How do you feel when members ignore your post?

How do you feel when members ignore your posts?

  • Sad and hurt

    Votes: 4 7.5%
  • Don't mind

    Votes: 16 30.2%
  • Angry and piss off

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Just move on

    Votes: 32 60.4%

  • Total voters
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I just move on. Life's too short to worry about who's viewing my threads or replying to my posts.
I voted just move on. Koala, I am not ignore you. I am sorry. I didn't read yours. I read other threads. I did post a comment on yours at Magna World.
well i would feel hurt
guess that alldeaf is not important to me anymore sorry for saying that that how i feel right now
I have been ignored many time as I have notice and I have seen some members posts been ignored too. I am just curious how do you feel when members just brushed past your post and comments on other members post above you? I think it is downright rude. Very rude indeed! If that keeps up, then I will leave alldeaf for good which is my fave forum. Sad is it?

I'm sorry that you felt ignored, if I ever did ignored you, then I apology. :hug:
I voted just moved on as I'm not too popular here and I'm just fine with it. :) I don't come on alldeaf too often though. :P Don't be feeling bad if you weren't getting any responds to your threads. I post up some vlogs and I don't get much of responds... do I complain? No. I don't mind if I didn't even get one! :)

Like some other said, this forum is one busy forum from what I could see all these years that I've been on and off of here. Whew!
I voted 'Dont mind" cuz I have had my posts ignored in some threads. I guess I never thought about it. :dunno:
I voted 'Dont mind" cuz I have had my posts ignored in some threads. I guess I never thought about it. :dunno:

Me too. If you want someone to reply to your post, make your post worthwhile or thought-provoking. Simple as that.
At first I was hurt but now I would say who f**king cares.
I vote : Just move on. Don't let it get to you. Just be yourself and enjoy any thread you like to read.

And, of course this AD is the most busiest site. It explained why we have over 1 million posts. :lol:
better to be ingore than them get upset over my remarks. I don't have time or brain to post in all threads past few weeks now.
Doesn't bother me just move on.
Well I was ignored all the time here. :dunno2: I used to that. It's kinda of same with high school and middle school, they just ignored me al lthe way. *Shrugs*

I'm really sorry that you were being ignored... :hug:

EDIT: I actually don't mind to be ignored which is why I said, "I used to that".
I don't know why would anybody take it so seriously... I vote "don't mind. :)
Perhaps i ought to clarify my statement. I was not meaning to make the OP feel bad about being ignored. They have a right to their feelings, yes they do. PERSONALLY SPEAKING, I am not so very sensitive about others glossing my posts. If it happens i just assume that:

A) nobody knows what the heck i'm talking about,


B) i've siad something so incredibly stupid, that it simply cannot be dignified with a response.
I vote dont mind. And move on... (I would vote both :lol:)

[Mod's Edit - Comment removed - unnecessary]
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I really don't care if they ignore me, so what! Nobody cares about each other. I already know just to keep going until one day at a time they will come up if not then g' bye.
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