I have an announcement that I want to share with you because my boyfriend and I are so happy.
I want to share my good news with my good friends here that I talk to sometimes. Please NO BASHING ME. I do not need the stress or negative posts or anything like that. If you do, I will report you to the MODS, so please respect my wishes. No private messages from mean ppl are allowed because I will report them to MODS too. Again, please respect my wishes.
Here is my good news that I want to share this with all my good friends here.
I am 8 1/2 weeks along and I am due in April 2007. We are so excited and shocked at the same time but in a wonderful way!
I hope you all will be so happy for me and my boyfriend. I will cry so hard if ppl post mean things or being so negative about it. I believe our baby is so blessed to have 2 parents and will be so wonderful to have our baby. I count this as a blessing for me because I have been thru alots and I want to be the best mom to my baby.
I hope you all will be so happy for us!

God bless us and our new baby!