How do you feel about Immigrants?

An interesting article related to crime:

Auto accidents:

Predatory Aliens

Tens of thousands of violent crimes are committed each year against our children by predatory aliens who should never have been allowed to enter or stay in our country. The most disturbing aspect of this problem is the thousands of unregistered sex offenders who have entered the United States illegally and therefore are not being tracked. These dangerous sex offenders are not included in the Megan's Law data bases, and not even the police know their whereabouts or identities.

In Operation Predator sweeps, from July 9, 2003 to July 19, 2005, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents arrested more than 5,100 foreign national sexual predators in the United States of America. The top 10 states for Operation Predator arrests were California (1,578), Texas (545), New Jersey (423), New York (367), Illinois (282), Florida (255), Arizona (207), Minnesota (190), Michigan (153), and Oregon (148).

n the Los Angeles riots, illegal immigrants played a major role. According to a White House Press Conference, of the first 6,000 people arrested, around 2,000 of them were illegal immigrants. They cost the government about $75 million annually, for incarceration. Twenty-five percent of the inmates in federal prisons are illegal immigrants, this percentage does not include state prisons (Dalton 75-76).

About 4% of State prison inmates were not U.S. citizens at yearend 2001.
Reba's post

Predatory Aliens

Tens of thousands of violent crimes are committed each year against our children by predatory aliens who should never have been allowed to enter or stay in our country. The most disturbing aspect of this problem is the thousands of unregistered sex offenders who have entered the United States illegally and therefore are not being tracked. These dangerous sex offenders are not included in the Megan's Law data bases, and not even the police know their whereabouts or identities.

n the Los Angeles riots, illegal immigrants played a major role. According to a White House Press Conference, of the first 6,000 people arrested, around 2,000 of them were illegal immigrants. They cost the government about $75 million annually, for incarceration. Twenty-five percent of the inmates in federal prisons are illegal immigrants, this percentage does not include state prisons (Dalton 75-76).

About 4% of State prison inmates were not U.S. citizens at yearend 2001.

I have a question for you, Reba.

I doubt either I understand you correct or not.

Is it legal for the employers/owners from any companies/firms to offer illegal immigrants the jobs without check their Work Permit card (Green Card) or Social number?

How long immigrants allow to become legal to stay in America and get job legal?

Would the government offer immigrants residing in America as legal permanently? If yes, what's the reason?

Here in Germany:
They gave immigrants the chance to become legal immigrants due temporary work permit (green card) between 6 months and 1 year or more... Depend on kind of skilled what immigrants have, then they can stay longer in Germany or permanently. They will sent back immigrants to their own country if they have bad crime/behavior record during 6 months to 1 year and also no skilled. They gave me temporary work permit (green card) for 4 years instead of 1 year because I married to a German. After 4 years, they check my criminal background during 4 years then give me permanently work permit which it means that I live in Germany forever.

The Employer/Owners of companies/firm will get in trouble for offer illegal immigrants job without work permit (green card). It's their obligate to check immigrants's work permit and follow their expire date... They have to remind immigrants to go authorities to extend their work permit, if not then they have to leave.
New Immigration Law Offers Prospects for Skilled Workers, Students

This link explains better.

New Immigration Law Offers Prospects for Skilled Workers, Students

Courses: This German language course in Stuttgart in 2002 was part of a pilot program testing the concept of integration courses for new immigrants. DPA photo

Germany’s new law on immigration – with provisions for skilled foreigners to receive permission to work and settle in Germany, government-funded integration programs, improvements in asylum rules, and security measures – was approved by the Bundesrat on July 9. With that final approval, the law is set to go into effect on January 1, 2005.

With this law, Interior Minister Otto Schily said after its approval, Germany has taken an important step in establishing itself in a globalized world in which Germany cannot simply close itself off, but must “open its doors and windows.” With the broad approval it won, the idea that Germany is country of immigration has taken root, Schily said.

Some of the provisions of the new law:

Foreign students who successfully complete their studies in Germany will be allowed to remain in the country for up to one year to find a job
Integration courses will be offered to all new immigrants and made mandatory for immigrants with special integration needs

A new residency status for refugees of civil wars

A speedier process for expelling foreigners suspected of belonging to or supporting groups that support terrorism

Some 7.2 million foreigners live in Germany, and as of December 1999, some 52 % had been living in Germany for at least 10 years and approximately 32 % had been living there for 20 years or more. A law generally prohibiting recruitment of foreign workers has been in effect since 1973. Under the “Green Card” initiative created in 2000, some 10,000 foreign highly-skilled workers in the information-technology field came to Germany, though their stay under a temporary work permit is limited to five years. The new immigration law goes further by offering the prospect of long-term residency in Germany to highly-skilled foreigners. It also streamlines the process, eliminating the need for an individual to apply separately for residence and work permits.

The vote on July 9 brought to an end several years of controversy and negotiation over the issue of immigration. The Bundestag originally passed an immigration law in November 2001, but a subsequent vote of approval by the Bundesrat was eventually declared null and void due to a procedural error. While the Bundestag again voted to approve the immigration law in May 2003, the proposal was rejected the following month by the conservative majority in the Bundesrat. Then in June 2004, government and opposition party negotiators reached the final details on a compromise, clearing the way for passage in the Bundestag and Bundesrat.

The President of the Deutsches Studentenwerk (German student union) Hans-Dieter Rinkens welcomed the new law, saying it showed foreign students that they are welcome in Germany. Representatives of refugee and asylum organizations welcomed the law but are also in favor of further reforms. And the president of the Deutsche Industrie und Handelskammertages (German chamber for industry and trade), Ludwig Georg Braun called for even more measures to ease immigration for foreign workers.
Liebling:-))) said:
I have a question for you, Reba.

I doubt either I understand you correct or not.

Is it legal for the employers/owners from any companies/firms to offer illegal immigrants the jobs without check their Work Permit card (Green Card) or Social number?
It is NOT legal for U.S. employers to hire illegal aliens. The illegal aliens do NOT have "green cards" or Social Security numbers. The employers are breaking the law.

How long immigrants allow to become legal to stay in America and get job legal?
The illegal aliens are entering the country illegally. That is, they do NOT have legal permission to enter the United States. Therefor, they are NOT supposed to stay in the U.S.

There are also some people who entered the U.S. legally but stayed beyond the expiration of their permission. Those people are also here illegally, and must leave.

Would the government offer immigrants residing in America as legal permanently? If yes, what's the reason?
People from other countries must request legal permission to enter the U.S. before they cross our border. If they enter the U.S. legally, then they can apply to stay legally. There are various categories, requirements, and situations. I will try to find an official link for you later, so you can see the details.

I hope this helps. :)
deafdyke said:
Reba, you are simply throwing out stories. You have not given me any hardcore percentages. Now if you could show (through hard numbers) that illegal immigration contribuated significently to violent crime, THEN I might reconsider my POV.
BTW, I use those "stories" to show that real, live, flesh and blood people are hurt by illegal aliens. Those people are not just "numbers". They felt pain and their families mourn their loss. They are not just statistics.

I think it is obvious that if those illegal aliens were stopped from entering our country, they would not be able to hurt Americans.

How many people have to die before you accept the fact that illegal aliens contribute "significently" to violent crime? Is a certain percentage of murder and rape acceptable to you?

Sorry, but I don't see people as numbers or percentages.
Here are some of the legal requirements for immigration into the U.S.

Who May Apply to Become a Lawful Permanent Resident While in the United States?
You may be eligible to apply for adjustment to permanent resident status if you are already in the United States and if one or more of the following categories apply to you.

Family Member

You are the spouse, parent, unmarried child under age 21, the unmarried son or daughter over age 21, the married son or daughter, or the brother or sister of a United States citizen and have a visa petition approved in your behalf.

You are the spouse or unmarried son or daughter of any age of a lawful permanent resident and you have a family-based visa petition approved in your behalf.


You are an alien who has an approved visa petition filed in your behalf by a United States employer. For more information on how an employee can become an immigrant, please see How Do I Apply for Immigrant Status Based on Employment? In addition, please see our list of ?How Do I? pages which provide information on bringing relatives (Parents, Spouses, Siblings, Children) to live in the United States.

Visa Number

If you are a Family- or Employment-based applicant, you must have an immigrant visa number available from the State Department unless you are in a category that is exempt from numerical limitations. Immediate relatives of United States citizens are exempt from this requirement. Immediate relatives of U.S. citizens are parents, spouses, and unmarried children under 21. (For instance, you can apply to adjust to permanent resident status at the same time that your U.S. citizen daughter files an application for you to become an immigrant.)

Other immigrant categories that are exempt from numerical limitations and do not need a visa number include special immigrant juvenile and special immigrant military petitions. For more information on immigrant visa numbers, see How Do I Get an Immigrant Visa Number? Also see How Do I Bring My Spouse to the United States to Live? How Do I Bring My Child to the United States to Live? and How Do I Bring My Parents to the United States to Live? USCIS Form I-360 provides more information on special immigrant juvenile and special immigrant military petitions.

For the unmarried son or daughter (over 21 years of age) of a US Citizen, brother or sister of a US Citizen, or the spouse or children of lawful permanent residents, visa numbers are limited by law every year. This means that even if the USCIS approves an immigrant visa petition for you, you may not get an immigrant visa number immediately. In some cases, several years could pass between the time the USCIS approves your immigrant visa petition and the State Department gives you an immigrant visa number. For more information on visa numbers, please see How Do I Get an Immigrant Visa Number?


You were a fiance(e) who was admitted to the United States on a K-1 visa and then married the U.S. citizen who applied for the K-1 visa for you. (If you married the U.S. citizen but not within the 90-day time limit, your spouse also must now file USCIS Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative ). Your unmarried, minor children are also eligible for adjustment of status. See How Do I Bring My Fiance(e) to the United States? for more information. If you did not marry the U.S. citizen who filed the K-1 petition in your behalf, or if you married another U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, you are not eligible to adjust status in the United States.


You are an asylee or refugee who has been in the United States for at least a year after being given asylum or refugee status and still qualify for asylum or refugee status. See Asylee or Refugee Seeking Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) Status, How Do I Apply for Asylum?, and How Do I Get Resettled in the United States as a Refugee? for more information.

Diversity Visa

You received notice from the Department of State that you have won a visa in the Diversity Visa Lottery

Cuban Citizen

You are a Cuban citizen or native who has been in the U.S. for at least a year after being inspected, admitted, or paroled into the United States. Your spouse and children who are residing with you in the United States may also be eligible for adjustment of status.

U.S. Resident Since Before 01/01/72

You have been a continuous resident of the United States since before January 1, 1972. See 8 CFR 249.2(a), under 'Jurisdiction.'

Other Nationality-Based Programs

Parent's LPR Status

Your parent became a lawful permanent resident after you were born. You may be eligible to receive following-to-join benefits if you are the unmarried child under age 21 of the lawful permanent resident. In these cases, you may apply to adjust to permanent resident status at the same time that your parent applies for following-to-join benefits for you. For more information, see How Do I Bring My Children to the United States to Live?

Spouse's LPR Status

Your spouse became a lawful permanent resident after you were married. You may be eligible to receive following-to-join benefits. In these cases, you may apply to adjust to permanent resident status at the same time that your spouse applies for following-to-join benefits for you. For more information, see How Do I Bring My Spouse to the United States to Live?

Otherwise Eligible Immediate Relatives

If "otherwise eligible" to immigrate to the U.S., immediate relatives may adjust status to LPR (get a "green card") in the United States even if they may have done any of the following:

worked without permission,

remained in the U.S. past the period of lawful admission (e.g., past the expiration date on your I-94) and filed for adjustment of status while in an unlawful status because of that,

failed otherwise to maintain lawful status and with the proper immigration documentation, or

have been admitted as a visitor without a visa under sections 212(l) or 217 of the Act (which are the 15-day admission under the Guam visa waiver program and the 90-day admission under the Visa Waiver Program, respectively).

Please note: If a person came into the U.S. illegally, that person is barred from adjusting their status to LPR (cannot obtain a green card) even if he or she marries a U.S. citizen or otherwise becomes an immediate relative. An immediate relative must meet the eligibility requirement of being 'inspected and admitted or paroled into the United States.'


There may be other reasons that you are eligible for adjustment to permanent resident status. Please see USCIS Form I-485 for more complete information.

You may be ineligible for adjustment to permanent resident status if:

You entered the U.S. while you were in transit to another country without obtaining a visa.

You entered the U.S. while you were a nonimmigrant crewman.

You were not admitted or paroled into the United States after being inspected by a U.S. Immigration inspector.

You are employed in the United States without USCIS authorization or you are no longer legally in the country (except through no fault of your own or for some technical reason). This rule does not apply to you if:

You are the immediate relative of a U.S. citizen (parent, spouse, or unmarried child under 21 years old).

Certain foreign medical graduates, international organization employees and family members.

You are a J-1 or J-2 exchange visitor who must comply with the two-year foreign residence requirement, and you have not met or been granted a waiver for this requirement.

You have an A (diplomatic status), E (treaty trader or investor), or G (representative to international organization) nonimmigrant status, or have an occupation that would allow you have this status. This rule will not apply to you if you complete USCIS Form I-508 (I-508F for French nationals) to waive diplomatic rights, privileges and immunities. If you are an A or G nonimmigrant, you must also submit USCIS Form I-566.

You were admitted to Guam as a visitor under the Guam Visa Waiver Program. (This does not apply to immediate relatives.)

You were admitted into the United States as a visitor under the Visa Waiver Program. (This rule does not apply to you if you are the immediate relative of a U.S. citizen (parent, spouse, or unmarried child under 21).)

You are already a conditional permanent resident.

You were admitted as a K-1 fiance(e) but did not marry the U.S. citizen who filed the petition for you. Or, you were admitted as the K-2 child of a fiance(e) and your parent did not marry the U.S. citizen who filed the petition for you.

There may be other reasons that you are ineligible for adjustment to permanent resident status. Please see USCIS Form I-485 for more complete information.
Have any of you seen A Day Without a Mexican?

Personally, I've no problem with immigrants. Do I think that those who come here illegally should do what they can to become legal? Of course. The argument isn't over whether or not we should allow people to live here illegally forever (because then it wouldn't be illegal anymore), but rather over the methods and procedures currently in place to help them become legal.

Immigrants, whether legal or illegal, do our economy huge favors in working for companies that otherwise might have a hard time finding employees. As I said before, many immigrants are willings to accept less-than-thrilling jobs for low pay because they need the money. Personally, I've worked with a number of illegal immigrants, and some who had come over illegally and worked hard to gain status as a legal citizen. The first job I had was a dry cleaners, and the simple truth was that my boss couldn't pay most people enough money. So he hired immigrants who needed money to feed their families, even if it was minimum wage. Without them, he would have had to shut down his business.

As for the dozen or so (if not more) posts about all these terrible, evil beings we call immigrants, I could post matching stories for crimes committed by American born citizens, but what would that prove? That Americans are horrible, violent murderers and we should get rid of all of them? I think not.

I have a lot of respect for someone who is willing to risk everything they have, no matter how little it may be, to help their family.
ayala920 said:
Personally, I've no problem with immigrants.
Neither do I. I do have a big problem with illegal aliens.

Do I think that those who come here illegally should do what they can to become legal? Of course.
So do I. That means they need to go back over the border and do it the right way.

BTW, I do have friends who did it the long, hard, LEGAL way, and they were NOT "the privileged few".

Immigrants, whether legal or illegal, do our economy huge favors in working for companies that otherwise might have a hard time finding employees.
Illegal aliens don't pay taxes, and they take advantage of our country's social services and medical care. They use our school systems. All for free.

Employers take advantage of aliens illegal status by paying them less than they do for American workers. They don't provide them with retirement plans, workman's comp, insurance, or grievance access. The employers take advantage of the aliens in order to make an illegal profit off of them.

As for the dozen or so (if not more) posts about all these terrible, evil beings we call immigrants, I could post matching stories for crimes committed by American born citizens, but what would that prove?
Those "dozen or so" posts represent only a small fraction of the ones that I found. They were not about "immigrants"; they were about criminal illegal aliens. What does it prove? It proves that there would have been that many fewer violent crimes if they hadn't been allowed into the country.

I have a lot of respect for someone who is willing to risk everything they have, no matter how little it may be, to help their family.
If they are truly taking a risk, then they know there is always the chance that they will be caught, and punished and/or sent back. Right now, there isn't too much of that "risk" involved because our immigration laws are not being enforced.
The illegal aliens don't fear getting caught:

Certainly fear of immigration officers is not in evidence among the hundreds of illegal day laborers who hang out on Roosevelt Avenue in Queens, New York, in front of money wire services, travel agencies, immigration-attorney offices, and phone arcades, all catering to the local Hispanic population (as well as to drug dealers and terrorists). “There is no chance of getting caught,” cheerfully explains Rafael, an Ecuadoran. Like the dozen Ecuadorans and Mexicans on his particular corner, Rafael is hoping that an SUV seeking carpenters for $100 a day will show up soon. “We don’t worry, because we’re not doing anything wrong. I know it’s illegal; I need the papers, but here, nobody asks you for papers.”

For those who like statistics:

• In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide (which total 1,200 to 1,500) target illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens.

• A confidential California Department of Justice study reported in 1995 that 60 percent of the 20,000-strong 18th Street Gang in southern California is illegal; police officers say the proportion is actually much greater. The bloody gang collaborates with the Mexican Mafia, the dominant force in California prisons, on complex drug-distribution schemes, extortion, and drive-by assassinations, and commits an assault or robbery every day in L.A. County. The gang has grown dramatically over the last two decades by recruiting recently arrived youngsters, most of them illegal, from Central America and Mexico.

• The leadership of the Columbia Lil’ Cycos gang, which uses murder and racketeering to control the drug market around L.A.’s MacArthur Park, was about 60 percent illegal in 2002, says former assistant U.S. attorney Luis Li. Francisco Martinez, a Mexican Mafia member and an illegal alien, controlled the gang from prison, while serving time for felonious reentry following deportation.
This one is awesome from Butler County, Ohio not too far away from Pennsylvania. I wish more sherriffs were like this. :) :thumb:

Even Ohio has an illegal alien problem.

This is a little off the point, but I came across a powerful book I read when I was 18 and wanted to share an excerpt with you.

"The U.S.-Mexican border es una berida abierta where the Third World grates against the first and bleeds. And before a scab forms it hemorrhages again, the lifeblood of two worlds merging to form a third country- a border culture. Borders are set up to define the places that are safe and unsafe, to distinguish us from them. A border is a dividing line, a narrow strip along a steep edge. A borderland is a vague and undetermined place created by the emotional residue of an unnatural boundary. It is a constant state of transition. The prohibited and forbidden are its inhabitants. Los atravesados live here: the squint-eyed, the perverse, the queer, the troublesome, the mongrel, themulato, the half-breed, the half dead; in short, those who cross over, pass oer, or go through the confines of the "normal." Gringos in the U.S. Southwest consider the inhabitants of the borderlands transgressors, aliens- whether they possess documents or not, whether they're Chicanos, Indians, or Blacks. Do not enter, trespassers will be raped, maimed, strangled, gassed, shot. The only "legitimate" inhabitants are those in power, the whites and those who align with whites. Tension grips the inhabitants of the borderlands like a virus. Ambivalence and unrest result there and death is no stranger."

-From “Borderlands/La Frontera” by Gloria Anzaldúa (1942-2004)
Reba, are you implying that the crime rates in the US would be significantly reduced if we kept all illegal immigrants out of the land?

Many undocumented migrants come here with little, if any, knowledge of knowledge of the English language and their rights, and often they cross the border with the assistance of coyotes, or smugglers. Those same smugglers exploit the migrants by charging them exorbitant fees and binding them to contracts, which in turn, traps the migrants in involuntary servitude.

I am not condoning the reality of undocumented immigration. But I want to stress that the flow of illegals happen for a good reason, and that is not necessarily about taking advantage of what the US may have to offer in terms of economic and social opportunities. They come here because corporate globalization and U.S. trade policies -- you may know this as free trade -- have configured the social reality for the majority of the poor, working-class population of less developed countries to seek work elsewhere in the face of increased poverty.

Building a wall only sweeps the dust under the rug, but ultimately, it does not tackle the problem itself. Nor will it ward off the consequential impacts of globalization on the nations who fail to benefit from it.
Eve said:
There is a huge difference between an illegal alien and a migrant worker! A migrant worker may or may not be documented. Many come to this country on temporary work visas.

You're right, Eve, but "illegal aliens" can be migrant workers, too. Largely contextual. The majority of the illegals come here to seek out labour in order to earn money for their families back home.
me_punctured said:
Reba, are you implying that the crime rates in the US would be significantly reduced if we kept all illegal immigrants out of the land?
If illegal aliens had been kept out of the U.S., then all the violent crimes that were committed by them would NOT have happened.

Many undocumented migrants ... cross the border with the assistance of coyotes, or smugglers. Those same smugglers exploit the migrants by charging them exorbitant fees and binding them to contracts, which in turn, traps the migrants in involuntary servitude.
Right. That's why we should enforce our laws against them. Coyotes should be harshly punished.

... They come here because corporate globalization and U.S. trade policies -- you may know this as free trade -- have configured the social reality for the majority of the poor, working-class population of less developed countries to seek work elsewhere in the face of increased poverty.
The Mexican aliens come here because their government is corrupt. Mexico is a land of natural resources that are being exploited and wasted by their elite.

Aliens of other nationalities come from Muslim terrorist-designated countries, or foreign "mafia" and gangs, and use Mexico and Canada as "go-between" access portals.

Building a wall only sweeps the dust under the rug, but ultimately, it does not tackle the problem itself. Nor will it ward off the consequential impacts of globalization on the nations who fail to benefit from it.
A "wall" is not the only solution but it is the immediate solution to slowing down the flood of illegal aliens across our sovereign borders.
The last time I checked "illegal" means "ILLEGAL". I have no problem with immigrants who come into this country the legal way however if you're are here illegally, you are breaking the law.

As far as making a better life, we are in no better or worse shape than their own countries; we can't even take care of our own people. Thousands of people are losing their jobs, don't have insurances, the elderly are losing their pensions and can't afford healthcare. Yep that good ole american dream...
You know its a sad situation. This has happened to me several times in the past, but occured again just a few days ago. I go into a fast food store, and I won't mention their McName. I had asked for a burger with no pickles. The spanish speaking person behind the counter could not understand what I mean by no pickles....could not comprehend that much english, to know that I did not want pickles on my food.

I don't know if this person was legal or not, but why would any company put somebody on the front line who cannot speak english? Its a hamburger joint, and the person cannot understand 'No Pickle'.
I take a look around, and notice a majority of the signs are in spanish and not english.

What is sad to me is that this was on a recent trip to Annapolis, MD...the state capital of Maryland and former capital of the US.

A friend of mine stayed at a hotel in Maryland. She calls down because her room has no toilet paper. When she calls, the person answering the phone does not speak english and does not understand that she needs toilet paper...She spoke with 3 other people until somebody understood.

I quickly realized that the guy working behind the counter of McName or the people in there hotel were not really an alien (illegal or otherwise). I, an average joe american have become an alien in my own state.

And then I see criticism of George Bush because he makes comments that the Star Spangled Banner should be in english.....isn't George Bush right about this? So, they take my Star Spangled Banner, convert it spanish and then back to english and its a totally different composition....The new Star Spangled Banner completely re-written....spanish style.

So...where does an English speaking American go so I can order a hamburger without pickles and have the clerk understand me or try to get some toilet paper to wipe an ass with? Apparently, its not here in the US.
Taylor said:
You know its a sad situation. This has happened to me several times in the past, but occured again just a few days ago. I go into a fast food store, and I won't mention their McName. I had asked for a burger with no pickles. The spanish speaking person behind the counter could not understand what I mean by no pickles....could not comprehend that much english, to know that I did not want pickles on my food.

I don't know if this person was legal or not, but why would any company put somebody on the front line who cannot speak english? Its a hamburger joint, and the person cannot understand 'No Pickle'.
I take a look around, and notice a majority of the signs are in spanish and not english.

What is sad to me is that this was on a recent trip to Annapolis, MD...the state capital of Maryland and former capital of the US.

A friend of mine stayed at a hotel in Maryland. She calls down because her room has no toilet paper. When she calls, the person answering the phone does not speak english and does not understand that she needs toilet paper...She spoke with 3 other people until somebody understood.

I quickly realized that the guy working behind the counter of McName or the people in there hotel were not really an alien (illegal or otherwise). I, an average joe american have become an alien in my own state.

And then I see criticism of George Bush because he makes comments that the Star Spangled Banner should be in english.....isn't George Bush right about this? So, they take my Star Spangled Banner, convert it spanish and then back to english and its a totally different composition....The new Star Spangled Banner completely re-written....spanish style.

So...where does an English speaking American go so I can order a hamburger without pickles and have the clerk understand me or try to get some toilet paper to wipe an ass with? Apparently, its not here in the US.

Hi Taylor,

There are Whites only businesses popping up all over the USA to cater to Whites only, the occassional person can stop in as long as they respect the resturant establishment and leave people alone and enjoy your meal in peace. You will be able to speak English and get your order done the right way the first time around. The another option is to become a member of a resturant establishment where they serve very good food and the staff is clearly English speaking. Members only resturants usually are far more superior and much, much better than the mass chain resturants. I know for a fact that the Seneca Native American Indian reservation refuses to hire any illegals and only employs Native Americans who can speak English and I have stopped in to get something to eat and get some gas then be on my way. They operate a gas station that is 100 % tax free and it helps save money.
I just happen noticed that we have an army nurses/doctors in hospitals/clinics, army polices, and almost in every important business. They pay army nurses/doctors/polices cheap for their work to help people.... soo, it looks like they let the immigrants in America's soil to offer a cheap wage to work.... same idea with army polices, army nurses/doctors and etc., etc. ?

What happened to the REAL Americans who aren't workin' cheap ?
Heath said:
Hi Taylor,

There are Whites only businesses popping up all over the USA to cater to Whites only, the occassional person can stop in as long as they respect the resturant establishment and leave people alone and enjoy your meal in peace. You will be able to speak English and get your order done the right way the first time around. The another option is to become a member of a resturant establishment where they serve very good food and the staff is clearly English speaking. Members only resturants usually are far more superior and much, much better than the mass chain resturants. I know for a fact that the Seneca Native American Indian reservation refuses to hire any illegals and only employs Native Americans who can speak English and I have stopped in to get something to eat and get some gas then be on my way. They operate a gas station that is 100 % tax free and it helps save money.

You are joking right? There is a LONG way between wanting somebody to understand 'A hamburger with no pickles' to a Whites Only Club.