I found it ironic

I still have trouble with why when ASL was in the development stage in the US the French word order etc. was allowed to be carried over when they knew they were working with an English speaking population. Wouldn't they have made more headway in getting more people to use it in the beginning if it was more similar to what the general population was used to?

I can't answer the question of whether one was better than the other. I've heard ASL is better syntactically, but in actual use I don't know.
My mom was told NOT to teach me sign language by ENT and the children's audiologist I had. She and I now regret that she didn't teach me sign from basically 1 year old.

I also think sign and speaking is a good way b/c then you have access to both worlds, obs not everyone is able/want to speak but if you can, I alway think you should do both.
I see so much of this here.= what was. What about now?

Oh yep, still going on. We still have new parents coming in here saying that they have been advised by the medical community about not letting their deaf children learn ASL but most went against their advice which is wonderful.
Just today on the news there was a segment about hearing 'impaired' children and the 'miracle' of cochlear implants and how sign language doesn't aid oral speech and language development. Also adding that early intervention was necessary to ensure that these children weren't isolated by their (the Deaf) community and language but were able to attend 'normal'mainstream schools and lead 'normal' lives. Blatant Audism at its best :grrr:
Very true that!! I think that is some audism there! And also linguicism...ASL or otehr sign languages are de-valued and considered only as something "fun/cute" or sometimes helpful in "last resort" kind of way for hearing.

ive known that for years.....and yes its not nice..like quaint addition, that why sometimes i depised hearing people to learn sign 'because they think they're wonderful or 'smart' its like lately it is a 'fashion statement to 'know sign'...

it really gets on my nerves at times...honesty!...i don't get impressed
Just today on the news there was a segment about hearing 'impaired' children and the 'miracle' of cochlear implants and how sign language doesn't aid oral speech and language development. Also adding that early intervention was necessary to ensure that these children weren't isolated by their (the Deaf) community and language but were able to attend 'normal'mainstream schools and lead 'normal' lives. Blatant Audism at its best :grrr:

yes, that;s so typical

media is nasty...
The goal of teaching ASL to children is so they learn better in school. It is not to teach them how to talk to the hearing world. It's two different things.

Wrong, not only to 'learn better' ASL is NOT a TOOL, it is a LANGUAGE, it is a WAY OF BEING!!.....
Wrong, not only to 'learn better' ASL is NOT a TOOL, it is a LANGUAGE, it is a WAY OF BEING!!.....

Oh Thats right. it is not a rool. Its a language. I tend to let people talk like that. Thank you for clarifying this word for a proper word which is accurate.
Just today on the news there was a segment about hearing 'impaired' children and the 'miracle' of cochlear implants and how sign language doesn't aid oral speech and language development. Also adding that early intervention was necessary to ensure that these children weren't isolated by their (the Deaf) community and language but were able to attend 'normal'mainstream schools and lead 'normal' lives. Blatant Audism at its best :grrr:

Do you have a link to that news so I can make comments?