How do you feel about being friends or dating people with vision problems like RP?

nani kuini

New Member
Jan 11, 2004
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am curious how you all feel about being friends or dating people with vision problems like RP?
:wave: welcome to AD Nani kuini since i noticed u made ur first post LOL :D

anyway what is "RP" may i ask q Retina P---- or am i off base q
Hello, I have no problems being friends with people with vision problems like RP, I dont judge people the way they are.. as the bible says God made us all.
Fly Free said:
:wave: welcome to AD Nani kuini since i noticed u made ur first post LOL :D

anyway what is "RP" may i ask q Retina P---- or am i off base q

Whatever it spells, it is like Usher's Sydrome. Thanks for welcoming me to AD, btw :)
Fine by me—I’m half deaf, so I guess a half blind person compliments me perfectly. :D I used to hang out with a blind girl when I was in high school. She was a blast. We would go to the supermarket together, and I would run through the aisles with her hanging on to the shopping cart handle for dear life. Whenever I made a turn I would yell "left turn" or "right turn" and bank it as sharply as I could. Of course, the centrifugal force would practically knock her flat on her ass, and I wound up getting knocked upside the head with her cane. She loved every minute of it—she said I was the only fun person she knew. She said that everybody else she knew acted like they had a stick up their ass when they were out in public with a blind person.
nauni im both half blind half deaf and i have dated plenty of women whom i wowed HAHA jkjk, seriousing getting off my ego box hahaha seriously, i have dated many forms of people of all disablity u name it NO one is ugly to me BUT the one VERY speific person but anyhow, I love them in the inside not on the outside :)
nani kuini, I loveee your avatar! It tickles me!

Who cares? I'm deaf and I'm not perfect. Why should vision problem be big deal? As long as he treats me right. <vbg>

Sounds like both of you had a blast! She was lucky to have a great friend like you. You both don't keep in touch with each other anymore?
I absolutely don't have any problems being friends or dating people with visibility problems....I love all people the same way....I dont judge them from the outside ....The Important thing is what is inside of the person's heart that counts the MOST ! :ily:
Welcome to AD and I had one of my best friends has ushers syndrome. She is enjoy her life with her new marriage and more!!! :lol:
I think I have a friend who has that. He is losing his vision to his sides. You can't get his attention unless you're standing in front of him. When he was a kid, his parents (hearing) installed a CI in him, thinking it may help him in the future if he can't see at all.
Don't a lot of Deaf-Blind people have Usher's Syndrome? I've dated people with all sorts of disabilties...Asperger's,(the boy who said nothing but "Yeah" all the time) high functioning austism,(first boyfriend) learning disabilties...had a crush on a deaf-blind boy at my school! :) still haven't really dated any deafies...although I am looking for a cute deaf/hoh girl to marry someday!
Pythia said:
Sounds like both of you had a blast! She was lucky to have a great friend like you. You both don't keep in touch with each other anymore?

God, no—that was 25 years ago. Now I’m wondering whatever happened to her…
Wow! That was the year before I was even BORN!

Yeah, those were the days. Jimmy Carter was president, Welcome Back Kotter was the number one sitcom, and Apple II’s had 16 kilobytes of RAM. :D
My childhood friend in England has tunnel vision and its getting worse by the time she grow up, and she is walking with special stick red and white stripe, its for deaf and blind. I am proud to have her as one of my friends. Everytime I visited England, I took her out for a meal and translate in deaf/blind sign languages to tell her everything from the menu list for her to make a decision!! It is interesting.

Welcome aboard!!
nani kuini said:
Whatever it spells, it is like Usher's Sydrome. Thanks for welcoming me to AD, btw :)

ahh gotcha -- and yes ive had friends over the years who have vision plms and no it doesnt bother me at all :D
My close friend who has Usher's Syndrome is dating someone special and they have a baby girl who was born two months ago. I am really happy for them, especially him.
I have usher vision friends.. Don't judge them.. Important still same Deaf Members always welcomed.... Just human beings..

I have little vision sometimes happends rarely a year.. I can drive but if I caught by vision and have to pull it over and wait until my eyes is going back normal and can see well enough...

Pretty quite hard explain what looks like vision ..
When I can see 100% just happend shown up vision become half black top and can see bottom.. where can I see top ??? I can't see cars and peoples.. geez.. Have no choice to pull over for my safety... average takes wait til 100% completly and can see clear well then back hit on the road.
I'm not 100% Usher sysdome (sp) it different.. Anyway too tough explain about it.. ((chuckles))