I have questions for you all

Liebling, you did so great in arts include few others. wink
I think your art is very beautiful and creative. I do think the ones that breasts being exposed are inapropriate for children to see. I think important that I have a clear boundary with my children when it comes to "soft sex".
I know you are asking someone else these questions but I'd like to express my opinions as well :)

Liebling:-))) said:
*scratch my head*

Do you mean breast/nudity view belong R-Rated or X-Rated in America?
I don't know about what other people think but I have seen exposed breasts/partial nudity in some PG-13 rated movies.

It look like that America confused nudity with porn.?
It is not just America but it is the narrow minded people who thinks partial nudity is porn. I don't see it as porn though.

What about volience movies in America? Is it okay for children to watch volience movies, not soft sex (passionate, caress, loving between naked couple)? *scratch my head*
You got a very good point there. I hate violence more.

I am strict when volience movies comes, not soft sex... I allow my children to watch soft sex movies (not hard sex like porn.)
Same as you, I also feel that violence in movies is far worse than soft sex.

Are nudity/soft sex movies for America is sexual harassment, sexual abusive or what?
To me it is not.
If any of my daughters print your first banner for her school's project work, she will get a detention from high school.

Rules are rules.

I like the 3rd, 4th and 5th the best, beautiful picture.

Hey I remember taking the picture of the 5th from my camera while I was in Germany with you!!!! hee hee
Questions for you

These are beautiful pics. Are they done using a computer or with paints and then scanned? How long does it take for each one?
They do look sexually explicit but they are tasteful. They don't look pornographic.
PurrMeow said:
Mookie are u from somewhere out of USA? Sorry for offtopic!

Mookie is an American and his wife come from East India.
ButterflyGirl said:
I know you are asking someone else these questions but I'd like to express my opinions as well :)

I don't know about what other people think but I have seen exposed breasts/partial nudity in some PG-13 rated movies.

It is not just America but it is the narrow minded people who thinks partial nudity is porn. I don't see it as porn though.

You got a very good point there. I hate violence more.

Same as you, I also feel that violence in movies is far worse than soft sex.

To me it is not.

I'm glad that you expressed your opinion to answer my questions here to clear my confused... :hug:

Some of posts confused me since I know Americans here who are open-mind as well...

Yes I'm agree that breast/nudity related PG-13, not R and X-rated.
Liebling, your work is beautiful. I am not very good with photoshop and I think you've done a splendid job with your photos. I don't believe them to be pornographic at all, but some of them do have nudity that can be misconstrued as "soft" porn. Just a thought. :)

Lemme remind you again of my initial statement - I LOVE the artwork. It's gorgeous and I wish I had such talent. I do think I'll save them because I like how they're done. Very professional looking!

Tamara said:
If any of my daughters print your first banner for her school's project work, she will get a detention from high school.

Rules are rules.

Interesting, here in Germany no! The students are allow to draw nudity because it relate to part of artwork. It would interesting teachers if my children print my first banner because they know logically that it's only artwork, not porn.

The teachers can tell difference between nice and angry drawing on nudity... If the children draw angry on nudity with unfriendly color which mean is sexual abusive... If children draw in friendly color is not sexual abusive but image of artwork.

I like the 3rd, 4th and 5th the best, beautiful picture.

Thanks for like my banners... Have you see other pictures of India and Angel in 2nd pages?

Hey I remember taking the picture of the 5th from my camera while I was in Germany with you!!!! hee hee

Yes :D... I use this picture to save in my file for my artwork... Have you notice 1st banner (see my signature)? I add this picture to few pictures on my artwork image. This one, you took picture...

ITPjohn said:
These are beautiful pics. Are they done using a computer or with paints and then scanned? How long does it take for each one?

Thanks :D

No, it's not painting but picture collection...

Some of pictures I collect from magazines, postcards, napkins, photos etc and then scanned to save in my computer file for my artwork images. I also receive many pretty pictures via emails as well... I save all the pictures in my file for my artwork image.

How long? Depend how I pick several pictures (3 or 4 or more pictures) to spread on one picture... I would say between 15 minutes and 1 hr... Sometimes less than 15 minutes... I'm very picky to choose good pictures to create on one picture...
Malfoyish said:
Liebling, your work is beautiful. I am not very good with photoshop and I think you've done a splendid job with your photos. I don't believe them to be pornographic at all, but some of them do have nudity that can be misconstrued as "soft" porn. Just a thought. :)

Lemme remind you again of my initial statement - I LOVE the artwork. It's gorgeous and I wish I had such talent. I do think I'll save them because I like how they're done. Very professional looking!


Thank you for like my art work... No problem, you can save my artwork in your file... or whatever... :hug:

I respect your opinon about nudity.
Liebling:-))) said:
Thank you for like my art work... No problem, you can save my artwork in your file... or whatever... :hug:

I respect your opinon about nudity.

Thanks, Lieb. :) I'll of course, ask you first if I decide I might use it in a blog or somewhere...it is the right thing to do. :)
What I have seen so far is considered nudity in my book, something with taste and class like someone mentioned in this thread.

WOW! I love your artworks and you are a very talented gal.

No, I don't see it as sexually explicit and your signatures is not too extreme. It is more romantic in a way with a small touch of sexual in it. Just like a plain romantic being spike up a little bit more.

This is an artwork showing just a minor nudity involving breast being shown which is nothing. Full frontal nudity is the next step up, like completely naked. Like walking around naked naturally and no sexual involves. I don't see that extreme either. The pornagraphic are the more extremes with the showing of the genitals area and more sexual active is involved.

Your artworks are great and I do not find it sexually explicit at all. Keep it up on the good artworks. ;)
^Angel^ said:
Hmm...It looks like she holding a gun.... :dunno:

Angel, I am sorry...my error....I meant look at the left side....

It made me insane for staring so long.... :Oops:
deafbiker ~~

All I am saying that I know that my kids aren't mature enough to see the differnece as they are not mature enough . Where I am in US or Overseas that has nothing ot do with it . The child in question is the one that sets the pace I believe . I can be as open as the day is long but if the person is immature that is that I can't push I need to back off and yet for maturing to take place .

I am what I feel a very open parent person and with my relationship with my man I would say we are more open than most and in our home also .

but I personally think that the sigs that people are so artful and the ones in this post I REALLY think that they are but the teens in this hosue wouldn't be at that speed .

but that is why and how I think that not that I am hiding anything from them they are just at that mature level to know the difference or should I say respect the diffence


It would be real mistake to think this way! Teenager is gonna find out... how? Though their peers, there is no serect that teenager DO talk about sex with their friends... when parents hide them, it just increase the intensity of curiosity of teenager and can lead to unwanted pregnant and mistakes.
Ask you, why do Americans teenagers get more unwanted preggy while Europe on other hand are more open to sex and have far less teenager dealing with unwanted preggy? Go figure!!! Statistics already shows, and you know Europe people actually despise on Americans for being such closed minded!

Originally Posted by josey
artist in everyway but for my teen I wouldn't want him or her visiting it as they don't understand yet the differnence betwen sex and art


I think they're all beautiful, and not at all pornographic.

I think most teenagers DO know the difference between pornography and art, at least educated ones (please don't misread that to mean I'm implying teens who can't tell the difference are "stupid." I simply mean ones who haven't been sheltered and have had open relationships with their parents). Teenagers are often a lot more intelligent than we give them credit for, and they know more than we think they do. My parents were shocked recently when I told them I knew about sex and sexual activies when I was in third grade (I'm 21 now). They thought I was this naive (I don't know how to do characters on here, sorry), innocent little girl until I took sex ed. in 8th grade.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that I don't think there's anything wrong with a teenager seeing this sort of art, especially if there's someone open to explain the differences between art and pornography if they're confused.