How safe do you think schools and college campuses are in America?

Nothing is safe nowadays.. :(

I agree. NO one is safe from anything. Anyone can be killed by anything. We have to hope for the best and live our life as much we can.

People need to take serious when one person is acting werid or crazy and send that person to seek for professional help.

I think parents need to raise children right way and teach them how to love one other even if their peers re hating on them.
How about puttin' surviellance camera in each room at the campuses/universities ? Will that help ?

Include the showers and bathrooms ? It is illegal to put the camera in the bathrooms, it will be not safely anywhere else. :(
Va. Tech Shooter Was Laughed At

Long before he boiled over, Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-Hui was picked on, pushed around and laughed at over his shyness and the strange way he talked with Cho in 2003, recalled that the South Korean immigrant almost never opened his mouth and would ignore attempts to strike up a conversation. Once, in English class, the teacher had the students read aloud, and when it was Cho's turn, he just looked down in silence, Davids recalled. Finally, after the teacher threatened him with an F for participation, Cho started to read in a strange, deep voice that sounded "like he had something in his mouth," Davids said.
"As soon as he started reading, the whole class started laughing and pointing and saying, `Go back to China,'" Davids said.

That's where the problem pointed out, bullying is a problem mostly among kids, who are bullied often experience low self-esteem and depression, and this is how Cho felt for so long, I'm not trying to defend him, but looking at the whole picture here. I know two wrongs don't make it right. Cho was different to them, that's why he was target. And I think the problem with bullying is what made his way of dealing with his own pain is to shoot the people who done cruel to him, Because he had enough.

This approach has to change, school needs to lecturing kids about bullying and take the matter seriously.

With Cho case, he had never shown his anger until the day of the shooting, He could had became increasingly irritable, and got carried away with his emotions and did something so evil.

Sometimes children frequently do not tell their parents or the school that they have been bullied, because they don't want to feel that the bully had the whole power, so they just kept their emotions build up inside, which is not good, it could lead to suicide, just how Cho have done on to himself, after shooting the people on campus. :(

Schools and parents need to find a solution to stop the bulling for the sake of their child as well as other students. This is a very important issue that needs to be addressed.
Va. Tech Shooter Was Laughed At

That's where the problem pointed out, bullying is a problem mostly among kids, who are bullied often experience low self-esteem and depression, and this is how Cho felt for so long, I'm not trying to defend him, but looking at the whole picture here. I know two wrongs don't make it right. Cho was different to them, that's why he was target. And I think the problem with bullying is what made his way of dealing with his own pain is to shoot the people who done cruel to him, Because he had enough.

This approach has to change, school needs to lecturing kids about bullying and take the matter seriously.

With Cho case, he had never shown his anger until the day of the shooting, He could had became increasingly irritable, and got carried away with his emotions and did something so evil.

Sometimes children frequently do not tell their parents or the school that they have been bullied, because they don't want to feel that the bully had the whole power, so they just kept their emotions build up inside, which is not good, it could lead to suicide, just how Cho have done on to himself, after shooting the people on campus. :(

Schools and parents need to find a solution to stop the bulling for the sake of their child as well as other students. This is a very important issue that needs to be addressed.

Right I agree,
We just have to be wise in our surroundings and take precaution. I know this was so devestating at Virginia Tech, people going to college to earn an education not to be targets from a gunman. This kind of thing can happen anywhere. These days are not going to get any better as the bible prophecies those of us who are believers in God. Trust in Him all you can and be safe.
pst, did you know that school shootings account for less than 1% of the gun related deaths in america? Yet people make such a big conversory on small statstics. What about drive bys? Stick ups? Robberies? Nah, they gotta abuse the smallest one that shocks people most and prey on their fear. People are scared for their kids, its the perfect thing to abuse. They're using people to build a foundation of petty hyper moralist ideals.

Something happens then you automatically need a scape goat to make it all better. BAN GUNS! BLAME GAMES! In truth that never will solve the problem.
Make fun of other kids

Junior High School kids make fun of other kids: Sharing the stories....

“My best friend makes fun of me because I'm not as ‘developed’ as the other girls in my grade. All of my closest friends give me a hard time about it. They will even say it in front of people I like. I have tried talking to them about it but they just deny they ever said it. Now everyone in middle school thinks of me as ‘flat-chested.’ What should I do?”

“I am a big tomboy and everyone always picks on me. They think it doesn't bother me but it does sometimes. I just want curl into a ball and stay away from all of them. Even my friends pick on me about letting my pants hang down and wearing boxers and always wearing a hat backwards. I like the way I look but nobody else does. All the boys pick on me and call me bad names. They always put me down and mostly every day I feel like no one wants me to be around them, so I mostly always stay in. What should I do about everyone saying these things to me?”

“In school people call me ‘freckle face.’ I don't like it but I'm very shy and soon I'm getting braces, so then people will make fun of me more. I'm way too shy to stand up for myself. My friend stands up for me a lot but isn't always around when I need her most. What should I do?”

“I am in 6th grade. I play sports, and although I am not the best player, I got an award for best team spirit. There are some boys in my gym class that pick on me every day and call me names. My mom wants to get involved because she says she is worried about me. I play bassoon in band and am in advanced classes in school. The boys who pick on me really hurt my feelings by telling me I don't have any friends, which I don't have a lot of. Now, I don't want to play sports because they pick on me if I do but if I quit they will pick on me too. I love school but I dread gym class, that is where these boys mostly pick on me. What can I do to make them stop?”

“I'm having trouble with this kid. At my locker he is always jamming it, so I can't open it. Then if I get him angry, he will punch me and drop his books on me. I want to tell him how I feel, but he always says, ‘Jenny you're such an idiot, why should I listen to you?’ and I get furious. I'm not the only one with this problem. What should I do to save myself and the class?”

“I am in the 8th grade and have a problem. There is a boy in my grade who is always touching me in places I am not comfortable with. Sometimes he pretends to be shaking my hand then touches my chest in a very weird way. The first time he did it, I thought he just missed or something, but he kept on doing it. I have asked him to stop countless times but he doesn't. Today he snapped my bra (which has become a habit of his). I have threatened to tell the school counselor but he continues to harass me. I don't want to get him in trouble because he was my best friend last year and we are still close. His mom is my mom's best friend since college and I don't want to ruin that. Please help me, IML.”

"I'm sick and tired of people making fun of my height. They call me 'Midget,' 'Shorty,' & they make fun of my weight, calling me 'Bones' + 'Skinny-Minny' & 'Anorexic.' What should I do?"

"I have been an American girl since 8 years old. I came from Vietnam. Now, when I was growing up and doing good in school, everyone teased me and my twin brother. They say I am Chinese and they try to say Chinese words, and now I feel bad about it. I need help!!!!!!! P.S. I am a fourth grader."

Response: A lot of times people are afraid of what they don't understand. Maybe you could take the kids aside and correct them, saying that you are Vietnamese, not Chinese, and explain to them the difference. If you don't want to talk to the kids directly then you could explain to your teacher what is going on. I like IML Mentor Elizabeth's suggestion, listed below. Maybe your teacher can let the whole class have a special day where everyone talks about their background. This will give you a chance to share your story.

The next time they say you're Chinese or they try to say Chinese words, you should tell them that you're not Chinese, you're Vietnamese and you should ask them if they are interested in learning from you about it. If they try to say Chinese words, ask them what they are trying to say, and say it the right way, in Vietnamese. Then tell them that if they would like to learn how to speak Vietnamese, you would love to teach them.

I bet that in no time, they'll stop making fun of you and start asking how to say a bunch of different phrases. This might even make you some new friends.
pst, did you know that school shootings account for less than 1% of the gun related deaths in america? Yet people make such a big conversory on small statstics. What about drive bys? Stick ups? Robberies? Nah, they gotta abuse the smallest one that shocks people most and prey on their fear. People are scared for their kids, its the perfect thing to abuse. They're using people to build a foundation of petty hyper moralist ideals.

Something happens then you automatically need a scape goat to make it all better. BAN GUNS! BLAME GAMES! In truth that never will solve the problem.

Absolutely! Blame the guns and the President of the University. Then we have the mistaken idea that we can control insane unexpected occurrances. And the media is responsible for everyone thinking that tragedies such as this are more common than single victim shootings. Plane crashes are extremely rare, as well, but because the details are spread all over the papers and the t.v screens, millions of people are afraid to fly.
i would agree with posts and some disagree with posts

i think VA college needs more hires the security and also campus police officer,plus VA police officer also they wont gunman getting more killed the students and professors.

I never been hurt at college in North Little Rock,Ar but im no longer at colleges dues my reasons because study harder but im sure i know security been kept eyes at colleges all the times dues of crimes and lots of mores its serious for colleges policy.

i watch CBS news with Katie Courbic about shooting stories like as Colorado,New York and lots of mores but we have more low profiles for Colorado because today Colorado got shooting 8 years ago since 1998 what so horribles for Colorado you have any news on your hometown shooting? like school,colleges,whatevers.

but i wanted suggestion your kids who planning going college like as Gally,or your hometown university have rights for security policy and if your kids heard the shooting they leaves the dorm ASAP! they dont staying in dorm dues longer showers but must leaves showers if gunman going killed your children one days im not joking!

my Uncle is prison police officer knew about shooting and lots of mores they dont let gunman killed your family or friends but must protect your home or whatevers!

i wanted suggestion your kids getting away from gunman and dont getting killed or hurt if gunman will going jail or dies on bond as worth lots of money will be worth about $500 million or less dues police says will be captures how much money for gunman wanted! or FBI also.
It's not a perfect world. Materialism runs rampant in U.S. Ownership of material things is glorified. Half the people around wouldn't even buy a gun if guns were not part of the materialistic glorification. Video-TV voilence the same. glorified. people today they have to own everything and have a constant instant gratification.
I think they are very safe. The same goes for Canada. When we hear about bad events like VaTech we think campuses are not safe, but think about it, how long ago it was something like this happened? In Canada we recently had Dawson College. Before Dawson, how long ago was it something happened? Same with VaTech. Consider how many college and university campuses there are in the USA. I definitely think they all are still very safe, and probably will be even more safer now because people will learn from VaTech.
It would be very hard to get rid of the guns in this world. We can't ban the guns, due to 2nd Amendent. It says, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms" which I support. I have about 20 guns in my house. Texas sure does has a lot of freedom for the gun control.

Back to this topic, no, I don't feel safe whenever I go to the college but I do keep watch out on the students' hands ALWAYS. My college does have one or two armed police officers, tho.

they made the 2nd Amendment in the 1700's for the wars to protect themselves in war, but now they don;t need guns for protection relate to war, so don;t need that amendment anymore.

Canada has control over guns, only cops and hunters and stuff like that can have guns, and people hwo have guns has to register, and have to wait for at least 6 months to get approved or delined for guns. I think the state should do the same.
wow interesting thread... I saw those thread for a first time today. I will be back for further post after read those whole thread here.

That's the paranoia talking.

Yes I second that.
Very sad thread here... :(

Yes I can understand that children's safety is mainly important to discuss about. It's sad that everyone can buy guns whatever they wants which I disagree to.

To my opinion, I think the gun control law should be stricter limit, not just for everyone.

I remember from some threads at somewhere that some ADers stated proudly how they show their children to shot rabbits, clay pigeons, birds etc or shot them front of the children. Some ADers stated that sport hunting is fun... It look like that it make children think it's okay to have gun to kill animals for the fun instead of any weapons like this... :cold: No wonder why they shot humans more and more afterward... I consider sport hunting is a cold and cruel...

Gun Control legal make the people easy to buy and shot what they like... More gun attacks because they consider gun is more easier than use any weapons. That's why I think gun control law should be stricter limit, not just gun legal for everyone.
High School To Hold Classes Despite Threat

Students at King Phillip Regional High School in Wrentham will be greeted by police when they arrive to school Thursday morning.

That development comes after a student discovered a violent threat written in a boy's bathroom which said that someone will die if school is held Thursday.

The school is downplaying the threat but sent a notice out to parents Wednesday.

School officials will limit the number of open entrances and random bag searches may be conducted as a precaution.


Unbelievable, when the students heard the media. It occurred in Va Tech shooting. Now, the students become drama and exaggerate violent at high school.

The parents become more worry about their children going to school everyday. It is a good idea to have the security check on the student's back bags everyday before they enter the school building as more safety. Other schools and colleges should have this too.

I enter the base everyday where I work. They do check my I.D. and sometime random to inspection on the vechiles.
... It's sad that everyone can buy guns whatever they wants which I disagree to.
Mentally incompetent people, minors, and convicted felons can't legally buy guns in the USA.

I remember from some threads at somewhere that some ADers stated proudly how they show their children to ... clay pigeons ...
You do realize that clay "pigeons" are not live birds; they are clay discs, like little frisbees.

... Some ADers stated that sport hunting is fun... It look like that it make children think it's okay to have gun to kill animals for the fun instead of any weapons like this...
They should only kill animals that they can eat, or that are a threat to them or their property.

Do you :chill: when you eat a hamburger or steak?

... I consider sport hunting is a cold and cruel...
What about butchering cows and chickens? Is that OK?
You do realize that clay "pigeons" are not live birds; they are clay discs, like little frisbees.

No matter but shot birds for the fun front of the children?

They should only kill animals that they can eat, or that are a threat to them or their property.

Hunt or butcher the animal for the foods is okay, not sport hunting for the fun. This is a difference.

Do you :chill: when you eat a hamburger or steak?

I do buy the meats from the butcher or hunter, not kill animals myself. I tell you the truth that I cannnot eat after withness what and how the people kill the animals.... I never, never, never forget how I withnessed my friend´s father killed goat and prepare the dinner... I won´t touch it... because I know goat for years well... :tears:

What about butchering cows and chickens? Is that OK?

Do not compare between sport hunting for the fun and hunt the animals for the foods. I am for hunter or butcher who kill for the foods, not sport hunting... I feel sick with pain when I withnessed on the TV that animals are too scared and keep to run and run to fight to defend their alive... :tears: