How do you feel about the draft?

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Looks like you're asking to be put #1 on the list for their next draft? ;)
hey me too!

I knew for a long time about this.
Let me pose another question---
If you are a soldier, and you are ordered to fire upon protesters, would you do it? That is coming too.
I'll repost my quote from other thread. If you are given an illegal order even directly from your superiors, it is your lawful duty to disobey. We tried German soldiers after WWII who often said "Well, I was just following orders." In my book - that stops being an excuse the seconds you know that those orders are wrong."

Guys.. While I don't want any kind of draft happening..

Here's something for you guys to think about.. Suppose you do get drafted to join the military.. It means leaving your family, friends, lives, jobs, lovers, kids, ect.. behind to go to another state for up to 6 months of training.. perhaps a year of training.. You go wherever they tell you to go even if it's Iraq, Afganstian, Kuwait, Korea.. whatever.
You have NO freedom, no free speech.. You are basically in the military for 4 to 8 years, depending on which job you choose. You have to stay in the military. It's not like a normal job where you can quit just because you don't like your job. You're stuck in there.

How do I know? Proud Girlfriend of a Hearing soilder currently in the Army.
It's not that bad. Why? Look at Switzerland, Korea, Israel, etc. They're all doing fine. All my uncles, grandfathers, cousins, my dad, and men have done it. It's not as bad as you think. I have not heard of draft that keeps you for 8 years. Typical length of time is 3-4 years.

You don't have free speech either for whatever the company you work for. You cannot speak ill of them as long as you're their employee. Being away for a long time is typical of industrial jobs anyway. Construction worker, truck driver, etc. are away from home for a couple months to several months.
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