She goes to speech therapy, occupational therapy, adaptive learning, and all kinds of other special classes. She spends a total of 1 hour in regular classes. Tell me she's not missing out on what a residential or even a deaf school could provide. Yes, she does have a lot of issues, and the school is trying, but they can only do so much with the budget they have.
Oh that's another good reason why a regualr school regular class mainstream sittuion can be a mess. If a kid needs pull out stuff it interfers with the regular classes. Even a kid who just needs speech/language therapy and time with a TOD misses out on regular mainstream stuff I still don't know how my parents managed to schdule everyhting in.....(I had speech/resource room/PT)
And with appropreate teachers and well designed curriculm a kid who is just dog paddling around in the mainstream could REALLY thrive.
Also, the type of on campus program would be a real world " trying out learning how to be indepenent" thing. A LOT of dhh kids have poor incidental learnign abilty....
Oh and as for the people who are attacking me. How am I stereotyping? Oh man....if you knew me in real life you would never accuse me of stereotyping.
The 70's is still a very long while ago. They have revamped and improved programs.
Back in the old days they basicly gave crap services to dhh folks, and warehoused them. Heck they warehoused EVERYONE! Back then most of us were on the vocational track. Remember how back in the old days virtually ALL schools for the deaf had vocational training?
It's simply a different time. Yes, programs in the past were bad....but we can IMPROVE them, and have kids move on to better stuff, rather then being stuck on disabilty and living with their parents. I don't claim to be some genius with all the answers.
I'm simply pointing out that every kid is different, and we need to try a BUNCH of different approaches. There's no one size fits all. That's a fact. It's also a fact that our current educational philopshopy of mainstreaming mainstreaming and more mainstreaming just hasn't produced the results everyone was hoping for.