How much is your phone bill this month?

My AT&T phone bill for my iPhone is $54.68 each month. Not so bad.
There's my phone bill.
mine will go up next month.:aw: I upgraded 2 8830's to the tour and kept one of 8830 for my son. i am not liking the new bill, but need/want it. the new bill for all 3 phones gonna be 100 bucks a month after upgrade price is said and done . :run:
Mine is about 50 dollars monthly with unlimited calls which is not included the cable and internet.

Is your bill included with cable and internet?

I closed my MCI account before I sold my house, and the bill was 500 dollars penalty. Oh god - I really hate MCI.
:shock: @ Alex, Why that much?
Booty calls! :giggle:

Actually, I've been texting and calling a lot lately even though I'm on the data plan only. Time to upgrade next month.
For three phones, mine runs average about 200 a month...

Gotta love the Unlimited texting.
2 phone lines plus high speed internet through AT&T, around $125. I have the land line, a fax line which is also the 2nd line for my CapTel phone and then the internet.
Booty calls! :giggle:

Actually, I've been texting and calling a lot lately even though I'm on the data plan only. Time to upgrade next month.

Yeah. My parents were the same. They never bothered with text until I got my phone. Then they added unlimited text. :)
The Sprint boost phones have the prepaid plan for $50 a month.. unlimited texting and such..

does anyone has that and how well does that work?

She's under Verizon with unlimited plan.
My landline phone just 36 dollars a month (2 lines TTY and Fax).
My Tmo cellphone only 40 dollars a month (Sidekick 3).
My phone bill is $10.00 a month no matter where in the States I call.
Geez :shock:

My home.... Free!!!

Only pay two sprint mobile cells for 70.00 monthly.
I paid the cell bill avg 68.00-72.00 every month with T-Mobile Blackberry Curve 8900 model.

I noticed their bills are cheaper for Sidekicks users but not great features like Blackberry. :P

