Latino professor calls for killing of whites
30 March 2006
DALLAS — A Latino academic has issued a call for the murder of European Americans.
The call comes from José Angel Gutierrez, pictured left, professor at the University of Texas, Arlington and founder of the racist Chicano movement, La Raza Unida (United Race).
“We have an aging white America … They are dying,” Gutierrez said. “We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him.”
In a related column dated March 25, 2006, entitled “La Gran Marcha” (The Great March) referring to recent Chicano demonstrations demanding U.S. acceptance of millions of illegals, another Latino racist wrote:
“La Gran Marcha surpasses all expectations,” said Ernesto Cienguegos. “What does the immense success of La Gran Marcha mean to Mexicanos and other Latinos? It simply means that we now have the numbers, the political will and the organizational skills to direct our own destinies and not be subservient to the white and Jewish power structures.
It means that we can now undertake bigger and more significant mass actions to achieve total political and economic liberation like that being proposed by Juan José Gutiérrez, President of Movimiento Latino USA.
“Juan José Gutiérrez is proposing that the coalition that organized La Gran Marcha meet in Arizona or Texas on April 8 to “organize a mass boycott (huelga) against the economy of the USA” to take place on May 5 or 19.”
Look for the article that says ""WE HAVE GOT TO ELIMINATE THE GRINGOS""
also see video clip at:
and understand this :
It is imperative that each one of us call our Senators and members of Congress, every day. They are preparing an unlimited guest worker amnesty plan. 20 million illegal aliens and their families living abroad will be given de facto amnesty.
As many as 200 million foreign workers will also be allowed to compete for American jobs within the next 45 years. We will no longer be a sovereign nation. We will become an overpopulated economic region ruled by wealthy CEO’s and foreign interests.
Make those calls!
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