I admit that I..... *p4*

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I admit I'm thinking about what to do with my errands today.
ecevit said:
I admit that I live in Europe..

I admit that I wanted to hide where I live so I chose US in myspace.. ( b/c there is no option for hiding where I live )

I admit that I was born on March 18, 1975

I admit that I'm lean.. I have bluish green eyes and brown hair.. I'm 5'9" ( 1.76 m)

I admit that what more you want to know about me ?

I admit that I got enough infos from Ecevit.. I was gonna say... I might know you since you said you were from Alabama. :pissed: Bluish green eyes and brown hair sounds SEXY.. don't get the wrong idea though.. I'm not after you.. ;)
I admit that you don't need to worry... I'm stolen by a blondie already ;)
ecevit said:
I admit that you don't need to worry... I'm stolen by a blondie already ;)
I admit that i want to say thanks for the hint.. I know who.. :mrgreen:
I admit that you should keep it secret ... ;)
otherwise I'll :pissed: and :whip: u

ecevit said:
I admit that you should keep it secret ... ;)
otherwise I'll :pissed: and :whip: u


I admit that my lips are :X so you won't have to whip me... :Ohno:
I admit that I worked 7 hours last night, whew! I am working more hours to get extra money for flight ticket so we can fly to Michigan on end of June.
I admit
I admit that I wasn't on much yesterday. I bought new armiore and set it up myself...took me about 3 hours! It look great but I am waiting for my desk to be LONG GONE!!! Anyone from Rochester area might want it? PM me!
I want to ask

Can you send it to me ? ( I live in Europe )

Mama2AFTIV said:
I admit that I wasn't on much yesterday. I bought new armiore and set it up myself...took me about 3 hours! It look great but I am waiting for my desk to be LONG GONE!!! Anyone from Rochester area might want it? PM me!

I admit that i'm about 1,000 miles away from you.. too far but need a desk! lol
SherryCherish said:
I admit I hate to take my daughter to immulatzion shots, make me :cry: ( i'll live!)

I admit that I hated that when my daughter had that when she was a baby..boy.. she screamed her head off!
I admit that today it is beautiful, sunny and warm outside. I am going back outside again. :) :thumb:
I admit that it is so quiet in the house since my son have gone to Red Sox Game with his friend and the mother. Whooooooooooo hoooooooooooo he gotta have fun. I am sure he will be tired in the morning. :giggle:
I admit that I am VERY sad that no one has bothered to keep in contact with me on my pager for soooo long. Makes me feel lonely and unwanted in this world...*sigh*
I admit that that's life DreamDeaf
I admit that I feel :zzz: and am off to bed :)
I admit that I'm having a breakdow, a rather large breakdown but it won't keep me from losing my sanity. I'll still be myself... It's all that I can be, for I am as normal as you, as you can plainly see. Okay maybe not normal but almost close. I just need a good dose of reality occasionally to keep me from losing my mind as I would hate all the marbles in my head to fall out one by one. I know that wouldn't be fun and losing all my marbles would make me kinda dumb. Maybe if I was reborn again, I could start from scratch...Yet maybe I came from an egg and I just need to re-hatch. It's rather funny in a sad pathetic kinda way that I am certifiably crazy. As of today, take me to your leader or just to the rubber room before it's too late. I just need to be loved and to take a dozen assorted pills for my mental state. Why don't you look in the mirror? Because you are no better than me even though I am much more nuts than you of that I do agree... But I am as normal as everyone else except for my abnormal personality. You might ask yourself: "What the hell is wrong with him?" But then you would be talking to yourself and talking to yourself is not good for your mental health so before this gets too confusing, let me just make it as simple I can for you and then I can understand what the hell I am saying too...
I admit that I am so exhausted. Had a long day, cutting the field. Ugh. 2 more yards to go. :dizzy:
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