How much is your phone bill this month?

My cell phone is a Sprint Blackberry Curve 8330 on a Sprint Relay Data Plan for $29.99 plus $7.00 insurance, plus taxes and fees.
Here's mine -

I'm cheap :P


I am cheaper , my phone and internet bill was $66.00 this month!
Just look at my friend's ---

Bill for his iPhone - $1575
Bill for his other one - $670
Equals = Two thousand, two hundred and forty five dollars

Is your friend calling a 800 # a lot! My exhusband saw one of those ad on TV were you can talk free for the first 3 mintues and the idiot talked for a hour!
He did not read the ad right ! I had to get the phone company to put a block on 800 # !
I have samgsueg cheap $10 or $20 - 30 day, $100 - 360 day that is. It is cheap I have pay go way means save it
Wirelessly posted

I have a tmobile G1 it raised it price now due to it being a driod $84 something is what I pay a month. My SK3 was cheap $63 a month it expired and had to get a new phone.
Just checked my account yesterday and got the shock of my face, I received a $159.66 bill. :shock:
Just checked my account yesterday and got the shock of my face, I received a $159.66 bill. :shock:

Ouch, that's expensive bill.

I just checked out my account now... currently it's $26.39 and calls yet to be Billed: 35 cents.

The calls yet to be billed will be added on to $26.39 at the end of month.
I paid $10 per monthly for email and IM unlimited both for my proto peek device.....from Peek - Simply Connected.


The disadventage abhout this Proto Peek...
without SMS (text)? Good luck, couldn't reach to hearing who doesn't have SMS plan. Not every hearing have phone with data (goes for web, email and IM)
About $50/month for unlimited web/text/mobile to mobile/ gps and 450 land line min, free nights and wkends. :)
I pay about $54 Canadian each month for my BB curve :)

I have 500 day mins, free after 6pm & weekends (I'm Hoh on left side & sometimes can use phone if I know the voice or if the person speaks very clear & if volume is 100% up)

unlimited SMS & MMS (pic & video messages) & BB Messenger messages

voicemail with voice to text converter (converts voice message into text message, awesome for Hoh /Deaf!!)

500mg data (before paid $10 more for 6gig but only used 300mb!! so why waste $$)

For IM I have BeeJive - for Yahoo, AIM, GTalk, Windows Live/MSN etc
iSkoot - for Skype (IM only, no video)

I also have "stand alone" AIM, Yahoo, GTalk app, but never use them because BeeJive is "all in one". With BeeJive you can choose if you want to log into all IM programs at once, or just log into Yahoo, or AIM etc - whatever you want!