I filed for ssi and disablity and i got denied

My old classmate from high school was disqualified due to not too deaf enough.
Go to EECO department. Not the ADA - it's for employees' needs that meet their desire for their work such as better lights, better chairs, TDD, etc.

The EECO is for someone who complaint about his/her job such as harassment, race, sex, handicapped, rejected jobs, etc. You need to proof something to show the EEO agent so that the agent will investigate it.

A lot of deaf people are still confused the difference between ADA and EEO. Here are the information for you guys to understand about them.

Here are two websites:

ADA (American Disabilities Act) - ADA Home Page - ada.gov - Information and Technical Assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act

EEO or EECO (Equal Employement Opportunity) - U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Off the subject - By the way, you could try to improve your Karma energy to get rid of negative energy. It might work for you. (You can look up more about it on a Google or a http://goodsearch.com). Goodsearch is a new search website recently.

^^ good suggestion there, I haven't throught of EEO until you brought that up ;)
SSDI - I think that - in a general - if her husband is a handicapped and his wife is deaf. Then, they are eligible to get a SSDI. If he/she is single and less salary, then he/she can receive a SSI. Now, you said working for 10 years. That's something new to me.

Excuse me!!!..... you misunderstood.... anyone must work for over 10 yrs then one can apply for SSDI.. with doctor s order...

I did worked until my health went down.. i worked for long time... dr ordered me to apply for SSDI... It took me one year before i finally was approved.... i was on SSDI.... then later on i got married to hearing man... i reported to SSDI.... and found out i still keep on SSDI because I did worked... so i keep it...
Excuse me!!!..... you misunderstood.... anyone must work for over 10 yrs then one can apply for SSDI.. with doctor s order...

I did worked until my health went down.. i worked for long time... dr ordered me to apply for SSDI... It took me one year before i finally was approved.... i was on SSDI.... then later on i got married to hearing man... i reported to SSDI.... and found out i still keep on SSDI because I did worked... so i keep it...

I understand you. I didn't know that anyone who worked for 10 years can receive the SSDI. I was thinking that a husband's health is bad, and his wife is deaf so that she could get SSDI, but I was wrong because I forgot that a deaf friend of mine told me that she worked for a company for more than 20 years and she was layoff. She did not mention it to me that it has nothing to do with her husband in order to get SSDI. She got her SSDI since two years.

I am just wondering about SSDI that could take your house away if you dies. I recalled that Medicaid can do that. That is pretty scary. Uh.
I understand you. I didn't know that anyone who worked for 10 years can receive the SSDI. I was thinking that a husband's health is bad, and his wife is deaf so that she could get SSDI, but I was wrong because I forgot that a deaf friend of mine told me that she worked for a company for more than 20 years and she was layoff. She did not mention it to me that it has nothing to do with her husband in order to get SSDI. She got her SSDI since two years.

I am just wondering about SSDI that could take your house away if you dies. I recalled that Medicaid can do that. That is pretty scary. Uh.

With SSDI cannot take your house.. since you worked for long time... SSDI is where you worked and earned....... it is your money...

For the SSDI and the 10 years mentioned. It is actually similar to 10 years but not such. You recieve quarterly credits for working about 100 hours in a particlar 3 month period. Jan-March....April-June....July-Sept.....Oct-Dec.
Each period you work 100 hours (may have changed) you get a quarterly credit. YOu need to earn 40 of these period credits to be eligible. It does not require an entire full ten year work period. Scattered/part time work, etc.
Adding more monies and time increases your amount to recieve.
YOu can get a print out of your earnings so far and quarterly credits earned etc or talk to someone.
The S.S.I. is a different ballgame. Supplemental Security Income and is not really Social Security.
You can talk to someone about mental debillatations, fitting into society, etc. Having a mental history is taken under consideration. Mental disability of hoh as opposed to only trying for deafness S.S.I.
if you are 55 or older and you get really sick and have big medical bills.....then they can auction off your house to pay those bills after you die. The remaining monies go to your family or whoever inherits your estate.
for this reason some pass on thier estate to a family member or other loved one two years before reaching 55. The medicare can lien your home for two years after exchange hands to other.
Ada lawyer and deaf services referral agency i dont know where i can find these places at in GA?? that why i am asking if anybody on here from ga know where i can locate these places
and best believe i am writing all these things down what they are doing to me.

Thanks for the luck
Hi msbrooks... I don't know where in Georgia you are located, but I would advise you to contact Georgia Council for the Hearing Impaired (GACHI.org) at (404) 292-5312 (Voice/TTY) but if you are located outside the 404/470/678/762/770 area codes, contact toll-free 1 (800) 541-0710 (Voice/TTY). They will probably transfer you to the branch office that is closest to you. They usually will refer you to the right people to contact.

Best luck.
No offense but ssi and disability should be used for people who are disabled

Depression is not a disability it is a state of mind.

Welcome to the real world at 27 years old.

Your going to get picked on your going to get mistreated and people are going to pick on you... but guess what...

I'm hearing and it happens to.

My advise.. get a better shrink.

If all your is going to do if give you medication then its a waste of time. Get a shrink that is actually going to help you deal with the problems without medication.

And stop whining. If they are mistreating you that bad you have a law suit... so get a job go to work and make money the real way.
Maybe it's different in most state. I know Texas would denied you as much as they can.
Please go to the Dept. of Rehabilitation, or so called VR for helping you find a job. They do pay for services in helping you find a job. They are responsible to service persons with deafness and/or disabilities. Dual diagnosis counts.

There is more to live than SSI

MS Brooks
Here is a place where you can start your own business for a very low investment all kinds of training and profit easily with 3 people It is gratifying that you can build a business and help others get well. There is no reason to get depressed, I am a 66 year young widow, yes I am hard of hearing they call me Miracle Ear. So what do I care. I own my own business and have been here 6 years. and independent. what more can you ask for the Lord has been good to me. write to me when you can. I am also on aol messenger I like the intranet you can see what people are saying. You can be a winner if you take charge of your life like you did in college. Depression should not be in your vocabulary.
I am 66 year young if I can do it any one can I have no special traning. Just a mother grand mother worked at chrysler and facing live , it wasn't easy at Chrysler either. but I made it. No one promissed any one a rose garden there is a saying " I thought I had it bad because I had no shoes, till I saw some one with no feet." Look around there are other peole in worse shape that you they are dieing at the age of 2 to 10 years old! They haven't even got started in life.
Go out side scream you head off, have your cry, then come in blow your nose, dust your self off and now lets get started. For 1 stop feeling sorry for your self. You want to know why I start this business? My husband passed away and when he ask me to sign his pension retirement letter I signed on the wrong line so now I don't get his penision. and I losted my house I had to file brankruptcy. And at 60 years old I had to start all over again. And so I did, I am a heart patient so physical work was out. the intranet was my best choice., I made a lot of miss stakes un till I found HFT. Bingo here I found a home. Let me hear from you
God bless


I am so sorry i am going strong on here but i am going through so much and i have been through so much while working. I am 27 years old and i expericence so much racisim and discrimination due to me being african american and being hard of hearing. I have been picked on, bullied, got things thrown at me, got fired for no real reasons,.. I have tried to put myself to college and everyday i was in a meeting reporting my professors that would mistreat me because my disablity and it get so tiresome. All this can take a toll on a person. So one time i got so fed up with life and all the stuff i have deal with being that i am black and hard of hearing. I almost ended my life. I ended up at a mental insitution and had to take depression medicine and see a counselor. So my counselor told me that i should try applying for ssi and disablity and i did. I got denied twice and i went to a court hearing and they still denied me because they said i could a list of work that i tried doing but i would go through so much on the job u know. So they even brought up my grades in school and college and said i must be alright if i could go to school and go to college ( i only got a certificate from college cuz i couldnt take all the meetings and reporting my professors all the time ) so they felt like i was able to go back to work again, so i was denied. So i did that i took my butt back to work and ended up expericening the same crap i was experiencing before, it getting worst because my hearing is getting worst. and yes my boss superviors and coworkers all know i am hard of hearing but they still pick on me and treat me unfairly. I want to reapply for ssi and disablity cuz i am tired of working for other people and getting mistreaded. i am only 27 years old and i done went through enough i had enough.

What should i do? i am always depressed and thinking of commiting suicide because i cannot take the pain anymore. my nerves is so bad i am too young for bad nerves. but these peole wont give it to me. i have bills just like everybody else to pay for.
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MS Brooks
Here is a place where you can start your own business for a very low investment all kinds of training and profit easily with 3 people It is gratifying that you can build a business and help others get well. There is no reason to get depressed, I am a 66 year young widow, yes I am hard of hearing they call me Miracle Ear. So what do I care. I own my own business and have been here 6 years. and independent. what more can you ask for the Lord has been good to me. write to me when you can. I am also on aol messenger I like the intranet you can see what people are saying. You can be a winner if you take charge of your life like you did in college. Depression should not be in your vocabulary.
I am 66 year young if I can do it any one can I have no special traning. Just a mother grand mother worked at chrysler and facing live , it wasn't easy at Chrysler either. but I made it. No one promissed any one a rose garden there is a saying " I thought I had it bad because I had no shoes, till I saw some one with no feet." Look around there are other peole in worse shape that you they are dieing at the age of 2 to 10 years old! They haven't even got started in life.
Go out side scream you head off, have your cry, then come in blow your nose, dust your self off and now lets get started. For 1 stop feeling sorry for your self. You want to know why I start this business? My husband passed away and when he ask me to sign his pension retirement letter I signed on the wrong line so now I don't get his penision. and I losted my house I had to file brankruptcy. And at 60 years old I had to start all over again. And so I did, I am a heart patient so physical work was out. the intranet was my best choice., I made a lot of miss stakes un till I found HFT. Bingo here I found a home. Let me hear from you
God bless


I am sorry I cannot understand how you signed it on the wrong line. Was the form trick that you had to sign it? It is so awful that you didn't get his pension. My father did not sign up 401K that my mother wanted him to do it, but he is now retired. He has a pension, but it is not that great money. He worked at Pratt and Whitney for 30 years. I think it is a waste. I am glad that you have made your way and started your own business. What kind of business do you have now?
No offense but ssi and disability should be used for people who are disabled

Depression is not a disability it is a state of mind.

Welcome to the real world at 27 years old.

Your going to get picked on your going to get mistreated and people are going to pick on you... but guess what...

I'm hearing and it happens to.

My advise.. get a better shrink.

If all your is going to do if give you medication then its a waste of time. Get a shrink that is actually going to help you deal with the problems without medication.

And stop whining. If they are mistreating you that bad you have a law suit... so get a job go to work and make money the real way.

I agree with you 100%. I am so tired of seeing many healthy and intelligent Deaf people are on SSDI collection. They give up easily when they did not speak up or fight themselves then they did not get any promotion their jobs. They just feel sorry for themselves. Live with their girlfriends and boyfriends who make more than 50K a year plus collect SSDI checks include children. It makes me so furious. Take alot of advantage of the Government. Many of them did not want to getting married because of collect Social Security Disability Income.
I agree with you 100%. I am so tired of seeing many healthy and intelligent Deaf people are on SSDI collection. They give up easily when they did not speak up or fight themselves then they did not get any promotion their jobs. They just feel sorry for themselves. Live with their girlfriends and boyfriends who make more than 50K a year plus collect SSDI checks include children. It makes me so furious. Take alot of advantage of the Government. Many of them did not want to getting married because of collect Social Security Disability Income.

excuse me, some deaf people have hard time to find a good job. Please don't blame them. I had very hard time to find a job that I was professional banker. Many job turned me down. I need money to support our living. I cannot force many job to hire me. I cannot beg them to hire me. My living was very rough and I was not lazy. I was pregnact and had no money. I had no choice to get SSDI. Please don't judge them before you ask them why they are on SSI or SSDI.
msbrooks, if you aren't quality for SSI then apply for welfare.

Welfare is only for hearing people and even HoH people that had passed on hearing test.
excuse me, some deaf people have hard time to find a good job. Please don't blame them. I had very hard time to find a job that I was professional banker. Many job turned me down. I need money to support our living. I cannot force many job to hire me. I cannot beg them to hire me. My living was very rough and I was not lazy. I was pregnact and had no money. I had no choice to get SSDI. Please don't judge them before you ask them why they are on SSI or SSDI.

True I agree w/you! I noticed lotts deaf ppl n HoH pp can't find good job cuz there too many already have full job and some of them don't accpet deaf ppl get a work which not fair for them also I work in resturant for almost 3 years but i m still on SSA as long i m on part time for 3 yrs now But if i become full time it'll risk SSA for that. Also can't blame on deaf ppl n hoh ppl who can't find work but still go college thur SSA or SSI or SSDI till they can find real good goal a job simple but it's not easy for them
Who faults? Do Mexicans "invaded" in the USA and steal our jobs? Is that true that Americans are lazy?

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