How marvellous, April is not far away, good luck for your big day soon.
I don't mean to be off topic... but everytime i look at your sig.. you look like me.. in the eyes
back to the topic...
sorry, deafmommy
How marvellous, April is not far away, good luck for your big day soon.
I just read this thread... I must have missed this one! Congratulations on your pregnancy.. and having a baby boy! have you already got a name yet?
I was sick the whole 9 months and very miserable but I missed being pregnant of course. I've been wanting a baby for a long time now.. it seems to not work. but that's okay.
I remember not showing at all til my 5th month.. i was like.. poof.. there's my big belly all of the sudden.. lol
Keep us updated!
I don't mean to be off topic... but everytime i look at your sig.. you look like me.. in the eyes
back to the topic...
sorry, deafmommy
Awww that's great news!!! Aren't you getting too excite now? It's soo good to hear from you again and I'm glad the baby is doing great too! Keep us update, miss you too!!![]()
I think it's going to be triplets
Hey ladies,
It has been awhile since I last updated on this thread. I am going to my dr. appt. on 31st of this month for my checkup AND do bloodworks. They are going to take my blood for thyroid checkup and also my 28th week Blood Sugar *Glucose* and see if I am clear.
I found out more about it, I am to not to eat sugar the night before and to eat dry, plain toast and water the morning of the appt. *Yuck*. My mom is going to watch over me because I easily get low sugar, as like my mom. I will have 2 choices for the test, to drink something or take some candies. So when I arrive there, I will see because I am so PICKY!!!!!!!! lol oh well that is just me!
Anyways, I have felt the baby moving and kicking more often. It used to be at nights, but now it is like 5-10 times a day. My family said that is a great sign because it lets you know that he is doing good and HUNGRY! lol I eat pretty well and I watch what I eat because I am picky. My baby is more like he wants sweets. I dont blame him, haha! Sometimes after I eat dinner, I want DQ ice cream all the time. It is so good! Yummy!
I do not know when is my next ultrasound and I am planning to ask my dr. about it because I want to see my son and I miss his face and wanted to see if he is going to suck his thumb again!I will let you know!
I better go, sorry for alots of words! haha, I just had alots on my mind and I thought since you always wanted to know about my pregnancy so I thought why not? so here I am!Will tell more when I get back and hopefully I can get my laptop fixed tmw or Wednesday. I miss talking to my friends online at my home. hugs hugs!!! Have a good week! PM me sometimes, I miss that.
Thanks!!!Oh good for you!! Glad your pregnancy go well. Take care!
Thank you everyone!Today I am 28 weeks and we have 12 more weeks to go!
I am not ready!!! I want to still enjoy my pregnancy and my son is moving inside as we speak of.
Yesterday was my appt. He was so impressed and I should come back in 3 weeks instead of 2 weeks at least if I have any plms. I was very happy and I gained 4 lbs. within 4 weeks from my last appt. He said that I could be gaining a pound a week. I thought he said the baby is gaining a pound a week, I was. Then my mom said no no I am gaining a pound a week, not my baby. I was like OH! whew! lol We think that my son is about 1.5 lbs. now.
My mom and I heard the baby's heartbeat again, still going strong! 141-148 bpm. Beautiful sounds! We are going back in 3 weeks from yesterday for another checkup. It was 4 weeks, now it was going to be 2 weeks but instead of that, it will be 3 weeks til he says when I should come back like 2 weeks then every week then Baby Day!
Better go, got things to do. Oh oh oh oh BTW, my laptop is up and working as of last night! yayayayay, Honey I Am Back!!!Talk to y'all later!
12 more weeks? Wow time sure fly fast... That's great to hear everything going so well with you and your unborn baby... awesome![]()
Ohhh cant wait the baby to come out and hold him, feed him, clothes him, etc ?? lol wow 12 more weeks left lol![]()
My sister's son been born last Jan 29 and I was so happy to see my nephew and I did held him twice which I love hold the baby lol. I might go over my sister's house this sat to visit to see my nephew cant wait lol he is 4 days old now lol![]()