How many of you have had embarrassing autocorrect mistakes on your phone?


Veteran Traveler
Premium Member
Nov 21, 2013
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I don't make too many, but the worst one (to date) was having how changed to hoe, and with a female friend, no less, making it twice as embarrassing.

What about you?
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I always make mistakes. Idk if to blame it on ny dyslexia or my lazyness to check of i wrote stuff right or wrong.
My iPad mini does weird stuff to me all the time. I was talking to my daughter about Benedict Cumberbatch, the current British Sherlock Holmes. She is a big fan, and I was trying to tell her of his role in the new Hobbit movie.

So I sent: He is smug.

I mean smug.

My daughter the fan becoming irritated, "He is smug??"

No I am trying to say smug...


My iPad mini does weird stuff to me all the time. I was talking to my daughter about Benedict Cumberbatch, the current British Sherlock Holmes. She is a big fan, and I was trying to tell her of his role in the new Hobbit movie.

So I sent: He is smug.

I mean smug.

My daughter the fan becoming irritated, "He is smug??"

No I am trying to say smug...



When I type "Metra" it changes to "Metes", and that's annoying. :dunno: what metes is, anyhow.
I went to my friend's house and when I pulled up, I could see her through the window and since I could access wifi from the house in my car, I wrote a message saying I was watching her through the window and I tried to write "mu hahaha" but it got auto corrected to "mujahideen".

Auto correct is evil.
I went to my friend's house and when I pulled up, I could see her through the window and since I could access wifi from the house in my car, I wrote a message saying I was watching her through the window and I tried to write "mu hahaha" but it got auto corrected to "mujahideen".

Auto correct is evil.

Another embarrassing one was when I mistyped a word, and before I could fix it, I'd already hit send. What was the word? The name of an X-Rated store, and that was pretty bad, cause this one was to another female friend who was in a relationship, and I had some 'splaining to do.
It happens. It's always good to have a good autospell checker like I have.

I have auto spell check on my computer and is drive me nuts at times. It will finish spelling a word for me but it will not be the word I wanted . A person on another forum I use was talking about riding her horse and said it 'house' instead. You really need to reread things before sending them off if you have autospell check.
I have auto spell check on my computer and is drive me nuts at times. It will finish spelling a word for me but it will not be the word I wanted . A person on another forum I use was talking about riding her horse and said it 'house' instead. You really need to reread things before sending them off if you have autospell check.

I have that on Google Chrome-- can use it for checking for suggested words, and it's come in handy at times if I couldn't remember how to spell certain words.
I wrote in FB about surprising my husband with flowers and balloons for Valentine's Day I wrote "The expression on his face was priceless." However it came out as, "The expiration on his face was priceless." Some of my friends were confused thinking he had expired. Eeek!
I wrote in FB about surprising my husband with flowers and balloons for Valentine's Day I wrote "The expression on his face was priceless." However it came out as, "The expiration on his face was priceless." Some of my friends were confused thinking he had expired. Eeek!

That wasn't fun explaining that, I'm sure. And it beats my typo.
No, I had a good laugh out of it. I find humor in almost everything.

Oh, okay. As long you had a good laugh, then all is well. Some typos, however, can land one in quite a bit of hot water, but I've been careful enough to not go there.
No, I had a good laugh out of it. I find humor in almost everything.

That is really funny Shel. I love to laugh!!!!

When I first started on this site my autocorrect would change "deaf" to "dead" made for a few interesting moments.
That is really funny Shel. I love to laugh!!!!

When I first started on this site my autocorrect would change "deaf" to "dead" made for a few interesting moments.

Ohh in have had those too with typing out deaf. Geez
I hate them with passion! I finally figured out how to kill the stupidest auto-correction. Im not sure about the rest of dumbphones and tablets. No no more autocorrection on my dumbphone, yay!
Autocorrect wouldn't change how to hoe because how is a word. It only corrects misspelled words. But the e is right next to the w, you probably just hit the wrong key, you did it not your phone, unless of course this is a bullshit story in the first place.
Autocorrect wouldn't change how to hoe because how is a word. It only corrects misspelled words. But the e is right next to the w, you probably just hit the wrong key, you did it not your phone, unless of course this is a bullshit story in the first place.

:dunno:, do I? And FYI, hoe IS a word-- not a very nice one, either. And what's up with the attitude? Your comment doesn't bother me, but I do not like what you are implying.
Did I miss something? Scratches head. Putts fatty in mouth.......
She's not implying anything
Is a shovel of some sort I think.
Your thinking of HO. The short term for whore. Lol
As for me
I often let autocorrect just do it's work and press send
It's all cool
Get weird replies thou like
" what body"
" buried loot where""did you just say bag of dicks"

Stuff like that always gives me a tickle
Then u can just blame shit on autocorrect
Cuts both ways
Have fun chigagoblue
:dunno:, do I? And FYI, hoe IS a word-- not a very nice one, either….
A "hoe" is a garden implement.

A "whore" (the "w" is silent) is a sexually promiscuous woman or prostitute.

A "ho" is slang pronunciation for whore.

Slang (look down the list for "ho")