How many of you have had embarrassing autocorrect mistakes on your phone?

About a week ago, my brother had a high fever of 104 and I was texting my dad (he wasn't home at the time) about taking care of him, making sure he drinks a lot of fluids, taking his medication and yadda yadda yadda. In the end, I told him "I hope I don't get dick." :shock: Gee thanks, autocorrect. :roll:

Wow. Embarrassing, that is. I hope to never make that mistake.
I have my autocorrect turned off. Why deal with it when you can disable it.

Because I don't make too many embarrassing mistakes, and plus, it does me more good than bad, because most of the time, it'll find me the right word I am looking for, or if I can't remember how to spell it, so I leave it on for that reason. I am an excellent speller, and I almost always read everything before hitting "send". It's a habit of mine to read my texts on computers and phones for proofreading, so I can correct any mistakes. Been doing that long enough now.
I haven't had too many a couple times I've managed to botch "an" probably hit the s and m keys which are right beside the a and n keys and it's changed it to "s&m" yes with that & symbol. Yikes, but I've always caught it.

I've been on the recieving end of it before. I guy was trying to tell me I'm a great woman, autocorrect changed it to womb. The guy was pretty horrified he told me I was great womb :laugh2: he was all "omg thanks phone, you're a great wingman!!!"
I had this guy....his girlfriend's name is very similar to mine....and instead of sending this naked picture of him to her....he sended it to least i wasnt the one to see it it was my fiance. x_x opps...its just embarrassing text not auto correct stuff. Sorry!!!
I had this guy....his girlfriend's name is very similar to mine....and instead of sending this naked picture of him to her....he sended it to least i wasnt the one to see it it was my fiance. x_x opps...its just embarrassing text not auto correct stuff. Sorry!!!

That is just one reason I never give out my cell phone numbers to just anyone.... never know if a random naked picture shows up, but because I restrict how I give my numbers, I've never had that problem, and I hope never to.
That is just one reason I never give out my cell phone numbers to just anyone.... never know if a random naked picture shows up, but because I restrict how I give my numbers, I've never had that problem, and I hope never to.

OMG Really????Do you actually sit around thinking of all these terrible things that could happen to you? I had one of the very first cel phones. In all my years I have never, ever received a naked picture of anyone.
OMG Really????Do you actually sit around thinking of all these terrible things that could happen to you? I had one of the very first cel phones. In all my years I have never, ever received a naked picture of anyone.

Nope. Only a few people have my number, and those people aren't dumb enough to send me a naked picture...... yet.
I had this guy....his girlfriend's name is very similar to mine....and instead of sending this naked picture of him to her....he sended it to least i wasnt the one to see it it was my fiance. x_x opps...its just embarrassing text not auto correct stuff. Sorry!!!

My aide, 10 years ago,sent me a text saying that she had a wonderful time with me the night before and she loved the way I touched her. I was, "Huh? This is Shelly. " she was like "oh no! This was supposed to be for my husband!" I replied saying , "ohhhhh now I know WHAT you did last night! Tsk! Tsk!"

It was beyond funny and I still pick on her about it.
OMG Really????Do you actually sit around thinking of all these terrible things that could happen to you? I had one of the very first cel phones. In all my years I have never, ever received a naked picture of anyone.

I haven't either..

But now should we worry why no one ever thought to send us a naked picture?? :hmm:
My fiancé was like,,"thats an interesting picture" And since it snot firtrs time he sends wrong messeges to wrong person...didn't even text back. Like an hour later he was sending texts apologizing.
I haven't had too many a couple times I've managed to botch "an" probably hit the s and m keys which are right beside the a and n keys and it's changed it to "s&m" yes with that & symbol. Yikes, but I've always caught it.

Which are you the S or the M??? :laugh2:
That is just one reason I never give out my cell phone numbers to just anyone.... never know if a random naked picture shows up, but because I restrict how I give my numbers, I've never had that problem, and I hope never to.

Really? I remember just a few days ago you were giving it out to someone on here freely that you don't even know. :hmm:
I've um, accidentally send a nudie to the wrong person :Oops: with the message "good morning" Luckily it was one of my besties and not boss, or my dad. It was really early and I had been messaging with him, then took a pic and got in the shower. While in the shower I realized that I had just clicked the first person on my text message list, but he wasn't the last person I had sent a text. I had just been talking to him, but not in text messages. I fell out of the shower rushing to my phone to see who I sent it to. OMG just kill me now. SHe got a huge kick out of though, and every now and then I text her GOOD MORNING, sorry no naked Amber how good could it be? :giggle:

No seriously that ranks right up there in top 5 embarassing moments of Amber's life

And no none of you guys are getting any either :laugh2: He's special ;)
have accidently pressed wrong keys too many times, sent wrong texts too many times to wrong people i'm guilty! even to my boss few times. The coworkers, friends and bosses all know I tend to press the wrong response box on my phone and auto correct makes some of the words worse as I tend to use slang it'll change to a random unrelated word but none of the words are dirty so far so its all good. Too embarassing but thats the price I pay for not paying attention close enuff.
I accidentally added an extra 's' to as when texting a friend... That was an interesting day! :laugh2: