I disagree in movie theater!

i dont gave up because i cant, i felt hurt that hearing people can understand and make laugh so easy, stress going away like that. deaf dont understand and make more angry, build up bad stress alot. that true every one has plms.
i was {{dream}} felt like go break in movie theater and check no one there after closed. i could open cap of spraypaint umm red color then spray on white wall :deal: ( IF YOU DONT ADD ON SUBTITLES FOR DEAF PEOPLE OR BURN THIS BUILDING DOWN!} i would but shit lol...
i dont gave up because i cant, i felt hurt that hearing people can understand and make laugh so easy, stress going away like that. deaf dont understand and make more angry, build up bad stress alot. that true every one has plms.
i was {{dream}} felt like go break in movie theater and check no one there after closed. i could open cap of spraypaint umm red color then spray on white wall :deal: ( IF YOU DONT ADD ON SUBTITLES FOR DEAF PEOPLE OR BURN THIS BUILDING DOWN!} i would but shit lol...

I didn't mean to give up supporting the CC, I jsut give up with the arguement with others in this thread. They are trying to making a good point against me, and making me going for the arguements because they already knew I will win anyway. It's not worth the arguement.
how interesting we whine about RVC... i dont complain about RVC(rear view captioning) at all. i got used with that for over 3 years. also we do have OC(open caption) in my city. RVC is better than nothing cuz i want to see the movies. personally i like OC better than RVC. i look for what movie release with OC or RVC near my home.

if you dont like RVC, then dont go. isnt that simple thing to do ?

check awesome Fomdi - Your Reliable Source for Captioned Movies that tells you what movie comes with which OC or RVC near your home.
i dont mean to sound like a dick here...but why should hearing people have to forgo their enjoyment of something simply to accomadate a small minority of people?

every single time i go to an OC movie, can you guess how many other deaf people are there? none.

those advocating for OC over RWC is somewhat riduculous. OC is awful. the letters often blend in with the scenery leaving prolly 60% of the movie unreadable on some types of movies.

someone else here stated that all hearing people should get used to OC on everything....yet that person is too good to get used to RWC? hippocrit.

some deaf, just like some blacks, expect the hearing(whites in the case of blacks) to bend over backwards to accomodate them. If a movie opens in new york before my city, do i have a right to be pissed cause its not "fair"? um...no, i wait till it opens in my city. Movies are not denied to deaf individuals, you simply have to wait longer to see them.

"we are not disabled, but you had better accomodate us in every way possible" should be the deaf mantra around here.
i dont mean to sound like a dick here...but why should hearing people have to forgo their enjoyment of something simply to accomadate a small minority of people?

every single time i go to an OC movie, can you guess how many other deaf people are there? none.

those advocating for OC over RWC is somewhat riduculous. OC is awful. the letters often blend in with the scenery leaving prolly 60% of the movie unreadable on some types of movies.

someone else here stated that all hearing people should get used to OC on everything....yet that person is too good to get used to RWC? hippocrit.

some deaf, just like some blacks, expect the hearing(whites in the case of blacks) to bend over backwards to accomodate them. If a movie opens in new york before my city, do i have a right to be pissed cause its not "fair"? um...no, i wait till it opens in my city. Movies are not denied to deaf individuals, you simply have to wait longer to see them.

"we are not disabled, but you had better accomodate us in every way possible" should be the deaf mantra around here.

Well I can't comment on RWC since I have never used it. The closest movie with OC or RWC is at least 45 to 2 hours away. So I have never saw a movie with captioning before. That is one of my dream before I die, just finally understand the movie which is quite pathetic. Why should it be on my to-do list since we live in a democracy society and with advanced technology?

But seriously based on what some deaf people has mentioned, why should we use RWC if we have OC.

Hearing people can get used to it, since they loved the popular show Heroes and lot of time there's japanese characters that spoke in japanese and there were subtitles for them. I have not heard any complain about subtitles. It's because they need it, and so do we. We complain because we need it.

Some of those comments I have read on this thread sound like what white people said to black people in old days, the reasons why they can't go to their restaurant, because they have a restaurant for black people (even though closest one to them may be one hour away) so that's fair for them. *roll my eye*

So I applause those that fight to get OC or better captioning on all theatre so that we can have the same type of enjoyment as hearing people have.
so you've never used OC or RWC and you think your qualified to comment on either technology?

i've used both, and found RWC to be quite adequate. moreso than open captions for the reasons i stated above. on a dark movie OC is wonderful, on light movies the letters often disappear into the background and you miss what is said.

although i would have to agree, lugging the thing from the desk to the theatre is a pain, and when you get it positioned finally, someone will have to pass by your seat making you have to readjust. but short of an ASL movie, its adequate.
No, I means for studio to release latest film that's none of them are on VHS.

I means latest film is Spiderman 3, Shrek 3, Vacancy, Superman Returns and other more.

VHS is already died because of no new movies are released.

too bad, you don't make specfic.

and VHS still selling at amazon.com, few new are release are on listing
Amazon.com - VHS
Some theatre is not allow bring pops or candy where is buy from other store. They will take away and they want you buy their theatre business.
But they have no right to search my pockets and I have ways of getting in as well. I usually have baggy pants or shorts... with super-long shirts. ;)
you know what? the VHS itself tape can running for up 10 years then worn out. DVD can take more than 10, 15 or 20 years depand take care disc. i hear cnn report few montha ago i remmy that.
But they have no right to search my pockets and I have ways of getting in as well. I usually have baggy pants or shorts... with super-long shirts. ;)

Or just wear a jacket with big pockets. I never buy anything at the snack bar.

Like I'll pay $5 for a small bag of popcorn.
No, the theater usually has 2 of the same title.

The theater has 18 screens. They aren't going to have 18 titles. They are likely going to have 10 titles or something.

I understand, but in some places there aren't enough deaf people to go to the OC movies and so they don't make money on those showings/screenings.

So, RWC is more economical for them.
I don't have a closed caption theatres near me but two hours away from me, I would just wait until it's on DVD, only if there's something I really want to watch with closed caption, Most of the time I go to the movies with my children to watch what they want to watch for a family enjoyment.

It sucks to go to the movies without closed caption, but they would lose business by the deaf, not my problem it's theirs. ;)
All i can say, i agree with PuyoPiyo.

But I wonder, If the hearing people against to the deaf people, Because CC Bother to them like eyes effect, but Hearing have to accpect and reading because almost of the book exaclty. And if the hearing people through it's Deaf have smaller of the Reading, WRONG!

But one time happened to me, so i calling to the theater movie, i want to be added the CC because i'm DEAF, but Memebrs who in work from theater movie accpected what i telling to someone would to added to CC, then so i went to there, then i'm so enjoy and watch, but how time Hearing so Grumbled about sick of the CC, then Instead of the non-CC, i'M CONFUSED! And i'm not ok with like instead. oh please. but Hearing and deaf have to FAIR!

It's not that hearing people are against deaf people--mostly they don't think about deaf people. It's just that when they see words on the screen, they don't like it. Most don't complain, they just see the version of the movie that doesn't have them. In some areas that makes it cost too much to have only a few people watchting the open captioned version, and so that's why many places have RWC, because it allows only those who WANT to see the words to see them.

I agree it's not as nice as open captioned. I agree that I like OC better than RWC. I'm just explaining WHY RWC is around more than OC.
Some theatre is not allow bring pops or candy where is buy from other store. They will take away and they want you buy their theatre business.

Most theaters are like that. Why? Because they make almost nothing on the movie itself. Ticket sales go to buy the films and to the studios who distribute/make them. Theaters make most of their money off the refreshment sales.
It sucks to go to the movies without closed caption, but they would lose business by the deaf, not my problem it's theirs. ;)

Exactly. Companies are in business to make money... they're not there to be nice, kind, or fair. They'll have captioned movies if they can make money at it. They make more money with RWC than OC, so that's what they do. Can't fault 'em for that.
In my opinion, deaf people who go see a movie theatre should get a big discount on the movie ticket. I think it is unfair to pay 8 dollars if they are watching the movie with no closed caption. :pissed:

I hope you're not serious about discount thing... I'm against discount for the Deaf... Deaf is 99.9% same as hearing except hear part. Please think about it... Discount on the Deaf is like the world is treating Deaf people like they're very low class people as welfare or illegal aliens. I never want to get any discount for cell phone, services, products or anything because I am deaf. I rather to pay in full price just be fair to hearing people. For example, I got MDA and I could get discount such as 32 dollars per monthly payment for being Deaf... I end up paying 75 dollars in full because I want to be treated equal as others not because I am deaf. I expect hearing people to do the same in return.
Or just wear a jacket with big pockets. I never buy anything at the snack bar.

Like I'll pay $5 for a small bag of popcorn.
I've done that too.

Years ago, I had a friend who was physically handicapped, had to use a scooter or wheelchair to get around.

Well, one night... we all went to the movies. He always has a backpack on his wheelchair for his things. So, we all went to Walmart (only 200 yards away) and got a shitload of stuff. We put it all in his backpack and stuck it on his wheelchair. They let us in without problems. When we got in, I opened the back and passed along all the stuff!

Oh yeah, I've done the same with Taco Bell, Burger King, and McDonalds. ;)