How far would you go for a rebate?


Forum Disorders M.D.,Ph.D
Nov 6, 2006
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Mail-in rebates: A four-week hassle over a $4 rebate -

A four-week hassle to get a $4 rebate
Mail-in rebates can be a minefield of sneaky requirements and exclusions. You almost suspect that big businesses don't really want people claiming the money they're due.
By David Lazarus July 9, 2010

How far would you go for $4?

Jon Merritt deserves some kind of prize for running a corporate obstacle course to redeem a $4 rebate he was promised for a 20-pack of Miller Genuine Draft beer.

Mail-in rebates, as many of us have learned, can be a minefield of sneaky requirements and exclusions. Far be it from me to doubt the integrity of big businesses, but you almost suspect they don't really want people claiming the money they're due.

Most consumers might throw in the towel when confronted by intransigent service reps or the revelation of fine-print exemptions.

Not Merritt.

The 53-year-old stockbroker, who works in the Los Angeles office of a prominent Wall Street firm he'd rather not name, told me it's just a matter of principle.

"When you buy something in a store and a promise is made, you deserve a fair shake," he said.

In this case, Merritt was buying beer for a Memorial Day party and selected Miller over competing brands because the supermarket had cut the $20 price of a 20-pack to $13, and MillerCoors was offering an additional $4 in the form of the mail-in rebate.

"Twenty bottles of beer for $9 — that's a pretty good deal," Merritt said.

He said he peeled one of the rebate coupons from the store display and stuffed it with his receipt into his wallet. After the holiday weekend, he took a closer look.

Merritt said he could just make out the front of the 3-inch-by-2-inch coupon, which promised the $4 back. The back side, where all the fine print was, was another matter.

He put on his reading glasses to get a closer look. Still nothing but a blur.

"It's the tiniest print I've ever seen," Merritt said.

I'll attest to that. Even with glasses on, I didn't have a shot at deciphering the actual-size copy of the rebate coupon that Merritt faxed me.

Undaunted, Merritt enlarged the coupon on a copy machine. That's when he learned that MillerCoors wouldn't accept photocopies.

Trouble was, the original was so puny, Merritt said he couldn't fill in his name, address, phone number, birth date and purchase location, as required for the rebate. "You reach a certain age, you just can't write that small," he said.

So Merritt called the company to see if something could be worked out. He said a service rep immediately declared that nothing could be done. Unwilling to accept that as the last word, Merritt tried again, this time calling the office of MillerCoors Chief Executive Leo Kiely.

He said an assistant to the CEO promised that someone would get back to him. A week passed. Nothing.

Merritt tried again, and again was told by the CEO's office that someone would get back to him. Another week passed. He called again and left a voice mail. A week later — this would be last week — he called yet again.

And this time, someone from MillerCoors did call back. Merritt said the rep instructed him to send in his receipt and proof of purchase, along with the itty-bitty coupon, which he now wouldn't be required to fill out. The $4, he was told, would be forthcoming.

Julian Green, a MillerCoors spokesman, acknowledged that company records show that Merritt contacted the company after Memorial Day and that a service rep had been unable to assist him in dealing with the fine print.

But he said the rebate coupon and its contents "fall within industry standards."

Green also wanted to know why, if the coupon was so hard to fill out, customer-service records show that Jon Merritt submitted no fewer than three other rebate coupons throughout the month of June. Something fishy, perhaps?

Perhaps not. Green acknowledged that, upon closer inspection, the other coupons were for a Jon Merritt who lives in Oakdale, near Modesto — not L.A.

"It's not me," said the L.A.-based Merritt. "I don't drink that much beer, and I don't even know where Oakdale is."

I wrote recently about money-back coupons offered by CVS Caremark and the way many companies deliberately make it hard to claim a reward, thus minimizing the hit to their bottom line.

Merritt said he's an avid coupon clipper and is willing to jump through an extra hoop or two. But he said MillerCoors tilted the paying field by printing a coupon too small to read and then trying to weasel out of making it right.

"Four calls to the company?" Merritt said. "That's way too much."

It is, and most of us probably wouldn't have kept at it, not for a measly four bucks.

"To be honest," Merritt said, "what I wanted wasn't really the $4. I wanted them to acknowledge that the design of the coupon was terrible and for them to say they'd do something about it. They never said that."

Why would they? From MillerCoors' perspective, you could say the coupon worked exactly as intended.

David Lazarus' column runs Tuesdays and Fridays. He also can be seen daily on KTLA-TV Channel 5. Send your tips or feedback to

That's right, how far would you go for a rebate?
I'd probably go as low as $10, but would give up if I didn't get it in a few months.
That's why it's better to have an instant rebate right at the check-out.
Besides, the concept of a rebate is actually beneficial to the store and the manufacturer. They know a lot of people won't send in for their rebates. So they get to keep the money.
Since we failed to get the rebate on a computer years ago because of some little detail we overlooked, I go out of my way to find the best deal on anything that does not involve mail in rebate as part of the savings.

I can usually find things cheaper without relying on that type of marketing.
That's right, how far would you go for a rebate?
I'd probably go as low as $10, but would give up if I didn't get it in a few months.

all the way. that's how far up I can get my foot in their ass
Me thinks most of those rebate deals are just a gimmick....Altho' some may be legit, I've yet to see it. I've mailed in a few, never heard from them (in previous years)....Rather have one at the counter also than to waste a 46 cent stamp and wait 4-6-8 weeks for a couple of bucks...
LOL...don't get me started on mail in rebates. I won't buy anything with mail in rebates for this reason - far too much BS to go through just to get 'em. I just buy the stuff with the instant rebates. If there is a mail in, I take it with a grain of salt and just throw it away.
I did get my $150 rebate in the mail for something I bought. It took forever but worth it. For $4, nope, I wouldnt go for it.
You can usually negotiate with stores and get the rebate upfront even if it is a mail in rebate. That is what I do. I did it with AT&T when I bought my netbook. I negotiate's like a game. Fun game.
You can usually negotiate with stores and get the rebate upfront even if it is a mail in rebate. That is what I do. I did it with AT&T when I bought my netbook. I negotiate's like a game. Fun game.

How successful is this?
I have never tried negotiating, I always thought the money comes from the manufacturer or distributor, not the store.

Like in cases of electronics, computer peripherals, that stuff.
With AT&T I negotiated a gift card at time of purchase for the amount of the mail in rebate. Used the gift card on the iphone later. I have almost always had success.
My daughter and boyfriend brought something that had an instant rebate but the store did not give it to them . They when to the customer service and had no luck. I told my daugther I would get it for them , her boyfriend laughed . We all when back to the store and I got the rebate , my daughter boyfriend was impressed as he was not able to get the rebate. companies made up so many rules to get a mail in rebate , they're hoping people will not follow are the rules or get so fed up and not try to get the rebate.
I would say if it was an instant rebate I would go all the way to get the money and I would not leave until I got it .
My daughter and boyfriend brought something that had an instant rebate but the store did not give it to them . They when to the customer service and had no luck. I told my daugther I would get it for them , her boyfriend laughed . We all when back to the store and I got the rebate , my daughter boyfriend was impressed as he was not able to get the rebate. companies made up so many rules to get a mail in rebate , they're hoping people will not follow are the rules or get so fed up and not try to get the rebate.
I would say if it was an instant rebate I would go all the way to get the money and I would not leave until I got it .

Yup.....happens all the time. People would be shocked to know how many times a grocery store rings them up wrong too. I catch them very often. Usually it's items scanning at regular price rather than sale price. Kroger has a policy (at least here) that if you catch an item scanning with an incorrect price, the item is free. I have gotten alot of free stuff.
I bought a new HP computer 4 or 5 years ago and it came with a mail in rebate with HP for $100. I sent it in and they mailed me back said the information wasn't correct and couldn't send my rebate. I went back and forth with them via email a few times and that didn't work so I contacted one of those local news channels consumer protection advocate things you see on tv sometimes and they contacted HP themselves and within 3 weeks I had my rebate check in my hand.:D
I probably wouldn't go through all that for $4. But I have done other mail-in rebates and so far, never had a problem. Don't do them too often tho - I like the instant rebates right at checkout best too. :)
Yup.....happens all the time. People would be shocked to know how many times a grocery store rings them up wrong too. I catch them very often. Usually it's items scanning at regular price rather than sale price. Kroger has a policy (at least here) that if you catch an item scanning with an incorrect price, the item is free. I have gotten alot of free stuff.

Yep....I catch it all the time at grocery stores...and when I say..."wait a minute, that's on sale!"...the cashier gets somewhat irritated...."so what!"...I watch closely as my items are rung up....but have never gotten the item "for free"!....
By the time he was done photocopying and calling reps he probably spent more than the $4 he would have saved. :rofl:

I wouldn't go that far for $4. Maybe for $50 or $100.
Yup.....happens all the time. People would be shocked to know how many times a grocery store rings them up wrong too. I catch them very often. Usually it's items scanning at regular price rather than sale price. Kroger has a policy (at least here) that if you catch an item scanning with an incorrect price, the item is free. I have gotten alot of free stuff.

I check my shopping receipts before I leave the grocery store and try to watch the prices that are ringed up. I found a lot of sale items being change as the regular price. And sometime there will be a two for X$ sale and I will buy only one and the store ring up 2 items. Market Basket is really bad , you have to keep an eye on them or you will cheated a lot.
And another thing stores are doing it trying to get you to buy a extended warrantie when you check out. I never buy them , as there is too much fine prints in it.
Yep....I catch it all the time at grocery stores...and when I say..."wait a minute, that's on sale!"...the cashier gets somewhat irritated...."so what!"...I watch closely as my items are rung up....but have never gotten the item "for free"!....

I have gotten items for free a few times , but stores are not doing this any more. I have gone into stores that have an old sale price on an item and the store has to sell it to you for the cheaper price.

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