Wow my head hurts after reading this... :roll::roll: I don't usually participate in Matajan's threads (unless I'm being sarcastic) but I have to say this...
Sweetie, being married does not mean life is perfect-- the act of getting married is a legal one-- it gives you a piece of paper, and might make your parents happy BUT it does NOT make a loving relationship, you can have that with out being married!!!! Dont focus so much on finding girls to 'marry', instead if you must-- look to meet someone to have fun with, to love and accept-- and who will love and accept you with all your quirks, questions and issues about being deaf and which school to go to (very important that the love, acceptance and respect is MUTUAL!)... etc.
My advice is CHILL OUT DUDE!!! You're YOUNG, way to young to be considering marriage-- LIVE YOUR LIFE FOR YOU first... don't look for someone to complete you-- be a whole happy person first and foremost then when the TIME is right you'll meet someone who can accept and love you for who you are... if you force it you're only gonna screw it up!! I'm quite positive you've missed out on many chances of having FUN and being HAPPY while you're here quizzing us all on relationships and such...
So go focus on the SCHOOL YOUR IN-- quit stressin' over ivy league snotty girls, enjoy your life- do what makes you happy and CHILLLLLL THE FLIP OUT!!!
BTW, Reba is SO dead on-- MOVIES-- are no way to base your idea of relationships... they're FAKE-- they're FANTASY... I mean really, who wants to watch a movie about real life-- and it be like real life?? Shoot not me!!