How safe do you think schools and college campuses are in America?

Well, if you think all campus safety officer is lousy? Howcome RIT was close to hit like VA tech? They just busted a student with two illegal machine guns! So far no proof that he was planning on massacre like VA tech.

Anyone can find way, so nothing is 100% safe! Law won't help at all, and I think law in some way did cause damages, and make it worse.
My son and I were discussed how can we be safe in anywhere else nowadays? Remember, Columbine High School shootings near Littleton, Colo., in 1999, two teenagers killed 12 fellow students and a teacher. Two gunmen killed themselves before taking their own lives.

Those two teenagers did that to copy the Natural Born Killers movie (which are my most favortie movie). That movie, Mickey and Mallory just keep killing along while they are traveling, and they believes that they would never die even they are death, they will be angels. They married for their own beliefs. That's why those teenagers killed 12 students and teacher, then killed themselves. That movie is kinda weird, also very visuality and violence, plus a very romance movie.

I would watch this movie over, over, over, as much as I can, I just love the movie, but about what happens at Columbine HS, I was very shocked that someone would be that stupid to copy whatever the movie shows.

I guess television shows and movies can influences on people to do bad things...

Also, in fact, no place are 100 percent safe. Even your home, it's not 100 percent safe.
Magazine capcity doesn't do anything. People with moderate knowledge of metal work can easily make a 15-20 round magazine out of folded metal. I possess such knowledge (not for bad reasons but merely for educational and SHTF situations). I wish people would stop trying to blame guns and start trying to focus on the actual problem, peoples mental psyche. As nice and easy as it seems to outlaw guns, people will still find ways to get them and it won't solve the problem it will only stiffle it. Drugs are illegal but people still find ways to make drugs, making a gun from a simple lathe and mill isn't much harder than making a meth lab and much easier to conceal. You maybe need 10x20 feet of space. The bullets? People WILL find ways. thin copper tube, minor chemistery knowledge and lead moulds... Guns have saved lives as well took. But you know what, I think I'd just maybe be content with anti gun laws or extremely strict gun laws if the government gets their head out of their asses and starts enforcing them better but it doesn't seem likely.
That is the meaning of "Outlaws something and the outlaws will have it anyway".

The problem lies in education itself, America education is soooo messed up.

Nobody really wants to deal with bullies because they think it is just childhood stuff, nobody thinks child should learn to respect others, nobody thinks that we need to teach values and discipline the values, I could go on, but Im sure you may get my point. Today kids, it is always "ME" "ME" "ME", and don't give damn about others, that is the root of the problems. We quit teaching kids as whole instead of indivualism.. SAD!!!!

Hey, I have seen too much abuses about "Rights", I have heard plenty of people say I have "rights" to do this and that, and nobody cares but :bowdown: them, include judical system, in the end those people will have hard core expectant that we all respect their "rights", it is spoiled ROTTEN to hell!

School should go back and starting to teach values and working ethics. If school empathisis on young children how important the values are and work ethics, and how valuable it is when one work hard to earn them. Too bad they don't do that anymore :(

Magazine capcity doesn't do anything. People with moderate knowledge of metal work can easily make a 15-20 round magazine out of folded metal. I possess such knowledge (not for bad reasons but merely for educational and SHTF situations). I wish people would stop trying to blame guns and start trying to focus on the actual problem, peoples mental psyche. As nice and easy as it seems to outlaw guns, people will still find ways to get them and it won't solve the problem it will only stiffle it. Drugs are illegal but people still find ways to make drugs, making a gun from a simple lathe and mill isn't much harder than making a meth lab and much easier to conceal. You maybe need 10x20 feet of space. The bullets? People WILL find ways. thin copper tube, minor chemistery knowledge and lead moulds... Guns have saved lives as well took. But you know what, I think I'd just maybe be content with anti gun laws or extremely strict gun laws if the government gets their head out of their asses and starts enforcing them better but it doesn't seem likely.
Today, I went to College class.. I felt that umm Wow,,,, I never knew if someone in my class will try do that? Ugh We did talk about it and Interesting that.

Want tells everyone students, Prof, other.. If something follow with gun.. Please go down lay the ground with under desk, chair.

Because They believe that They were a panic and stand then try run but probably caught the shots!

Peace :)

That is why, VA Tech Community some of students were laying down on the floor to be predicent that they are dead. That is what, my son's friend told him. It was really horrible experience for the students. The blood was everywhere places. :(
My mother in law who is the professor in Sociology at the University.

Two words: GUN CONTROL.

Until Americans decide to do something about controlling the number and ease of obtaining weapons, it's like putting a bandaid on a cancer. No amount of policing will solve the problem.

As a society, we need to get serious and have a no tolerance policy:

(a) handguns :rifle:
(b) authomatic weapons :rifle:
(c) movies that glorify violence :rifle:
(d) our tolerance for violence :rifle:

Our nation has the highest homicide rate of ANY of the western democracies.90% of homicides are gun-related. Other countries have sensible gun control policies. Why don't we?
That is the meaning of "Outlaws something and the outlaws will have it anyway".

The problem lies in education itself, America education is soooo messed up.

Nobody really wants to deal with bullies because they think it is just childhood stuff, nobody thinks child should learn to respect others, nobody thinks that we need to teach values and discipline the values, I could go on, but Im sure you may get my point. Today kids, it is always "ME" "ME" "ME", and don't give damn about others, that is the root of the problems. We quit teaching kids as whole instead of indivualism.. SAD!!!!

Hey, I have seen too much abuses about "Rights", I have heard plenty of people say I have "rights" to do this and that, and nobody cares but :bowdown: them, include judical system, in the end those people will have hard core expectant that we all respect their "rights", it is spoiled ROTTEN to hell!

School should go back and starting to teach values and working ethics. If school empathisis on young children how important the values are and work ethics, and how valuable it is when one work hard to earn them. Too bad they don't do that anymore :(

Think about when you were a little kid, your parents and teachers usually chose your friends, putting you in playgroups or arranging go to the classrooms with other children they knew and liked. Now that you're older, you decide who your friends are and what groups you spend time with.

Your age or close to it who have experiences and interests similar to yours. You and your friends make of decisions every day, and you influence each other's choices and behaviors. It is nature to listen to and learn positive and negative from other friends in your age group.

close friends, your peers include other kids you know who are the same age like people in your grade, sports team or community. These peers also influence you by the way they dress, performance in athletic sports. They're involved in, and the attitudes they show brag and look bully or attractive.

It's natural for people to identify with and compare themselves to their peers as they consider how they wish to be (or think they should be), or what they want to achieve. People are influenced by peers because they want to fit in, be like peers they admire, do what others are doing, or have what others have.

Some of young adults, "Oh, come on, it's just one beer, and everyone else is having one" or more indirectly simply making beer and smoking the pots available at a party. One young man stated, " Oh I had a sex that girl last night, I broke her virgin". That is cool. Other man became jealous then asking other girl to having a sex without thinking to use sex safe. Peer Pressure could be negative and positive influence in this society.

Some of the kids feel, they do not need to receiving any support from their parents, teachers, guidance counselors, etc... Until they become adults and realize more and more what is the reality in this society. Young ages have a difficult to expression their feelings what were bothering themselves to anyone. Their angry build increase inside their feelings until snap to losing their temper to hurt other people without thinkable.

Just like Columbine, Colorado in 1999 and VA Tech young kids.
Yes, we have the same rules here for elementary, middle, and high schools. The problem is, that still doesn't stop someone from entering with a gun if they really wanted to.

I've noticed when I visit schools that when someone buzzes the door to be let into a school, no one stops another person from following thru the open door.

When I sub interpret in schools, I'm not wearing an ID badge like all the students, staff and visitors wear. No teacher ever stops me in the halls and questions me. No one looks into my big bulky terp bag to check for weapons. (I'm not allowed to carry my gun on campus but I could because no one checks; I do have pepper spray and a knife in my bag, and no one has ever said anything about them.)

Even if someone is checked in, what's to stop them from running down the hall and shooting?

College classrooms, student centers, parking lots, and administrative buildings are wide open.

How many schools have security plans and staff training? How many schools have security drills?

Any parent who thinks their kid's school is truly safe is not facing reality.

The good news is that these kinds of attacks are actually very rare.
Yes, we have the same rules here for elementary, middle, and high schools. The problem is, that still doesn't stop someone from entering with a gun if they really wanted to.

I've noticed when I visit schools that when someone buzzes the door to be let into a school, no one stops another person from following thru the open door.

We have the same rules after the first bell ring at 9 am, All doors on the school property are secured locked, All unidentified visitors are to be buzzed in, They do speak through the speakers asking for your identifiability, but I would just tell them "I'm deaf", took them a while to buzzed me in. ;)

But, on other occasion, especially during the month of May, I found the doors to be unlocked and doors are being left open to get air in the school building, I don't like that very much.
We have the same rules after the first bell ring at 9 am, All doors on the school property are secured locked, All unidentified visitors are to be buzzed in, They do speak through the speakers asking for your identifiability, but I would just tell them "I'm deaf", took them a while to buzzed me in. ...
Ah, see, the system is vulnerable.

1. Someone could come in before 9 a.m.

2. Someone can lie about their identity over the speaker.

3. Someone can bring guns, poison spray, whatever, thru the doors after they are buzzed in.

4. Someone unauthorized can follow another person thru the door when they are buzzed in, or when someone else is coming out of the building.

Door buzzer systems are basically for honest people who follow the rules. They won't stop a serious attacker. Schools put these systems in so parents will feel better.
You want to take away our right to bear arms? Be my guest. Little good it's going to do with the actual problem. The root isn't the guns, its the kids and nowadays kids know how to make pipe bombs with ease, then you got knives, shivs, pointy sticks, baseball bats. Anything can be considered a weapon. Take away 1 weapon they will replace it with 2-3 other weapons. People have survived more gunshot wounds than knife wounds according to an article I read on self defense of a knife vs gun situation.

Taking away guns will stiffle the problem because it removes easy access to it, but it won't help the kids at all, theyll still be suffering inside probably. Issues like this NEVER have simple solutions, infact they often require a lesser of an evil to solve. Even if you or I came up with the most excellent idea to prevent it from happening, what power have we to be heard and get the word out? That's what you need, a voice that will be heard and people willing to listen and support the case.

Perfectly stated!
Nothing is safe.

They just arrested and suspended a student from RIT for possession of firearms.
Ah, see, the system is vulnerable.

1. Someone could come in before 9 a.m.

2. Someone can lie about their identity over the speaker.

3. Someone can bring guns, poison spray, whatever, thru the doors after they are buzzed in.

4. Someone unauthorized can follow another person thru the door when they are buzzed in, or when someone else is coming out of the building.

Door buzzer systems are basically for honest people who follow the rules. They won't stop a serious attacker. Schools put these systems in so parents will feel better.

Yep! You got a valid point there! :thumb:
How about puttin' surviellance camera in each room at the campuses/universities ? Will that help ?