I admit that I..... *p4*

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DreamDeaf said:
I admit that I am VERY sad that no one has bothered to keep in contact with me on my pager for soooo long. Makes me feel lonely and unwanted in this world...*sigh*

Awww I admit that I'm sorry I've been not on my aims too much. Take me up on a rain check for tomorrow? ;)
DreamDeaf said:
I admit that I am VERY sad that no one has bothered to keep in contact with me on my pager for soooo long. Makes me feel lonely and unwanted in this world...*sigh*
i admit that i am very sowwy that i didnt talk 2 days on aim cuz of i am very very down and upset for 3 days that why.. i dont feel alike talk on aim.. til i need calm down so i keep check here to keep my mind off..
I admit that DD is sad and wanta talk to her. :hug: PM for your sn in aim and then I will talk to ya. :D
I admit that I did sent you a cute message on Easter's Day. :hug:
DreamDeaf said:
I admit that I am VERY sad that no one has bothered to keep in contact with me on my pager for soooo long. Makes me feel lonely and unwanted in this world...*sigh*
I admit I feel bad for my poor daughter, she been fuzzy and in pain all nite from immunzation shots yesterday. Did gave her some pain med. Didn't work. At last, she is all better now.
I admit that I am :pissed: at the gas prices. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! seem like I will never use the truck for a while after the school get out unless I find something to work this summer. :(
Pomeranian said:
I admit that I am :pissed: at the gas prices. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! seem like I will never use the truck for a while after the school get out unless I find something to work this summer. :(

I know. Me too that I am sooo :pissed: at gas prices that keep going up..
I admit that I busted next door's dog to leave my flowers alone..
I admit that I agreed with you, too! I am like :pissed: at the gas price! UGH! If it hit 3.00, my jeep will be filled up for 50 dollars! UGGGGGGGH! It is not on my budget!!!

Pomeranian said:
I admit that I am :pissed: at the gas prices. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! seem like I will never use the truck for a while after the school get out unless I find something to work this summer. :(
Mama2AFTIV said:
I admit that I agreed with you, too! I am like :pissed: at the gas price! UGH! If it hit 3.00, my jeep will be filled up for 50 dollars! UGGGGGGGH! It is not on my budget!!!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh do you have to remind me of that price. GEEZ!! :rofl: yea i know it will take half of my paycheck. Duhhhhhhhhh Bush!!!!!!!!!!!! HYAH!!! to his balls. :D

I admit that I am reading in here. :D
I admit I have alots stuffs to sell on ebay, have to do that soon.. And earn some extra $$. Part of my partial job LOL. I'm wonder what i'm gonna to do with $$?
I admit to suggest her to get more clothes for her baby girl :giggle:

SherryCherish said:
I admit I have alots stuffs to sell on ebay, have to do that soon.. And earn some extra $$. Part of my partial job LOL. I'm wonder what i'm gonna to do with $$?
MaMa lol yeah but already bought her outfits last weekend. I thinking about save them for clothes or something for fun on weekend or vacation.

I admit, I'm so nervous, one more week for courthouse.
I admit I took blow dryer and dries all wet papers... *thanks to cats* That was my little son's homework papers...

Took me half an hour whole papers dries up... *mumbling*

Now my right hand feel vibrate becz of dryer!

Glady it's over!
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