I have a question...

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whatdidyousay! said:
Hey, I have a secret..... I wish I could spell better too. I love the spell check in my browser.

My spelling is so poor my spell check "said WTF are you trying to spell!"

:lol: I'm visualizing your computer sending up all these 'warning' boxes.
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posts from hell said:
Not sure. I think its because they are more visual oriented and the language they use allows them to be more honest.

ie: in spoken english "You've gained weight" can look terrible and many do choose to look at it in a bad light.

while in ASL - you can sign it in a certain way with much flexibility while using an expression showing either concern, joking, or what not that reduces the misunderstandings causing us to be more blunt...

Thats my best take.

I like :)
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DeafCaroline said:
Honesty is the best policy. It does bother the people who are accustomed to sugarcoated opinions. Bluntness is a concept they are unfamiliar with. Often, the deaf are blunt and don't think twice before stating their opinions. I don't sugarcoat my opinions and I don't modify them to please anyone.

People who have dealt with me know this is true.

I'm curious, why are Deaf blunt? I didn't grow up "Deaf" but was always told I'm too blunt so my curiosity is piqued.

I think because we were born deaf - Deaf has always been who we are - it was just unconsciously lying dormant due to the external environment that was imposed on us.
Funny thing. About 10 years back this news station aired a "mircale" fling about a baby getting a CI.

I fired them an email. Explained everything thoroughly. They've never aired a thing about CI's ever since.

Speaking for m'self only - I would love to have you fire a few things to some "local" audists. Yet it is fun to watch the jousting.
@ Botti:
I am curling on the sofa, my granny grey hair in a gibson do, a long cotton lace gown trailing over my feet. I am holding a little china cup of tea and the odor is sublime. I am peering at the screen through little purple wire rimmed granny glasses. Isnt this the very picture of a genteel Southern grandma? Then what do I see??? She called you a WHAT?

Well let the little lady say her piece....

Botti my dear friend, I am so sorry that someone said that to you about being an oral failure!!! That simply isnt true at all.
Just because some audist teacher failed in her duty as a teacher to you doesnt mean that the *&^%$#@!!!! audist &^%*"><+_@#@!! who failed you as a teacher has a right to ease their $#@@#$%$# failure by calling you names! (ahem) there now. I feel better. Dont you??

You never failed. The system did, the teacher did, the Milan conference did. You did not.

So there, now where did I toss that little old tea cup?? How did my glasses get up there...... some things just get me soooo upset. Thats one of them. How a dear lady can end up feeling bad about a label placed upon her wrongly by a ... oh, I think I should stop now before I get in worse trouble.

Love you Bots. Keep up the good work ya'll.
I'm waiting for the day I get labeled as a visualist.....

I'll jump with JOY.

what a coincidence, i actually Wrote an email to the Doctor (senior lecturer) at the university explaining im going to bring a print out of my draft of essay because im a visual person ie im Deaf...etc its hard to talk about essay (interpreters are Hard to get) but im also trying to organise this too...
but yah I AGREE!

we, Deaf people have pictures in the minds about all sorts of things, ways we process 'understandings'..well im getting there, i suspect i was all along but due to hard pressure in the hearing world nearly pushed it out, not so, im keeping what i knew how to 'explain to myself what ever so and so is and so on...
Why is it that people who hold blatantly audist views are so vocal about how right they are, and how wrong everyone who disagrees with them are, yet get so offended and think they are being personally attacked when their audism is pointed out? If they truly believe their opinions are correct, why would it matter if it is audist or not. If they are 100% certain that they have made a decision that is definately in the best interest of their child, why would they care if that decision is seen as having a foundation in audsim?

My thinking is, if you are right, and you are so certain of your convictions, you really don't care one way or the other what someone calls your decision or your opinion. You are confident in it no matter what. So what is the big deal with an opinion being labeled as audist?

alot of this boils down to ideology, they Can't see pass it...yet ideology is invisible...
Good point. DeafCaroline, this is the answer you were seeking for.

not only that , if it was meant to in relation to verbal communication, well d/Deaf people dont have all the omosis learning hereby we never really grasp (not because we're stupid-but) because we never heard the full range (and never will) of expression, also that osmosis also relates to 'sleep learning' as in cultural embedding as we grow (up) since as childhood...during the childhood it is the 'opitum period for such a learning, in which so to say, missing out on these, always puts us 'out of the range' to see thru the shades of greys in 'verbal' (re no visual but you have to hear EVERYTHING not at once but over time as in the language/culture learning process takes time -hence the omosis learning pattern took place earlier)...
so that accounts for why many (or most) deaf/dDeaf/Deaf even some Hoh or border deaf/Hoh dont seem to have the most articulated powers in commands of [spoken in real-time) English, even written English (but well that different again as thru adult hood we do learn a few things about 'little prints' if not all of it...
theres two ways, verbal English not grasph - loses subtle greys in voices,word choices, situational timing, and then there is visual expression again with timing but its a whole lot of difference....hence hearing culture and Deaf culture dont interact as smoothly...interpreter have a hard time too...
hope im not way off the mark? shrugs who cares if i am , this is jsut what i think..
Yeah! It's got nothing to do with deafness, though. All hearing people I know use it, too. You know, hearing people are taught to spell phonetically. And phonics for English is so inconsistent, that you really can't rely on it.

Being dyslexia sure not does help me ! I never was able to find a job that calls for person to type 60 words minutes backward!
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I think because we were born deaf - Deaf has always been who we are - it was just unconsciously lying dormant due to the external environment that was imposed on us.

Thanks for the replies! One of the things I really enjoy about ASL is how you can say so much with fewer "words" than with spoken language.

My own personal theory as to why I'm blunt (as a deaf person who didn't grow up with ASL or deaf community) is because I hate it when people beat around the bush or talk forever to make a point...maybe because lipreading is not that easy to do so if someone talked for an hour to make a simple point, I get impatient. I remember in advanced writing class, the teacher told us one of the golden rules of writing is to trim down the number of words one uses to make a statement and she would give us samples of writing that we had to rewrite using as few words as possible to say the same thing and wishing people would apply that same rule when it comes to talking.
Yeah! It's got nothing to do with deafness, though. All hearing people I know use it, too. You know, hearing people are taught to spell phonetically. And phonics for English is so inconsistent, that you really can't rely on it.

My older sister keep telling me to sound a word out , how do you sound a word out when you can't hear the sound a letter made!
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:lol: I'm visualizing your computer sending up all these 'warning' boxes.

Yeah the 'warning' boxes said "I am going to self destruct if you don't stop asking me to check your damn spelling!"
My dad did not realize this until he was 73 years old, he when got home he made phones calls and wrote to people Washington to find out what he could do for me. He send me to boarding in Maine as my school did not want me back there. He also put on his SS benefit without telling me. I did not know until I finish high school. Dad dies a month after I graduation from high school. When I was packing to go home I looked up at my roommate said "My dad is going to dies soon."
I was right , dad was 75 years old , I was 20 years old. I when out on a date and came way pass my curfew , my dad was being taken to ER by my brother and mother and that was the last time I saw dad. He dies the next day. It was really tough on me as dad and I where right in a middle of a fight and we never got to made up! So never stay mad at a love one too long you may have be able to say "I love you" to them again. 43 years later I still feel the lost of not making up.

I'm sorry- that's sad. I think when it's time for us to move on we put all the unfinished business and throw it into a waste basket. I know your dad knows you love him, and that moment was a blip in your lives together.
I'm sorry- that's sad. I think when it's time for us to move on we put all the unfinished business and throw it into a waste basket. I know your dad knows you love him, and that moment was a blip in your lives together.

Thanks CSign! I think it hard to let go off because of the kind of relationship
I dad with my dad. I really never knew if he loved me, if he did he sure had a horrible way of showing it!
alot of this boils down to ideology, they Can't see pass it...yet ideology is invisible...

While the ideology istself is invisable, the behavior and the statements are visable, and they provide evidence of the hidden ideology.
Wirelessly posted

whatdidyousay! said:
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:lol: I'm visualizing your computer sending up all these 'warning' boxes.

Yeah the 'warning' boxes said "I am going to self destruct if you don't stop asking me to check your damn spelling!"

:lol: :lol: thanks I needed that.
(funny my auto correct change audist to sucker). Denial!

Lol, that funny. Mine says audits or sucks with auto spelling.

Thanks for the replies! One of the things I really enjoy about ASL is how you can say so much with fewer "words" than with spoken language.

My own personal theory as to why I'm blunt (as a deaf person who didn't grow up with ASL or deaf community) is because I hate it when people beat around the bush or talk forever to make a point...maybe because lipreading is not that easy to do so if someone talked for an hour to make a simple point, I get impatient. I remember in advanced writing class, the teacher told us one of the golden rules of writing is to trim down the number of words one uses to make a statement and she would give us samples of writing that we had to rewrite using as few words as possible to say the same thing and wishing people would apply that same rule when it comes to talking.

I hate that too. My mum always on on on before she finally get to point. I'm like WHY didn't you say that in 1st place???

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