WOW! Lots of regulars who are gay!!!! I love reading everyone's stories! As for me, I guess you'd call me bi, although I am primarly attracted to women. I HAVE had guys hit on me and even dated a few real fire there.
I am not really out to my folks...I guess b/c of my uncertainly about my sexual oreintation. However I know they'd be OK with it if I ever told them or came home with a girl, b/c I have not one...not two...not three...but FOUR gay uncles! (two blood related and two partners, although I've always thought of Peter and Stuart as my real uncles) However I am WICKED lucky at school as I have many friends who are lesbian.I actually had two RAs who were lesbians in my dorm! I totally knew right off the bat about Jocelyn(she had a not very well disguised crush on me...and it was SO BEYOND obvoius even to my friends who are straight and whom I'm not out to) but didn't know about McInnis until she came to a GSA meeting and talked about her girlfriend.(D'oh my gay-dar was SO broken that time!) I also have two RDs who are lesbian. (one of them is the softball coach...can we say dead giveaway?

Anyway I am out to my gang, and it is amazing having them as friends...I just totally feel free when we have one of our lounge conversations..I totally feel 100% comfortable with them in a way that I am not with my straight friends.
Anyway, I vividly remember the first time I fell in love with a girl...
it was at an all-girls summer camp in NH. Her name was Maureen(not the one who posts on DumbOnline, another one)...she was so damn beautiful. We were 15 years old, and I remember I didn't know that girls could fall in love with the time I just thought I loved her as a best friend. Then there was that campfire where she was crowned Indian Princess. I went up to give her a hug and she kissed me right on the cheek! My heart started pounding and I knew I was in love! I remember freaking out b/c I started having sexual fanasities about her.....I loved her so damn much....she was an amazing woman! Unfortunatly I never got a chance to tell her that I loved her that way, and I was too scared to ask her how she felt about me. I know I won't ever be able to tell her what she meant to me. We haven't seen each other in over five years.

Even now I wish I could tell her what she meant to me. I know I am never going to see her again much less get a chance to talk to her about how I felt about her.
Anyway...I've had crushes since then, but no real realtionships
Still looking for my one true love! Although I did hear that a couple of my gang did have crushes on was so funny!
Last semester I felt like EVERYONE had a crush on me! McInnis, Jocelyn and Tasha...wouldn't have surprised me if Jill and Carrie (my two lesbian RDs) had confessed to crushes on me! Oh, yeah...and my friend Nan told me that our friend Dani talks about me all the time! Dani claims she's straight but I know some people who have their doubts about her!
but my point of view it is wrong coz i am a strong born-again Christian
Waz, Why is love wrong? God is love, love is God. There are many different interpretations of the Bible, and nobody can honestly say what God meant. Look at all the different churches and how they all interpret the Bible differently.
I know many GLB Christians and trust really should listen to the stories they have to tell. There are many many GLB Christians out there who have managed to reconcile their love with their religion. . There's even a gay specific Christian church (Metropolition Life) Check out some websites on biblical interpretation....I'll have to see if I can find some good ones for you to look up. Actually did you know some Biblical scholars think that Jesus may have been gay? A lot of the Biblical admondations against homsexulaity may have been misinterpreted.
Open your up on everything....maybe you'll change your mind on homosexuality being wrong.