I had three oprations

Boult said:

SM said this;
I dont see why it s necessary to force a child to hear and speak only that you want for yourself. So be it! Deaf children can do anything except hear. You wont face the truth that we Deaf children have their abilities without devices if you allow them

I believe you want "Deaf children can do anything AND hear." so "except" is a barrier which is eliminated!

how hard is that to understand that Cloggy wanted barrier removed from her daughter!
You're right. That's the potential.. Well-said!
I believe you want "Deaf children can do anything AND hear." so "except" is a barrier which is eliminated!

POOR REASON for having CI device that doesnt make your life better or change the attitude toward Deaf people. MIND YOU! It s not two way streets. PERIOD

Deaf will be always deaf that doesnt hear everything. PERIOD!!!
AND good bye! You have a very negative view of our deafness as well as it s a proven.. YOu dont think Deaf chldren can do anything without devices. Guess what I feel sorry for you and your being selfish and control/power over a Deaf child that is not right.

Deaf children have their rights to be themselves and have their own freedom from depending on devices.

R2D2 said:
Since you picked up that "fixing" (such an emotive word) is expensive

Whoa Please dont take too personal! car fixing, fixing house, fixing etc etc. they are not free. I didnt even insult you about "fixing". excuse me!

I am happy for you. I didnt complain about your opinion. why you complain about my opinion? huh ? I dont need CI period! I accept to be deaf that god plan for me! I dont change this. I am sorry if you dont like it. I respect your opinion.
Sweetmind said:
POOR REASON for having CI device that doesnt make your life better or change the attitude toward Deaf people. MIND YOU! It s not two way streets. PERIOD

Deaf will be always deaf that doesnt hear everything. PERIOD!!!

Well the LAW in USA says a deaf person without or with HA or CI is PHYSICALLY DEAF person regardless. so we, who became physically deaf regardless, already know that we are deaf. period.

Quality of Life for those children with CI are improved and are cost-effective.
Study Finds Cochlear Implants Cost-Effective In Children
Technology improves quality of life and saves $50,000 + over child's lifetime
Sweetmind said:
POOR REASON for having CI device that doesnt make your life better or change the attitude toward Deaf people. MIND YOU! It s not two way streets. PERIOD

Deaf will be always deaf that doesnt hear everything. PERIOD!!!
It can make life better, and you will not hear everything. Like a hearing person sometimes doesn't hear everything... Lotte hears better than my mother-in-law... (But my mother-in-law listnes better :) )

Sweetmind said:
AND good bye! You have a very negative view of our deafness as well as it s a proven.. YOu dont think Deaf chldren can do anything without devices. Guess what I feel sorry for you and your being selfish and control/power over a Deaf child that is not right.

Deaf children have their rights to be themselves and have their own freedom from depending on devices.

I believe that all people I have see have a positive look on deafnes. What they do about their deafness is up for discussion.
Where do you get the idea that "You dont think Deaf chldren can do anything without devices.". Totally untrue, and no-one has ever stated that. I believe that this is all inside your mind. You are afraid that people think like that about you, but rest asure, I do not believe people think about you like that.

Regarding "Deaf children have their rights to be themselves and have their own freedom from depending on devices." I actually totally agree with you. My daughter will have the full opportunity to choose when she is old enough. If she doesn't want to have CI, she can take them off.

"ORAL RULES ORAL RULES is a MUST to you" ... well, the world is mainly communicating with sound. At least for human - personal interaction.
Navaho is a beautiful language - but not to many people speak it.....
Sweetmind said:
AND good bye! You have a very negative view of our deafness as well as it s a proven.. YOu dont think Deaf chldren can do anything without devices. Guess what I feel sorry for you and your being selfish and control/power over a Deaf child that is not right.

Deaf children have their rights to be themselves and have their own freedom from depending on devices.


No, that's not what I have.

I still think deaf can do anything except hear but CI is great way to eliminate barrier in the word "except" so we can see more "deaf can do anything" with out "except hear" if they are trained in better use of their HA and CI than we did in the past.

I am not being selfish. I don't have child so how can I be selfish unless you mean my future one, nah.. I am giving more opportunities than other DoD have done.

I am sure Greema wished that her son, fragmenter had MORE opportunities like 2000's are able of giving those current kids for example. If Greema gave birth to fragmenter TODAY, I GUARANTEE you that Greema will consider having him implanted considering the today's society is more advanced than it was when fragmenter was born.

I was born deaf with no knowledge of deaf culture in first 12 months of life. how do you expect they will be deprived of it in first place? They WERE never deprived of it in first place at all because the knowledge of deaf culture was not there. Baby is like a empty notebook that you have to write a journal into so therefore a baby has to absorb everything they see or hear or feel. Baby's brain is like a sponge but they do not understand yet till they are capable of understanding the basic language. It is just like computer programming. I learned to do Basic on Radio Shack. It is like this; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BASIC_programming_language#Examples
as you progress, it get complex and complicated. Brain is like computer!
and once it is capable of reasoning, then he/she's ready to master basic task then go from there.

First time it would be like this
20 GOTO 10

and when child ages; it would be like this;
 10 INPUT "What is your name: "; U$
 20 PRINT "Hello "; U$
 30 REM
 40 INPUT "How many stars do you want: "; N
 50 S$ = ""
 60 FOR I = 1 TO N
 70 S$ = S$ + "*"
 80 NEXT I
 90 PRINT S$
 100 REM
 110 INPUT "Do you want more stars? "; A$
 120 IF LEN(A$) = 0 THEN GOTO 110
 130 A$ = LEFT$(A$, 1)
 140 IF (A$ = "Y") OR (A$ = "y") THEN GOTO 40
 150 PRINT "Goodbye ";
 160 FOR I = 1 TO 200
 170 PRINT U$; " ";
 180 NEXT I
 190 PRINT

then when child become adult; it is like this;
INPUT "What is your name"; UserName$
PRINT "Hello "; UserName$
   INPUT "How many stars do you want"; NumStars
   Stars$ = ""
   Stars$ = REPEAT$("*", NumStars)   ' <- ANSI BASIC
   Stars$ = STRING$(NumStars, "*")   ' <- MS   BASIC
   PRINT Stars$
      INPUT "Do you want more stars";  Answer$
   LOOP UNTIL Answer$ <> ""
   Answer$ = LEFT$(Answer$, 1)
LOOP WHILE  UCASE$(Answer$) = "Y"
PRINT "Goodbye ";
FOR I = 1 TO 200
   PRINT UserName$; " ";

So in the end, a deaf child never had a deaf culture to begin with, it is a learned process. you have to teach your child about deaf culture than think it is already built-in!

Eventually, a deaf child of hearing parent will learn when they grow up about deaf culture. eventually! I learned a lot when I entered NTID even though I went to school for the deaf and oral deaf school. But at both type of school, they don't teach deaf culture but american history. IT is the LAW that they are taught american history not deaf culture.

I have greater freedom when I went mainstreaming than I went to deaf school. NTID or Gallaudet is different story because it is just college/university, where burden is on student's not parents to be educated for the goal they wish to partake.

Ok time to step off the Soapbox!
Boult said:

Ok time to step off the Soapbox!
Noooo, come on.
Great basic examples..... Love the first one.....
Cloggy said:
Noooo, come on.
Great basic examples..... Love the first one.....
LOL I gotta eat and have other things to do and company is coming.. later then :)
Cloggy said:
She can... You think a child cannot learn two languages at the time??
My 2 hearing children learned Norwegian and Dutch at the same time. My deaf daughter learned sign, and now sign, dutch and norwegian....

I think you have a low opinion about the thing children can do - as long as you give them opportunities...

I agree with you "It's interestin' to know that you and I are different people how we both see things."

Low opinion ? Ha ! I have my own 4 hearin' children and they sign very fluently. They grew up in both worlds. Their father is very ASL. Very straight ASL. All my 4 children recognized that me and their father are deaf when they were a year old. They can catch readin' very well in signin'. They understood PSE, SEE, ASL, and English. They have no problem understandin' deaf people. Oh, yes -- all my children are CODA.
ghsh1996 said:
R2D2 said:
Since you picked up that "fixing" (such an emotive word) is expensive

Whoa Please dont take too personal! car fixing, fixing house, fixing etc etc. they are not free. I didnt even insult you about "fixing". excuse me!

I am happy for you. I didnt complain about your opinion. why you complain about my opinion? huh ? I dont need CI period! I accept to be deaf that god plan for me! I dont change this. I am sorry if you dont like it. I respect your opinion.

Okay let me explain why "fix" is not the best word to describe being implanted with a CI. When you have a CI you are still deaf. Your ears still do not work. It simply provides an alternative, artificial means of hearing. But when it's turned off at night, in the shower or during swimming the person is as deaf as you. So basically having a CI is not a cure for deafness any more than a hearing aid is a cure. I would appreciate it if you could use a more accurate terminology as we wouldn't want people thinking that a CI is a treatment for deafness!

I'm not sure how you got the idea that I think you need a CI. Quite honestly I don't think you would benefit from it so I would never suggest you have one. It's not for everyone and as you say, you hate sounds so it would be pointless. You sound happy as you are.

All the best.
ghsh1996 said:
Yes yes I agree with you 100 percent!!!!!!!!!!! You have very good points. I tried tell them about this!! I hate see deaf children suffer to wear CI or whatever that they didnt ask for!

Thank you. I know it's sad to see some hearin' parents expect too much from the child ( deaf ) to meet their standard. What hearin' parents don't realize is that what if, the noise pollution can harm " CI " children ? Oh, just because CI can help children to hear BETTER than HAs -- because of the nerves it feeds through, not like HAs. I am aware of the nerves that are very sensitive part in the brain.

Let me paste a link that will tell how high the decibals are that may be harm hearin' people, especially CI children.


I would like to see their opinions/point of views what they had to say about this.
CyberRed said:
Thank you. I know it's sad to see some hearin' parents expect too much from the child ( deaf ) to meet their standard. What hearin' parents don't realize is that what if, the noise pollution can harm " CI " children ? Oh, just because CI can help children to hear BETTER than HAs -- because of the nerves it feeds through, not like HAs. I am aware of the nerves that are very sensitive part in the brain.

Let me paste a link that will tell how high the decibals are that may be harm hearin' people, especially CI children.


I would like to see their opinions/point of views what they had to say about this.

The website you cited was addressed to hearing people who have normal hearing function. Hearing people have nerve hairs in their cochlears that get damaged if they expose their ears to too much noise and this in turn affects their hearing.

This isn't a problem for CIs wearers because the CI bypasses the need for those nerve hairs to function, since the implant is sending the messages directly to the auditory nerve.

It is a concern however for hearing aid wearers because hearing aids need a good number of undamaged nerve hairs to work. If you are wearing powerful hearing aids like I was then there is more risk of damage from noise pollution.

Best wishes.
SxyPorkie said:
Lizasoul does lots of whining in the deafchat.. now she is whining here.. i do not see the middle finger in here..... she lied to her mother.. same thing happened in deafchat...



I'm sorry but I don't want to hear something that happened outside of AD...

IF you can read what Roadrunner stated on page one, then you will understand why...

Have a good day now :)
Boult said:
Then why did GNU deny using that smiley? OH by the way, why are you using more than one? why not just show ONE? trigger happy?
She specifically accused me of using the middle finger smileys.
Boult said:
how hard is that to understand that Cloggy wanted barrier removed from her daughter!
I don't care whether or not you two like the cochlear implant. What bothers me is that you two have claimed repeatedly that it is the perfect solution to deafness, which is simply not true. (An example of CI failure is rockdrummer's son.)
Sweetmind said:
YOu dont think Deaf chldren can do anything without devices.

show me where any of us said "if your deaf, you cant do anything".

if you read all over again, your reading it all wrong, like i said, just exactly what an extremist does.

we said its a benefit to hear, we never said a deaf person cant do anything unless they get a CI/HH.

your the only one holding yourself in anger.

every time somebody states something, you turn it around and re-state it all wrong, saying the complete opposite of what we really said.

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