How I will notice asperger girl at gallaudet?
May I ask girl date who is cute and had common?
I can notice usher, ceberal palsy, etc.
You may want to research more about individuals and their asperger syndrome through google search.
I've read the OP's comment 5 times, along with all the replies and I'm still unsure what he's asking!
You can always suggest having coffee. Or maybe a study date.
Cool!!! So our work is done here. Mission accomplished! Si?
Cool!!! So our work is done here. Mission accomplished! Si?
Great! Now go and take her out for coffee or ask her if you both can study together. I really think you should try the web site I told you about.
it called It is for people that have aspererger and you share your thoughts and concerned with them too. It would be one more
way to have your questions anwered.
sure, okay.
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