fast - wikiHow
It will help you understand. Please be careful to read and help you understand. I made mistake of control with my habit eat. I have to move on my life with new habit food. Because I have a problem with my UC. Wish you have a good luck with your diet and exercise.
I am seeing a weight management doctor, and have started on a diet, right now I am on a 2000 calories a day, with 250g of carbs, 60g of fat, and more than 120 g of proteins.

I think I have lost a bit of weight, i can tell in my pants, but I don't go for my first weigh in for awhile, I was suppose to go last week, but my mom had an conflict schedule, (we go together because she is on a diet too and we both see the same dr)

I am just writing this post, to keep track and perhaps maybe get some supports from other people on the same journey.

I can't wait til I am at least 130lbs.

May 14 2008
287lbs (I know i am fat)
BMI 47.6

Right now the dr has set up a goal of 10% loss, so he wants me to go to 257lbs, then will set another goal and so on til my bmi is down to under 25 (the normal classification) :doh:

Wish me Luck.


You don't mention your height for us to know roughly what shape you're in. For example, I'm 5'7" (170 Cm) and 145 lbs. (66 Kg) (I gave metric for our overseas deaf friends). I've been as heavy as 151 lbs and do keep an eye on my weight, as any extra just makes me feel like a balloon. Another thing, I only eat, on average, two meals per day. Breakfast is usually a whole grain cereal. Staying on campus, it was a hot breakfast, but now that I'm off campus, will have to go back to cereal, as it's enough for me.

Another thing if I may suggest is that you start changing your outlook on eating. People usually eat when they're stressed out. I don't and never will. Just because people eat three meals per day doesn't mean that you have to; there is no law saying you have to eat. Another thing, I only eat when I'm hungry, though I have to admit, on occasion, I do go overboard a little bit when I do that, which isn't often. I only eat to live . . . I don't live to eat.

How to avoid overeating is to make a fist with your hand and only eat as much as would make up that fist. Another way is not to eat out, especially at "pig trough's" (buffets & all you can eat feeds).

Lastly, knock out the diet pop, as its purpose is NOT what you're intending. Diet pop is designed to make you eat MORE, not less. I can have a coke and it fills me up with a meal, say a simple Subway sandwich. If you do eat out, eat at restaurants where you can eat healthily. In a little more than four months from now is Thanksgiving. Decide now what you're going to pass on and eat only the healthy portions, which includes turning down dessert.

Hope that helps! Let us know how you're doing!
I stepped on the scale this afternoon - I weigh 150 exact! Not fat not skinny, but damn I could definitely lose another 25 pounds and I'd be happy! But oddly, I weighed 160 at the Drs office last Friday after I had my seizure. Either I've lost an incredible amount of weight rapidly or someone's scale is off kilter. Oh well for now I'm not complaining about the weightloss, even though its possibly a sign my BGLs are way out of whack.

Depends on your height, Dixie. How tall are you?
Im on a psuedo-diet, but with my erratic schedule, I tend to eat just one small meal a day.

I'm lucky to get two meals a day but I usually end up only having one meal...I'm so busy (even while I'm posting on AD, I'm doing IEPs, curriculum reports, and other things at the same time). I'm so freaking busy these days to the point that I don't even know what day it is half the time.

My doctor made me do a food diary which I was faithful about recording everything - and he was shocked at my very low calorie intake. He said that my metabolism is literally starved to death - and that's why it is not burning anything. He said that I must eat small meals throughout the day (and the meals of course need to be healthy, blah blah blah)...I'm like, "sure" (sarcastic tone).

Sorry but your doctor is right because behind what he is saying is that the idea is speeding up your metabolism, and improving the functioning of your body and also it will (not overnight) let your body generate more energy because your body is not speeding time on the extracting 'reserve' energy that some says pulling out from the body fat - well it doesnt work like that, the body always ends up fuel-starved, hence you get tired - you DO need carbonhydrates.

Avoid low carb diet too, you'd feel dragged on and soon give up. Just eat a avacodoe/cheese slice (not processed cheese) or whatever
there are another extreme, saying high carbs diet is good, I disagree, it is best to stick with 'normal' balanced diet just a few tricks , like drinking water, eat fruit, and break up to smaller snacks, - EASY !

mixes/compliment well with the avocadoes (thing is; I use it instead of butter) spread on your toast in the morning, take a banana or apple with you to work, (actually apple supposed to be the best brekkie you can have - but i dont eat apple im apple-phobic strangely anyway......)

coffee in mid morning will speed up your shitting and pissing and give a your head a focusing boost too

dont have coffee after 5-6 pm you'd end up with insommia

try drink 4 glasses of water spread out through the day, best aim for 6-8 glases a day but this is unrealistic for most people so start of 2 or 3 glasses a day and stay on that for like 6 months or so. It is easy to adjust and get used to drinking water , water is the BEST drink there is. it helps scavege and flush your body out toxins, and provides fresh fluids for the body too, althought body is like 70% water, get the picture?

A magic vegetable to get, and its damn good, - brocolli - easy to cook and tastes good. it has some of the best properties of all vegetable, it keeps boils away too just like silverbeet

I dont bother buying cereal, waste of money instead i have toasts and a fruit and coffee (coffee is dear now but if in moderation it's still cheap provided you're strict with youerself on when to have it)

Pek1 got good suggestions - id read his post again, yeah he's right forget diet sodas, in fact- many diet drinks have aspartame, which is an artifical sweetener so called designed to replace sugar, it is actually toxic, so stay away from it !!

and one last thing, the best exercise to lose wieght is simple, - walking!
Do this at least a 15 mins walk every day, ideally 30 mins-40 mins so start of with a 15 for say a month so you get used to know when you can go walking, then once you into a routine like after 2 months or so you would find you can bump it up 20-30 mins before you know it, you are walking in a daily basis, the trick is to find that best time slot, go easy on yourself forget when others do it, find the best time for yourself, but certainly not after the time you just ate.

Walking have three major advantage over doing nothing,

1) you get some cardiovascular excercises and air into your lungs
2) it tones down your hips and thighs, lower back and stomuch area
3) it gets you to be more alert and freshed-up for that you have been pumping oxgyen around the body and in to your brain

It really works.
I now weigh 139! WOOT.

I feel fucking fabulous! But I still want to lose more weight. Ive decided I could lose another 20 pounds. I am going to do it. Im determined.

Everyone at work is calling me bony ass. My boss even told me I was already too thin, but at 5'4" Im really not underweight. I'm actually within the upper part of normal ranges for my height.

I think my ideal weight would be around 120-125 somewhere in there. I mean shit I am *almost* there. Im not sure how I am going to celebrate once I reach my goal. Definitely not eating though! I may buy me a new pair of running shoes to motivate me to get out more.

I have also noticed that with this weightloss that I am getting cold easier. Like today I was outside smoking a cigarette and its like bloody fucking hot (above 90 degrees and the humidity is 80%) and I noticed that my hands and feet were blue and like icicles. I was like WTF? I eventually went inside and put on a pair of socks to at least get my feet warmed up.

If I told you exactly how much I was eating you'd flip. But I feel comfortable getting by on my one small meal a day. Like today all I had was part of a salad. I ate until I thought I was going to be sick. Then I felt bloated (and still do). But realistically I know I didnt eat all that much today, but I've gotten to the point that I can no longer tolerate having a lot of food in my stomach.

Yesterday I ate maybe 250 calories total? I just wasnt all that hungry yesterday. Of course my family would flip if I knew I had only that much, as well as my bosses. Unfortunately for me, there are rumours going around at work that I am anorexic. I am like there is a difference between anorexia and just not being able to tolerate alot of food. Anorexia is a mental disorder with physical signs and symptoms. I dont have that.

Everyone at work is like - your stomach is flat - how did you do it? I said I diet. Then a boss turned around and said "she starves herself." I was like WTF? It is no one elses fucking buisness whether or not I eat. As pek1 said, there is no law saying I have to eat. Its just that I eat enough to keep from passing out and for me it isnt that much.
I have also noticed that with this weightloss that I am getting cold easier. Like today I was outside smoking a cigarette and its like bloody fucking hot (above 90 degrees and the humidity is 80%) and I noticed that my hands and feet were blue and like icicles. I was like WTF? I eventually went inside and put on a pair of socks to at least get my feet warmed up.

Sounds like you might have poor circulation in your hands and feet. Get it checked out.
lol Dixie - I know how you feel. I'm 5'6" and 140 lbs but people say i look too skinny and i should eat more. wtf! There are some people who are just naturally skinny! :roll: