I admit that I..... *p4*

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I admit that I am going to my son's friend's house to help friend's mom with her new sewing machine. She cant get it altogether. LOL See ya soon.
I admit that I had enough with McDonald's! I had it last night and didn't plan to have lunch at McDonald's till last min with my friend! LOL! Kids had fun anyway!
I admit I am laughing at GA's signature. Sorry *run away* Zooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I admit that I created three threads in Relationship Forum, Check them out party poopers! :whistle:

I admit that I want to hug and kiss my sweetie..
I admit that I wish you to have a great day :)
I admit that I had a great time with my boys today, we went to the park, Jordan played in the sand box while Markus and I played football, then we sat on a blanket and had a picnic we had so much good conversations, We stayed at the park several hours, going on swings, slides etc. ;)
I admit I wonder who Ecevit's sweetie is...isn't it someone from AD? (also, I do respect the fact if you want to keep this private and refrain from telling 'us' who this gal is...however...continue with your 'hugs and kisses dude! ;) )

I admit others will tune in to wonder as well! :lol:
I admit I was bored today and was looking for something recipe in russian websites funny video clips attached to me and forgot recipes, since I have been now I got my cheek and stomach hurt
I admit that I am getting tired of cold weather. Oh hurry up warm weather.
I admit that I felt the same thing, Pomeranian! I am soo sick of COLD! :cold:

Pomeranian said:
I admit that I am getting tired of cold weather. Oh hurry up warm weather.
Roadrunner said:
I admit I wonder who Ecevit's sweetie is...isn't it someone from AD? (also, I do respect the fact if you want to keep this private and refrain from telling 'us' who this gal is...however...continue with your 'hugs and kisses dude! ;) )

I admit others will tune in to wonder as well! :lol:

I admit that I cannot tell Roadrunner who my sweetie is :)
yes ,she's a member here.. I love her so much I cannot help expressing my senses here ... Sorry if I disturb you :)

I admit that I would want to know what roadrunner's real name is ? (Dude, can you tell me it by PM ;) ... I'll keep it secret .. I promise :giggle: )
I admit that I made french toast and bacon for breakfast! YUMMIE! MMMM!
Mama2AFTIV said:
I admit that I made french toast and bacon for breakfast! YUMMIE! MMMM!
Shame on you ! It's 6:08 pm here :)
I admit that I had to laught at Ecevit because his time is 6 pm and here was 10 or whatever. :)

ecevit said:
Shame on you ! It's 6:08 pm here :)
i admit that i chatted with cheri on webcam last late night.. we really enjoyed! :D
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