My dad did the "I'm a lumberjack" song from Monty Python ....
So do you sleep all night, and work all day, and like to press wild flowers?
(And put on women's clothing, and hang around in bars?)

I told my mom when I was 19. Both parents were classical musicians and had gay friends so I was pretty sure I wasn't going to get kicked out of the house, but it was still very scary. She said, "It had occurred to me that you might be." (Because I never went to any school dances with any girls.)
She told me it made no difference in how she loved me. She asked me if there was anyone in my life; there wasn't just then. She asked how long I'd know. I said, "Since I was about 13." Her answer: "I'm so sorry you thought you had to hide it for so long." It's still the only thing that bothers her...
Then she said, "You know, I sometimes wonder about your dad...." And I said, " Can I be out for a full 15 minutes before we start dragging dad out of the closet too?"

Actually the circumstantial evidence for my dad was pretty strong, but I'll never know for sure.