How do you feel about Immigrants?

Heath said:
The current U.S. Government is overwhelmingly anti-white and disgustingly pro-minority as you can see from the liberal media to the political ranks. The real truth is that many black and hispanics are commiting rapes and murders at a much higher rate more than the whites are so do not believe everything you read at face value.

That's new news to me. We must be living in separate, unparalleled social realities, Heath. I did not know that the media operated out of public interest.
me_punctured said:
That's new news to me. We must be living in separate, unparalleled social realities, Heath.

That is because your eyes have not been opened yet and you think it is normal to see minorities raping and murdering whites when the whites have done nothing to them in the first place and don't bring up that slavery or racial card crap to excuse them of their crimes. If you will notice most of the news report say that the whites were doing nothing in the first place and it was an un-provoked attack so who are the real racists here? The minorities, of course !!!
Heath said:
That is because your eyes have not been opened yet and you think it is normal to see minorities raping and murdering whites when the whites have done nothing to them in the first place and don't bring up that slavery or racial card crap to excuse them of their crimes. If you will notice most of the news report say that the whites were doing nothing in the first place and it was an un-provoked attack so who are the real racists here? The minorities, of course !!!

Yes, Heath, thank you for opening my eyes. I cannot believe that I have been living in a cave of ignorance and innocence all those years! :ugh:
I want to make sure I am clear on this one.

If someone from Mexico applied to have a work visa and obeyed the laws of the United States of America then we would not be having these problems we are having.

There are some law-abiding Mexicans who do follow and obey the laws of the United States of America and apply to live and work in the USA then I do not have a problem with that. My problem is with the illegal aliens from Mexico and those who commit crimes just because they are in America.
Latino professor calls for killing of whites

30 March 2006

DALLAS — A Latino academic has issued a call for the murder of European Americans.

The call comes from José Angel Gutierrez, pictured left, professor at the University of Texas, Arlington and founder of the racist Chicano movement, La Raza Unida (United Race).

“We have an aging white America … They are dying,” Gutierrez said. “We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him.”

In a related column dated March 25, 2006, entitled “La Gran Marcha” (The Great March) referring to recent Chicano demonstrations demanding U.S. acceptance of millions of illegals, another Latino racist wrote:

“La Gran Marcha surpasses all expectations,” said Ernesto Cienguegos. “What does the immense success of La Gran Marcha mean to Mexicanos and other Latinos? It simply means that we now have the numbers, the political will and the organizational skills to direct our own destinies and not be subservient to the white and Jewish power structures.

It means that we can now undertake bigger and more significant mass actions to achieve total political and economic liberation like that being proposed by Juan José Gutiérrez, President of Movimiento Latino USA.

“Juan José Gutiérrez is proposing that the coalition that organized La Gran Marcha meet in Arizona or Texas on April 8 to “organize a mass boycott (huelga) against the economy of the USA” to take place on May 5 or 19.”

Look for the article that says ""WE HAVE GOT TO ELIMINATE THE GRINGOS""

also see video clip at:

and understand this :

It is imperative that each one of us call our Senators and members of Congress, every day. They are preparing an unlimited guest worker amnesty plan. 20 million illegal aliens and their families living abroad will be given de facto amnesty.

As many as 200 million foreign workers will also be allowed to compete for American jobs within the next 45 years. We will no longer be a sovereign nation. We will become an overpopulated economic region ruled by wealthy CEO’s and foreign interests.

Make those calls!

Join FAIR and NumbersUSA. Use their free ready-made faxes and emails to contact your elected officials.
Heath said:
The current U.S. Government is overwhelmingly anti-white and disgustingly pro-minority as you can see from the liberal media to the political ranks. The real truth is that many black and hispanics are commiting rapes and murders at a much higher rate more than the whites are so do not believe everything you read at face value.

A good question to ask yourself is:

Does this news media report or governmental report match the reality of what is happening on the ground ? and it is a big no !!! so there you have it.

The Color of Crime - "Blacks are statistically 50 times more likely to attack whites than vice versa"
The rare white-on-black attack is always put on Page One and given saturation coverage by the TV news,
while the daily black-on-white attacks are “disappeared”: Either not reported on at all, reported only by local newspapers, but “whited out” of local TV and national newspaper coverage, or reported without informing viewers of the respective races of the attackers and victim.

For more news accounts not reported, Go to:
me_punctured said:
Sarcasm is lost on some people.

Sarcasm ?

I provided you with hard facts and all you can say is sarcasm is lost on some people ? especially when people are dying oh great, man !!!!! :roll:

Have you not also read Reba's posts either ? Go back and read through Reba's posts to get it !!!!

See those websites I provided ......

Proof after proof is doucemented !!!!!

:shakes my head: :nono: and don't come back and complain because I called a spade a spade.

I told it like it is with no b.s. added, nothing more and nothing less more, also Reba did tell it like it is too in her own way.

Do you find anything funny about breaking into a house to rape a woman, or to sexually assault a small girl then murder her, or setting people on fire while they are alive and left to die? or killing a man because he is a police officer going on about his duty or somebody was killed just for the hell of it?

Do you find crime funny? if you do then you got a sick mind.

Why you said sarcasm is lost on me ????? :roll:
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Recently there was an immigration debate with several people, and one of them was Pat Buchanan. I couldn't help but laugh when I heard Buchanan's comment, "That reminds me of the time when the colonists first floated to america. Two indians were watching, and one of them said to the other, 'think we should have an immigration policy?'"

I laughed.
Heath said:
Do you find anything funny about breaking into a house to rape a woman, or to sexually assault a small girl then murder her, or setting people on fire while they are alive and left to die? or killing a man because he is a police officer going on about his duty or somebody was killed just for the hell of it?

Do you find crime funny? if you do then you got a sick mind.

Why you said sarcasm is lost on me ????? :roll:

I never explicitly or implicitly stated that I found the crimes Reba brought up to be amusing. The sarcasm was directed at a very specific comment you made in regards to my blindness to the U.S. government's alleged pro-minority support and hostility towards whites. But you seemed to have missed it.

There is nothing remotely funny about raping, torturing, and killing women. There is nothing to laugh at when a civil officer dies in the line of duty or an innocent civilian have had the misfortunate of getting caught in a crossfire. We can agree to agree that crime is not funny.

And... there is also nothing funny about the physical and sexual violence from which illegal female immigrants (I call them "migrant workers") suffer at the hands of their employers, who tend to be white and male. This is even more tragic in my eyes, because the female migrant workers have NO legal protection, since they are not authorized to be in the country, and therefore cannot take any legal action to prosecute their offenders. Who can they talk to? Who can they tell? When do they NOT have to fear deportation? They do not even have a solid network of support to fall back on, since they are living in an alien and foreign land.
Taylor said:
Interesting...the legal immigrants I know would not believe that they were the 'privileged few'. Many of them had to work very hard to get here but still went through the proper channels.

Yes I has agree with you to this. I notice that immigrants work very hard and don't mind to doing dirty jobs. They didn't complaints about low wages and satisfy what they have is roof and food. They tight the family together. I know what I'm saying because alot of muslims and Russians who lives in Berlin. We have few muslims and Russians who live in my area... They are friendly people.

I can understand that immigrants find better country and want their children deserve better life. I see no problem if immigrants want to get job to earn for their families... Accord German law, they made them immigrants into legal between 6 and 1 year time to give them the chance. Depend what German authorities want to extend them to stay here in Germany or go back to their own countries. They can live here in Germany forever only if they married to Germans. (I'm one of legal immigrants who married German and live in Germany and have same job since 1986).
Reba, you are simply throwing out stories. You have not given me any hardcore percentages. Now if you could show (through hard numbers) that illegal immigration contribuated significently to violent crime, THEN I might reconsider my POV.
Jazzy, the reason I don't count drug related crime is b/c the drug business in of itself is very violent. Here we are talking about random violence (ie out of the blue killings etc)
Actually Heath, a big part of the reason why there are more people of color in the criminal system isn't b/c people of color are more violent and uncivilized......but a) b/c our country is racist. A judge might look at two defendants, one white and one black. He might let off the white person b/c he just made a mistake and it's not worth it to ruin his life. Whereas with a black person, he might think " We have to put this guy away for life b/c he's a parasite on society and will just join a gang" This happened in the Glen Ridge gang rape case. The guys gang raped a MR teen girl, and got off SO easily. Whereas if they had been black, they would have been left to rot in jail for a hundred years!
b) the poverty. Rich folks are more likely to get off with a slap on the wrist, then poor folks who can't afford fancy dancy lawyers. Did you know that back in the old days Irish people, Italian and others were considered a corrupt evil race, prone to violence?
I have no problem with immigrants as long as they are paying into the system and not bleeding it dry. The problem is, there is a history of illegal immigrants coming here and taking jobs (the jobs nobody else wants) and being paid under-the-table, meaning that no taxes are taken out of their pay and sending the rest back to their families in Mexico, not put back into the local economy. They then get a free education and medical services on OUR tax dollars. I have even seen reports of Mexicans coming here and getting a Social Security number so that in their old age they can get social security benefits, even though they never paid into that system either. And the checks again go to Mexico.
I am all for them coming here for a better life, but I don't feel we should be footing the bill for that better life!
I don't support immigrants to come up in here ( America ). They should stay in Mexico without visa card/or green card. They are just bunch of troublemakers - creatin' this America into poor economics !
CyberRed said:
I don't support immigrants to come up in here ( America ). They should stay in Mexico without visa card/or green card. They are just bunch of troublemakers - creatin' this America into poor economics !

You're referencing illegals, and on that, I agree with alot of people here. If someone wants to come to this country, do it legally. There's a process that one must go through to become a resident or citizen of the US, and that should be the way the go. Unfortunately, alot of people do it the wrong way, and that puts a drain on OUR society. This is what must stop.

Also, Red. Immigrants come from many places. Not just Mexico. I personally know of a Canadian who is in the process of becoming a Citizen. I have no problem with her, because, she's doing it the right way. She's a resident of the US, and has been for a few years now. She works here in the US, pays taxes, and such. I have NO problem with this. It's the one's that mooch off our socety that I have a problem with.
me_punctured said:
And... there is also nothing funny about the physical and sexual violence from which illegal female immigrants (I call them "migrant workers")
There is a huge difference between an illegal alien and a migrant worker!
An illegal alien is a foreign national who resides in another country unlawfully, by either entering that country at a place other than a designated port-of-entry or as result of the expiration of a non-immigrant visa. Alternative terms include "illegal immigrant" and the euphemisms "undocumented immigrant", "undocumented worker", and "paperless immigrant".
A migrant worker moves from place to place on a schedule that follows the anticipated availability of temporary employment in recurring periods of peak job opportunity.
A migrant worker may or may not be documented. Many come to this country on temporary work visas.

me_punctured said:
This is even more tragic in my eyes, because the female migrant workers have NO legal protection, since they are not authorized to be in the country, and therefore cannot take any legal action to prosecute their offenders.
Actually, if they come here legally on a work visa, they are covered by "The Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act was enacted January 14, 1983".'migrant worker definition'
read more

me_punctured said:
When do they NOT have to fear deportation?
When they come here legally, the do NOT have to fear deportation.
Well how I feel about Immigrants? I am against having more immigrants into American because it will hurt our jobs, income and etc. If immigrants like our system, they should do something with their government to change the system.
deafdyke said:
Reba, you are simply throwing out stories. You have not given me any hardcore percentages. Now if you could show (through hard numbers) that illegal immigration contribuated significently to violent crime, THEN I might reconsider my POV.
OK. Can you give me "hardcore" percentages to support your statements?