How many believe euthanasia animals/humans should be legal

As I understand the matter- how one views "their purpose of Life" does in fact involve theological/philosophical consideration. No matter which position one arrives at-is philosophical.

There is voluminous discussions in the past- Google for starters!

This specific forum has decided "religion" not allowed to be discussed.

aside: just read some of the threads/comments to see how much "angry statements" were generated Thus the edict-no religious discussion here-seems reasonable in this specific forum
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As I understand the matter- how one views "their purpose of Life" does in fact involve theological/philosophical consideration. No matter which position one arrives at-is philosophical.

There is voluminous discussions in the past- Google for starters!

This specific forum has decided "religion" not allowed to be discussed.

aside: just read some of the threads/comments to see how much "angry statements" were generated Thus the edict-no religious discussion here-seems reasonable in this specific forum
I have no need to see what went on either in the forum or a search engine :) . It causes polarization and no discussion can ensue.

* * * * And now, a station break. * * * *
1. When you euthanize, the purpose is to put the person or the animal out of their pain.
2. When you allow a person to die, you are doing the same thing. Pain can be physical and emotion either/or/and. But what if a person is not dying but is in great pain, do you allow that, perhaps with "think time" to ensure they are making the right choice for him/herself instead of having a knee-jerk reaction to something that just happened.
I absolutely think you should be able to choose to be euthanized. However only for medical purposes. People who are in a depression or something should not have that option. Basically, only if you're told that you're going to die in X amount of time. There are some things out there that are so painful that we can't even fathom it. It's slow, drawn out and painful full of suffering. If someone in that situation wanted to have the option of euthanasia, I think they should get it. Let them go in peace.
Perfecto! But, my dad was told he'd live for 3 to 6 months. Dad would've been allowed to end his life. I guess the difference here is that he made the option not to and spent many more years with us. If he decided it was time to end his life per the docs' prediction, no one would know the difference that he would live 8 or 9 more years.

But why only for medical purposes? I'm assuming you mean the doctors have given the person a time-oriented death sentence.

If someone is emotionally in a lot of pain for "x" amount of time, why aren't you giving that person an option to die? Isn't that for medical purposes as well? What's the difference?
If i know i am in a greatly pain and will never get cure but dying very very slow. I ll beg someone to put me down. ONLY if there is NO cure and dying painfully.
I am terminally ill but I have lasted many years past my "use by date" despite at times that not seeming likely. I personally have chosen not to sign a NFR (or DNR) agreement and I am glad that I declined that when it was offered because otherwise I would never have lived to meet my best friend and have pets and a quality of life that was never predicted for me.

Having said that, I find it offensive that if my cat or dog is in terrible suffering they can be euthanased but that I don't have that option there if I ever want it.
If i know i am in a greatly pain and will never get cure but dying very very slow. I ll beg someone to put me down. ONLY if there is NO cure and dying painfully.
I understand. My mom said, "I'm lost in the woods and can't get out! Help!!!" Boy, was I at a loss with that. The only way I could comply was by being the button pusher. I wrote a poem about it. I knew every time I pushed the button, I was literally killing her. I had to do what she wanted and legally, there was no other way.
I am terminally ill but I have lasted many years past my "use by date" despite at times that not seeming likely. I personally have chosen not to sign a NFR (or DNR) agreement and I am glad that I declined that when it was offered because otherwise I would never have lived to meet my best friend and have pets and a quality of life that was never predicted for me.

Having said that, I find it offensive that if my cat or dog is in terrible suffering they can be euthanased but that I don't have that option there if I ever want it.
Ah, Silvara, you make me sad. I understand your not signing a DNR (it's how I know it). Yes, pets have been proven to add quality of life. That's why Marcus was a therapy dog.

There is what appears to be an insurmountable chasm between being allowed to euthanize pets (they're really our kids) and us. But it's a pet (and not - Marcus is my boy ... dog) not a human (redundantly, he is more than a pet to me). Hopefully, when your time is really up, the doctors will have the sense to allow you to move on by prescribing something to take you out of your pain that will also slow down your body function. Sorry about the verbiage. It is a little distorted but is was really hard for me to write.

-- Sheri
I believe its your life. Do with it what you wilt. I do not support the idea that freedom should be null for non medical reasons. Depression is s medical reason. Why would it be fine to jump naked to ones death if told of cancer but not depression? Who decides if you can do it? A team of white coated doctors? Thats tyranny. White coated doctors. Back coat priests. To me both should stay out of it.
Jump if u want
Do what you wilt. Shall be the whole law...
Said a wise magus......
Thus it is.
Thanks for writing it Sheri, verbiage or not. It is a really difficult topic.
For some. For others not so much.
Ive put some pets....I have lost a 2 friends to suicide both hung themselves.
I respected the deed. And bore them no cursfull thoughts. We thats not entirely true. One was found by his poor mama. And it broke her wee heart completely. That bastatd! If your gonna do it. Do it. But that was selfish.
The other one couldnt bare the joint......
Such is this fallen ugly world.
(Sios a drink to the boys)
Argh!!!!!! That's nuts! It's also why there is reason to be prepared and be ready for how and when we choose to die and it's not easy. Doctors know the formulas and can make it happen for themselves and subtly for their patients. So, yes, I believe in the right to euthanize animals and humans. It happens now but as Hochi would argue, this is one of the reasons he wants government to stay out of our lives! Sorry, I feel so bad for the man suffering so much. Welcome to the idiot death panels and this was happening prior to Palin bringing it up. Oh man. Another case of where I believe it but wish I could say I don't and can't.

My client has dies some years ago. When I started out as health aide each client got 2 hours of care. At the end some got only one hour and a half and the person was not happy about losing a half hour of care. I had one client that only had 15 minutes of care! I had to cook him a meal , bath and dress him in 15 minutes . I felt like I was on "Beat the Clock ' show. I was able to do it all . That was insane 15 minutes of care. I only had the guy one time ,thanks goodness.
For some. For others not so much.
Ive put some pets....I have lost a 2 friends to suicide both hung themselves.
I respected the deed. And bore them no cursfull thoughts. We thats not entirely true. One was found by his poor mama. And it broke her wee heart completely. That bastatd! If your gonna do it. Do it. But that was selfish.
The other one couldnt bare the joint......
Such is this fallen ugly world.
(Sios a drink to the boys)
Hochi man, I represented you in one comment I made to something. You want government out of our lives.

So, you say that it's okay to do what you want with your life so long as he/she isn't found. If you euthanize yourself (aka commit suicide), whether you are found by someone who loves you or someone else, you have tossed a small stone in the water and it hops and ripples affecting everything it has touched to different degrees. But that decision remains with the person who wants to depart. "If your gonna do it. Do it." But invisibly?
My client has dies some years ago. When I started out as health aide each client got 2 hours of care. At the end some got only one hour and a half and the person was not happy about losing a half hour of care. I had one client that only had 15 minutes of care! I had to cook him a meal , bath and dress him in 15 minutes . I felt like I was on "Beat the Clock ' show. I was able to do it all . That was insane 15 minutes of care. I only had the guy one time ,thanks goodness.
My partner worked in a substance abuse ward. Same thing happened. Patients were initially admitted for 28 days and we both saw some of those positive results when we marched in gay pride in NYC when people would come out and hug her. Times changed and the days were slaughtered. She left. How can you help someone in so little time.
Humans are different than animals-thinking? for purposes of enthanasia.

In the real world one can commit suicide assuming one is capable of activity.
Suicide, especially by people who don't have terminal diseases, causes a lot of trauma, pain, hardship and anguish for the family and friends they leave behind. It's terrible. :(
There been case in UK it just gone through courts the daughter was found innocent..Her mum and dad died together apparently it was well thought out as they both doctors but one had demtia i feel uncomfortable with it
Humans are different than animals-thinking? for purposes of enthanasia.

In the real world one can commit suicide assuming one is capable of activity.
For the most part (I cannot quote a source, so I need to keep the first few words vague) we are different than animals because we can think as you said.

It is my fault for not simply stating the reality that you did (I'm sensitive to this and I do apologize for not being forthright) we have the option of committing suicide. Four years ago, a dear neighbor/friend committed suicide by hanging. And yes, I agree with your statement, "... assuming one is capable of activity." But when committing suicide, nothing is a sure thing. It doesn't stop some but it surely likely stops a lot of people. I don't understand why it has to be this way. It isn't against the Hippocratic Oath of, "Do no harm." This is obviously debatable :) . But this is a common excuse.

But suicide and doctor-assisted suicide are different. When we euthanize our "kid" (animal) it's a form of doctor-assisted suicide. It sounds like I'm stretching this but it's subjective :) and to me I am not. We had a 1 year old cat. He had a major heart problem. I don't think I will ever forget the day he appeared to meow in what we translated to end the pain (this is transference, I think), so we took him to the vet and euthanized him 20.5 years ago.

Animals are entitled to this. They can die in the hands of a vet and not by some horrible means. People do not have that legal option. Some folks here suggest we should have that option when one is terminal. It's really not an option and doctors do it quietly and subtly or they're breaking a law. There are states you can go if you're terminal for this purpose. But there are residency requirements and if you are terminally ill, you may not make it and instead die in needless pain.

Yuck. What a topic. And Calvin, in his wisdom, opens a thread about a bucket list.:shock: Good timing!
if you want to read in more depth about doctor assisted suicide and its debates. google up PAS - physician assisted suicide)

here some of which i found (i studied those before and I refused to come in here to squabble...) but if anything I am in between Hiochi's and Reba's (suicide arent right if depressed)...not an anarchist in any IS changing slowly...but indeed if pain is to be endured because of some misguided belief, then that should change to allow people to go when they decide, not doctors...

Physician-Assisted Suicide - Introduction

Medical Ethics | Physician-Assisted Suicide

An argument against physician-assisted suicide

Death With Dignity Should Not Be Equated With Physician Assisted Suicide - Forbes

so...happy reading if you have time (I don't , in fact I'm sick of reading)...
Perhaps to stop other from being "sick of reading"-lock the thread.
Grummer's thought #38.
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Perhaps to stop other from being "sick of reading"-lock the thread.

If you're sick of reading it......stop reading it, nobody's making you. You're not required to read every post in every thread on the forum.