How many vacation (leave annual) a year,

Shel - you likely have your contract set up where you are paid year-round rather than just for the 9 month school year.

My dad is also a teacher his contract is set where he is paid only for the 9 month school year - his choice as all teachers are given the option. This basically means his checks are fatter in the school year but he receives nothing during the summers. Some teachers in the district have the year-round pay option so they dont have to work in the summer - but the checks are leaner year round.
Shel - you likely have your contract set up where you are paid year-round rather than just for the 9 month school year.

My dad is also a teacher his contract is set where he is paid only for the 9 month school year - his choice as all teachers are given the option. This basically means his checks are fatter in the school year but he receives nothing during the summers. Some teachers in the district have the year-round pay option so they dont have to work in the summer - but the checks are leaner year round.

Yea, I have that option. After experiencing my first two years on the job as a contractual teacher (no paid leave, no health benefits, nothing) I opted for the 12 month checks cuz I did not want to go thru summer without pay ever again!
At my company it is tiered like this:
1 yr of service: 1 week paid vacation
5 yrs: 2 weeks
10 yrs: 3 weeks
15 yrs: 4 weeks
20 yrs: 5 weeks - you max out at 20 years.

Here, it's required by the law for these who work 40 hours a week to get a minimum of 2 weeks of paid vacation.

However, in France... the minimum is 5 weeks. If you work more than 35 hours a week, you get even more time off with pay.

The USA is pretty weak when it come to paid vacations. Even women on maternity leave in most states need to return to work after 6 weeks. Or is that 4 weeks?

Here in Canada, it's a year.
Here, it's required by the law for these who work 40 hours a week to get a minimum of 2 weeks of paid vacation.

However, in France... the minimum is 5 weeks. If you work more than 35 hours a week, you get even more time off with pay.

The USA is pretty weak when it come to paid vacations. Even women on maternity leave in most states need to return to work after 6 weeks. Or is that 4 weeks?

Here in Canada, it's a year.

For maternity leave and it's 0 in USA but 12 weeks with unpaid, known as medical leave act.
Parental leave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When I was in the Navy, I got 6 weeks UNPAID maternity leave after my daughter was born (1973).

That had to suck. Especially when it's the government who is the employer!
When I was in the Navy, I got 6 weeks UNPAID maternity leave after my daughter was born (1973).

I feel you. When my son was born 2 years ago, I only had 40 something hours of sick leave so I only had one paid week for maternity leave and the rest was unpaid.
I feel you. When my son was born 2 years ago, I only had 40 something hours of sick leave so I only had one paid week for maternity leave and the rest was unpaid.
I was actually out a total of 10 weeks. The Navy required all pregnant women to start maternity leave six weeks before the due date. Fortunately, my daughter was born two weeks early (not a preemie at 8 lbs 1 oz., heh, heh). I had two weeks of annual (vacation) leave saved up, so I got two of those maternity weeks with pay. That left a total of eight weeks without pay, housing allowance or comrats (food allowance). Zero, zip, nada. When I went back to work, I had to wait another two weeks until the next pay period to get a pay check. I was senior in pay grade to Hubby, so it really cut our income more than half. We were eligible for a few weeks of food stamps, so that helped.

Oops, that's enough :topic:
That had to suck. Especially when it's the government who is the employer!
Yeah, well, like the Navy said, they didn't issue me a baby in my seabag. ;)
mostly people who still been work for gov,teacher,hospital,doctor,nurse,school,whatevers they can earn money for vacation what they wanted for goals like buy cars,trucks,vans,house,etc.

my step-sister been work gov for farm busniess in small city called Girard,KS and my mom told me says my step-sister will become manager one days when her step-sister's boss will plans to retire but im not sure when! and my step-sister been work harder every years and she earn lots of money for vacation only and she never moves to new house but im hope she would moves new house in years maybe when she become boss one days im pray for that.

mostly pregnant mothers can getting maternity leaves for 6-8 weeks or 6 months if you work as teachers or gov,whatevers on your jobs position dues c-section or have problems with baby more reasons.They boss can discuss new mother for months on work leave how long will be? dues doctor's order

my dad is now retire from SBC company they changes as ATT company dues he have heart valet surgery in June 2004 and my dad's doctor told my dad about need more easy for my dad to rest lots but i wanted him going back his old jobs but i dont blame my dad's doctor for sakes! but he earn lots of money but im not sure how much worth money! but my dad knew it!

im been gone vacation sometimes not lots and my boss discussion let me go for going on vacation visit my family and lots of mores but i would like going England next years when im save money lots! if my boss says ok for let me go for 1 weeks or 2 weeks depends what my boss says they cant be longer or i will get fired!
:ty: for share interesting post, no matter either :topic: posts or not but it still interesting... :thumb:
Me- zip zero.. not yet a full time job.. due my baby is here w/me.. Stuck w/me..(chuckles)

My hubby's work extreme good salary and tend get his vacation pay within 14 days plus 10 days floater, 10 days emergency leave, 5 days half day, and lieu move to vacation portion saving up until vacation comes. Co-workers can pick one days of use up likely eg: floater or emergency leave or half day or lieu (doesn't want pay chq and move to vacation stub). Mostly Max 40 hours.. Doesn't count for overtime working includes the salary.

His company grant co-workers..
1st year working: 2 days day off
2nd year working: 4 day day off
3rd to 5 yrs working: 1 wk off
6 to 9 yrs working: 2 weeks off
10 years to up.... 30 days Amazing his company quite nice grant co-workers who can have their use up vacation.

Very Interesting

All what we get special day leave is:

Moving to a new house/apartment - one day speical vacation.
Funeral of children/parents/spouse - two days special vacation around Germany for outside of Germany - 3 days special leave.
My, my parents' or children's wedding - one day special vacation.
20 years of service - 3 days special vacation
25 years of service - 3 days speical vacation and plus bonus paid.
30 years of service - 3 days speical vacation and plus bonus paid (more % than 25 years of service)
35 years of service - 5 days special vacation and plus bonus paid (more %)
40 years of service - 5 days special vacation and plus bonus paid (more %)
At my company it is tiered like this:
1 yr of service: 1 week paid vacation
5 yrs: 2 weeks
10 yrs: 3 weeks
15 yrs: 4 weeks
20 yrs: 5 weeks - you max out at 20 years.

BUT right now I get 7 days paid holidays - plus after one year of working there I'll also receive my birthday as a paid day off.

At ConAgra (which where I hope to be a year from now) they get 3 days for Thanksgiving, 4 days for Christmas, 3 days for New Year's, 3 days for Memorial Day, Independence Day, 3 days for Labor Day, and there's two or three other smaller holidays they get off too, but they are just one day breaks. - but the trade off is this - they work 6-7 days a week. After a year of working there you also receive your birthday off and 1 week of paid leave.

It's good to know that your employer are volunateer to give you public holidays with full paid which I learn from some Americans that they don't get free day on public holidays if they want then take their day off or from overtime.

Here in most EU countries is obligation. We get full paid for public holidays, too.
I stopped to work to stay at home within 14 weeks before and after delivery appointment with full paid from my employer. After 14 weeks, I get mother care allowance to take care of baby up to 3 years until child goes kindergarten then go back to work. I experienced with 2 pregnanies.

We all receive child benefit allowance from government from birth to 25 years old.

Child benefit allowance will stop when my children got job. I still get child benefit allowance if my children goes unvitersity or high school until 25 years old.
Okay .. it looks like Kalista is also work for federal agency. What she meant biweeky means every two weeks. She receives accrue 8 hrs annual leave and 4 hrs sick leave. It would be 26 biweekly per year. That means she would get accrue 208 hrs AL (like 5.2 weeks/yr) and 104 hrs SL (like 2.6 week/yr). Now by Jan 4th if she has more then 240 hours AL (only), she would lose any accrue over 240 hrs. For an example by Jan 4th if she has 245 hrs AL she would lose 5 hrs no matter what. And also every US holiday she gets days off with paid. I hope you undy now.
Kalista ... correct me if I'm wrong.

:ty: for explanation for Kalista. I got it but it's too complication and confusion to work out how many hours, etc.

My employer paid me full when I am sick leave up to 6 weeks per year. After 6 weeks then public health insurance paid me 80%.
Here 6 weeks paid vacation, plus sick pay.
Oh your welcome. Hmmm still complication for you. Well perhaps Kalista would come back here and explain clearly better then me since it was her post earlier.

:ty: for explanation for Kalista. I got it but it's too complication and confusion to work out how many hours, etc.

My employer paid me full when I am sick leave up to 6 weeks per year. After 6 weeks then public health insurance paid me 80%.
Very Interesting

All what we get special day leave is:

Moving to a new house/apartment - one day speical vacation.
Funeral of children/parents/spouse - two days special vacation around Germany for outside of Germany - 3 days special leave.
My, my parents' or children's wedding - one day special vacation.
20 years of service - 3 days special vacation
25 years of service - 3 days speical vacation and plus bonus paid.
30 years of service - 3 days speical vacation and plus bonus paid (more % than 25 years of service)
35 years of service - 5 days special vacation and plus bonus paid (more %)
40 years of service - 5 days special vacation and plus bonus paid (more %)

Ah Liebling..
you got me *popped my head* Oh yes.. Funeral of coverage expense vacation short term a week or so.. They paid you day off cost portion..
Doesn't coverage for Wedding or else.. Unless you have to ask permission written the verbal notes for likely eg: Vacation use up or floater or else.. whatever depend your choice.

I have no idea more than 25 yrs to up... and will find it out w/my husband's Human Resources office and to see what year the cost special vacation coverage..

Plus.. Fancy package the giving away as consider "Thank you", Christmas bonus and Shut down vacation 2 wks come w/% percentage of year working."

*Pssst* I lurv Christmas bonus extreme nice...... income (cannot wait his $) and blast shopping little last minutes :giggle: My husband doesn't mind giving me $ for Christmas bonus! :D :fingersx:

**Edit** Recently My husband's work offered him, Maternity Leave early and spend time w/your wife and baby... Will give you little extra portion income but He turned them down.. and want stay his work until Christmas holiday will be great benefits package!
As a terp I get no paid vacations, no paid sick leave, no paid family emergency leave, no paid holidays, etc. I only get paid to work. No work, no pay. :D