Also it may have to do with kinds of topics or posts rather so.
If someone posts a boring or blah blah topic/thread, then expect little or zero comments.
Use interesting subjects, "hotter the better" then you shall expect some comments at least. Use your common sense.
If no one answers, just move on, simple! It doesn't necessarily means we ignore you.
You're far too sweet to be ignored Koalaie..
edit: Sometimes, my posts or threads get ignored too, I just move on to something else.
Good morning Koala How are you
I have been ignored many time as I have notice and I have seen some members posts been ignored too. I am just curious how do you feel when members just brushed past your post and comments on other members post above you? I think it is downright rude. Very rude indeed! If that keeps up, then I will leave alldeaf for good which is my fave forum. Sad is it?