I admit that I .......

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I admitted that I am now with Cheri and working on finding fork and knives for ourselves, Yummy!
I admit CutePommie is laughing and enjoying this thread... :thumb:
^Angel^ said:
I admit I don't have much friends in RL, but I have many friends here in AD and that inculding you too!!
I admit that I don't know what RL stands for, anyone tell me? :D
^Angel^ said:
I admit I don't have much friends in RL, but I have many friends here in AD and that inculding you too!!

i admit me too, not sure got some friends in AD but enjoy reading and posting :lol:
^Angel^ said:
I admit I don't have much friends in RL, but I have many friends here in AD and that inculding you too!!
So do I, Angel.. we're alike in that way :)
ButterflyGirl said:
I admit that I don't know what RL stands for, anyone tell me? :D

RL=Real Life :hug:

I admit I confused my dear friend Butterfly girl, maybe she wearing my angel wings as Im wearing her butterfly wings... :shock:
:lol: i admit that not only me many of ADers have not much or no friends in their location but here :thumb:
I admit that I have to thank ^Angel^ for telling me what RL stood for. Thanks :thumb:
diehardbiker65 said:
I admitted that I am now with Cheri and working on finding fork and knives for ourselves, Yummy!

Let me get my hat!
all set, now time to get Tweetybirdie!
i admit that my ex hubby-to-be dislikes me coming here wishes AD's closed but i am ignoring his talking and wishing :roll:
I admit that I am scared for Tweetybird's life. Hey TB, run for your life when you see Cheri and DHB coming.
FreeWoman77 said:
:lol: i admit that not only me many of ADers have not much or no friends in their location but here :thumb:
Yes, as a hard of hearing man I cannot many friends in real life.. Thanks to my partial deafness !!!!!!!! :werd: Anyway , I greet all of my friends here :hug:
i admit that i joined here in 2003 then off for long and back with different screen name now :D
I admit I'm helping Butterfly girl to hide Tweetybirdie by putting her in my bedroom, but I forgot my cat in there too....
Cheri said:
runnnninggggggggg....*jumped on TB* :applause:

Hey let him go so he can scare more and shed out more feathers! Then we can catch him when he's naked!
I admit that I've liked AD and its members much :)
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