Sweetmind said:
AND good bye! You have a very negative view of our deafness as well as it s a proven.. YOu dont think Deaf chldren can do anything without devices. Guess what I feel sorry for you and your being selfish and control/power over a Deaf child that is not right.
Deaf children have their rights to be themselves and have their own freedom from depending on devices.
No, that's not what I have.
I still think deaf can do anything except hear but CI is great way to eliminate barrier in the word "except" so we can see more "deaf can do anything" with out "except hear" if they are trained in better use of their HA and CI than we did in the past.
I am not being selfish. I don't have child so how can I be selfish unless you mean my future one, nah.. I am giving more opportunities than other DoD have done.
I am sure Greema wished that her son, fragmenter had MORE opportunities like 2000's are able of giving those current kids for example. If Greema gave birth to fragmenter TODAY, I GUARANTEE you that Greema will consider having him implanted considering the today's society is more advanced than it was when fragmenter was born.
I was born deaf with no knowledge of deaf culture in first 12 months of life. how do you expect they will be deprived of it in first place? They WERE never deprived of it in first place at all because the knowledge of deaf culture was not there. Baby is like a empty notebook that you have to write a journal into so therefore a baby has to absorb everything they see or hear or feel. Baby's brain is like a sponge but they do not understand yet till they are capable of understanding the basic language. It is just like computer programming. I learned to do Basic on Radio Shack. It is like this;
as you progress, it get complex and complicated. Brain is like computer!
and once it is capable of reasoning, then he/she's ready to master basic task then go from there.
First time it would be like this
20 GOTO 10
and when child ages; it would be like this;
10 INPUT "What is your name: "; U$
20 PRINT "Hello "; U$
30 REM
40 INPUT "How many stars do you want: "; N
50 S$ = ""
60 FOR I = 1 TO N
70 S$ = S$ + "*"
100 REM
110 INPUT "Do you want more stars? "; A$
120 IF LEN(A$) = 0 THEN GOTO 110
130 A$ = LEFT$(A$, 1)
140 IF (A$ = "Y") OR (A$ = "y") THEN GOTO 40
150 PRINT "Goodbye ";
160 FOR I = 1 TO 200
170 PRINT U$; " ";
180 NEXT I
then when child become adult; it is like this;
INPUT "What is your name"; UserName$
PRINT "Hello "; UserName$
INPUT "How many stars do you want"; NumStars
Stars$ = ""
Stars$ = REPEAT$("*", NumStars) ' <- ANSI BASIC
Stars$ = STRING$(NumStars, "*") ' <- MS BASIC
PRINT Stars$
INPUT "Do you want more stars"; Answer$
LOOP UNTIL Answer$ <> ""
Answer$ = LEFT$(Answer$, 1)
LOOP WHILE UCASE$(Answer$) = "Y"
PRINT "Goodbye ";
FOR I = 1 TO 200
PRINT UserName$; " ";
So in the end, a deaf child never had a deaf culture to begin with, it is a learned process. you have to teach your child about deaf culture than think it is already built-in!
Eventually, a deaf child of hearing parent will learn when they grow up about deaf culture. eventually! I learned a lot when I entered NTID even though I went to school for the deaf and oral deaf school. But at both type of school, they don't teach deaf culture but american history. IT is the LAW that they are taught american history not deaf culture.
I have greater freedom when I went mainstreaming than I went to deaf school. NTID or Gallaudet is different story because it is just college/university, where burden is on student's not parents to be educated for the goal they wish to partake.
Ok time to step off the Soapbox!