I admit that I..... *p4*

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i admit i m glad see TB is in good mood *psst at her do i have to know?* :giggle:
TweetyBird said:
i admit that i chatted with cheri on webcam last late night.. we really enjoyed! :D

I admit that Tweetybirdie laugh a lot at my humors. :giggle:
TweetyBird, I want your wings too :giggle:
otherwise I'll :whip:
I admit I'm hurting my eyes burning... belong to ecevit's sig.. toooo quite vivid BRIGHT color...
I admit that I am still laughing at GA that she still cant find 50k signature.
GalaxyAngel said:
I admit I'm hurting my eyes burning... belong to ecevit's sig.. toooo quite vivid BRIGHT color...

wear spectacles with dark glasses please :roll:

{ now, getting out of the net for a while .. take care :) }
I admit I have a beautiful and relax bath today... I use homemade bath (yolk, olive oil and buttermilk)... mmmhhh I feel good with skin....
Liebling:-))) said:
I admit I have a beautiful and relax bath today... I use homemade bath (yolk, olive oil and buttermilk)... mmmhhh I feel good with skin....

You mean Yolk from eggs? Olive Oil (to make dressings), and buttermilk (pancake mix)? :giggle:
I admit, I wanna taste liebling's body and err um.. Just one lick.. if it's real EGG YOLK..

~LOL kidding!
GalaxyAngel said:
I admit, I wanna taste liebling's body and err um.. Just one lick.. if it's real EGG YOLK..

~LOL kidding!

I admit that I'm telling GalaxyAngel not to scroll down lower on Liebling. :smoking:
I admit that Im going to watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Will be right back in an hour :ily:
I admit, I've played texas hold'em poker on line and got 3rd place. It's 45.00 dollars and only Paid for 5 bux buy in... *woOooooOo*~
I admit that I have gone into deep depression. Seriously thinking about commiting suicide. *I do not want ppl to talk to me, just want to be left alone.*
DeafGeorgiaLady said:
I admit that I have gone into deep depression. Seriously thinking about commiting suicide. *I do not want ppl to talk to me, just want to be left alone.*

I admit that I want to scream at DeafGeorgiaLady " NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! DONT THINK OF THAT!!!! PEOPLE NEED YOU ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Please do see a counselor or go to crisis hotline NOW...you need support. Please do not consider that - your life is tooooooooo important to waste away!
DeafGeorgiaLady said:
I admit that I have gone into deep depression. Seriously thinking about commiting suicide. *I do not want ppl to talk to me, just want to be left alone.*


Please don't dare you thinking about sucide..
Why you felt depression.. ?
Talk here..

Who truly cares 'bout you... and need you stay alive..
Important what you have stored future.. Don't give up your dream..
Please stay your alive always....
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