I Failed my Road Test the third time

Tirunahari, maybe you and your husband can practice role playing the driving test. That is, let your husband act like the instructor tester (even with the clipboard), with the same attitude that the real one displayed. Let your hubby treat you like you are seriously taking the test. Make him communicate with you the same strict way the tester does. If you practice that a few times, maybe you will be more comfortable with the real tester. Also, that way, maybe your hubby will notice weak points and be able to help you with them.

or better yet.... try with a hubby's friend (somebody who you're not very familiar with)
Hi All,

I am a good driver but i don't know when it comes to the road test i screw up things pretty bad. I have taken driver classes many times and i tell the instructor that i am hard of hearing but he just smiles and says i have to try and get it the first time he says.

I don't know why i get tensed up so bad.But when i drive with my husband i drive pretty good.

Well do you guys have any advice for me?

With Regards

I blew through a yellow light, and drove with only one hand on the wheel when I took my test. I also backed up with just a glance behind me. I'm lucky I passed! I had been driving too long, I got casual!
Tirunahari, do you have your road test results with you?

If you can take the time to share with us your results or mistakes, we'll be able to help you out A LOT.

It should look like this:

to study foryour road test, you migh t want to take a look at your ost reent test, write down the questions on one side of an index card and the correct answrs (if you know them) on the other.
Whooo coca-cola rules :P

OFF TOPIC: Update - This is my coca cola castle in my office, right now


BACK TO TOPIC: I failed the computer test twice, passed on the third. Passed the drivers test once. Easy :cool2:
Back when I was in high school, we used to have a guy that everyone called The Terminator. He failed many many people and some of my friends, he always said to them, "Hasta la vista" when they were done! No matter good or bad test!

This guy was extremely strict on rules and didn't bend them for anybody. On my day of the road test, I was unfortunately sad when he got in the car. I felt like I lost right there. I was very nervous just like anyone else, but I what I did was memorize the most important law breaking rules by heart and made sure I didn't forget them. I barely passed on the driving test, 2 points away from failing. You just got to anticipate and hope you studied the most important rules, memorized them, and hope the traffic isn't against you!

I wish we had more of those strict guys. I agree with him that the rules should NEVER be bent for ANYBODY no matter what the reason is! Maybe then we will have less bad drivers on the road, and the roads would be much more safer. People need to realize how dangerous driving can be, and how important it is to be very careful on the road. I have seen so many horrible reckless drivers who don't belong on the road AT ALL. Such as my ex-best friend who caused THREE MAJOR CAR ACCIDENTS, one of which she and I came VERY CLOSE TO BEING KILLED! (I bitched her out for that one the next day!) She still has her license! :mad2: I am tired of too many close calls with stupid reckless drivers while I am in the truck with my fiance. They keep cutting him off or don't bother to use their turn signals or whatnot. Seriously, I think those people who do things like this should have their license automatically revoked for LIFE. My fiance gets annoyed at them but always stays calm, never gets angry, and always drives smoothly. He just sighs, shakes his head, and says that he really wishes they would be more careful.
Tirunahari, maybe you and your husband can practice role playing the driving test. That is, let your husband act like the instructor tester (even with the clipboard), with the same attitude that the real one displayed. Let your hubby treat you like you are seriously taking the test. Make him communicate with you the same strict way the tester does. If you practice that a few times, maybe you will be more comfortable with the real tester. Also, that way, maybe your hubby will notice weak points and be able to help you with them.
Have your husband be a very strict instructor... with a cup of coffee.

Ever see License to Drive?

"Now Anderson, I want you to take a good look at my cup of coffee. Now I love my coffee, it's probably the only thing I cherish in this foresaken mud ball called Earth! What I'm trying to say, Anderson, is that most examiners rely on this clipboard....I don't believe in that shit. What I do believe is in my cup of coffee. Now this coffee is hot. If it falls on me it'll probably burn me, right? Speak up, son!"

"Yes, yes!"

"And nobody likes to get burn, now do they?"

"No, no!"

"So it's simple... you burn me you fail. You don't, you pass."
I agree, driving tests should be strict, too many bad drivers out there! SOme states are worse then others I noticed too! But the key is too be prepared and stay calm.

Also have some one else teach you, not your husband!
Have your husband be a very strict instructor... with a cup of coffee.

Ever see License to Drive?

"Now Anderson, I want you to take a good look at my cup of coffee. Now I love my coffee, it's probably the only thing I cherish in this foresaken mud ball called Earth! What I'm trying to say, Anderson, is that most examiners rely on this clipboard....I don't believe in that shit. What I do believe is in my cup of coffee. Now this coffee is hot. If it falls on me it'll probably burn me, right? Speak up, son!"

"Yes, yes!"

"And nobody likes to get burn, now do they?"

"No, no!"

"So it's simple... you burn me you fail. You don't, you pass."

I don't remember the whole movie, but I remember that part. :laugh2:
When I took my driving test. I had my grandma with me and she yapping during the entire test. So the result was that I passed. :giggle: All I did was take a right, right, right and make a K turn, left, left and another left then park the car. I passed.
I took driver ed in h.s but never really found right time to learn driving now I'm pretty used to taking buses and trains but one day I wud eventually have to learn how to drive if I got real tired of walking all day :P
I took driver ed in h.s but never really found right time to learn driving now I'm pretty used to taking buses and trains but one day I wud eventually have to learn how to drive if I got real tired of walking all day :P

wait till age 40? :giggle: