Hey all I really havent been on as I'm giving my new hearing aid a chance. Also been playing around with loaner FM unit too. So far my hearing at home has been really good. Happy about that.To go out its still terrible, just when I get all cocky and think "hey I can do it by myself" I get in a store and look like a dummy as I have no clue what anyone is saying. Well Now What? First the devastaion of needing a CI. Then came my acceptance and actually looking forward to a whole new life with one. Now denied. So now what do? yes I am so grateful to hear my husband and son but thats it. Is that enough?By the way there hasnt been any recruitment since I got my new HA. I also have been practicing trying to hear on phone with it by calling the movie theater and listening to recording which I can NOW that I was told not to hold phone not to my ear but to hole on top of HA. Which my original Audi didnt tell me. The new one who figured out that my HA wasnt holding a program for 50$ and 1 hour looked at me like I was nuts when I put phone to my ear. She never told you-Nope! I know I should feel grateful but why dont I feel grateful? I am so pissed to find I spent 1 year of hell that Im wondering if I have a lawsuit with this Audi? What do you all think? I guess I also feel bummed as now its a waiting game to get worse and go through this all over again. I dont think I can guys, I really dont! I just dont feel like I belong anywhere anymore.Not even here.