How could you deal with this little boy?

Health since your christian, are you suggesting that abusive movie is amusing? Think again! Where is your brain? Did you leave your brain in hell?
diehardbiker65 said:
Health since your christian, are you suggesting that abusive movie is amusing? Think again! Where is your brain? Did you leave your brain in hell?

Well, he is not a daddy yet to understand how the parents feel. He don't have any kid yet. He is only 29 years old. And, yes I agree with you that it is not funny, either.
Maybe a Spanking!

Love yes, attention yes, and all in the way of a paddled bottom like that spoiled rotten kid has never had! And what's with the disposable diaper pants at his age?

It's so easy to see that the parents faltered way long ago with that child. Parents need to rein in a child like that from an early age, instead of letting it spiral out of control like it has now.

I would absolutely love the opportunity to help rein in that child! That child wouldn't be able to sit down or for that matter, wear a pair of those baby disposable diaper training pants for days when I was done beating his ass!

I get so tired of all the bleeding heart comments against the use of spanking. Call me old-fashioned or what ever you like, but that child if in my home would get such a good-old fashioned, proper spanking from me that he would never forget it!

And if he needs diapers, then diapers it would be. Cloth diapers, pins, and rubber pants!
Oh my goodness!! :shock: ..

First I don't quite understand what cause this young boy to act so aggressive toward his parents and his brother and I don't know how long this little boy has been acting in such a manner like he did in the video but this kind of behavior is unacceptable and it should be stopped...

It seems that the parents is being irresponsible because they haven't taken control on their son's behavior, or maybe not giving him enough attention or love...It's hard to say from just looking at the video but this child shouldn't been acting like this way, something tells me that the parents isn't disciplining their child enough....:dunno:
^Angel^ said:
Oh my goodness!! :shock: ..

First I don't quite understand what cause this young boy to act so aggressive toward his parents and his brother and I don't know how long this little boy has been acting in such a manner like he did in the video but this kind of behavior is unacceptable and it should be stopped...

It seems that the parents is being irresponsible because they haven't taken control on their son's behavior, or maybe not giving him enough attention or love...It's hard to say from just looking at the video but this child shouldn't been acting like this way, something tells me that the parents isn't disciplining their child enough....:dunno:

That's what I believe too, Parents are ignoring the fact that this child is getting away with everything, and no discipline is being done. What a shame, blame is on the parents. :shock:
:shock: Oh boy! That boy is VERY aggressive!! He needs some help!!!

*dialing* Behavior specialist or pyscharist educator to come and talk to that guy and ask him what cause him go angry with his parents and brother.
I would absolutely love the opportunity to help rein in that child! That child wouldn't be able to sit down or for that matter, wear a pair of those baby disposable diaper training pants for days when I was done beating his ass!

So, your way of dealing with seriously disturbed child is beating him senless?
Hmmmmm. how very compassionate and educating, indeed.

maybe you've missed it but in the clip there is a moment when the father spanked the child in it's rear. meaning, they DID tried that.
So, what's left then- beat the kid unconscious? Prove him that not the brain, but the mere muscle is the only power?
Oh yeah that would make him grow into lovely lad... and a man later on...

It is so sad something like that go on for so long. They should have set up the house rules when their kids was so young. As I do that with my son.

I can see there was a lady in black suit was there to help them like SuperNanny show.

Yea I can see the parents are getting frustrated so I hope they learned their lesson and follow thru with the help for that lady.
I was watching the video and as a mother, I can definitely relate to the parents feeling overwhelmed, frustrating and not knowing what else to do next on how to disclipine their child. I do get frustrated and overwhelmed at a point and perhaps, have an emotional break down but that's part of being a parents. We go through the obstacle with our children and try to learn from our children as well the children learn from us too.

It apparently appears to me that the boy has alot of anger that is held inside. It seems like the boy takes it out on his parents and does not really know how to express it freely. Perhaps something happened to him and made him act like this?

I don't think the boot camp is the answer to EVERY child. Sure, It would work wonderfully on a kid but keep in mind, every child needs a support system that will grow into a wonderful adult with alot of encouragements, so and on.
Wow sound like the boy have Tumra (spelling) like temper. He need to get some help to make it stop being tumra (sp)

Heath said:
I saw the father hit his head looking into the refrigator when his son slapped his back much like you would land on your back when you slam on the water in the swimming pool and your back immediately is in pain. I felt that one and went oooohh man !!!! that has gotta hurt man !!!! and laughed some more. Some of it was funny to watch too as well. That was a real eye opener. :) :thumb:

isnt funny .. One day if you have your own one or two kids if they are get so BRAT and hit you and you will how feel frustrating with your future kids

GalaxyAngel said:
Super Nanny or Nanny911 will not come work..
See this child really quite brat child..

*shove this boy goes to boot camp* He'll realized and not joke seeing boot camp!
One day he'll come huge change his attudies.

Poor Parents are unable control this child brat due everything what he wants..
Oh boyee!

I second that :thumb:


I have been there while I was babysitting one of my cousin's daughter which her daughter was very brat!! that she asked me if can she bring one of her friend in here>? so I told her no cause I dont want to get sued by her friend's parents so have to wait till her mom get home and she got so mad at me and escape as my cousin told me that she not allow go outside so I had to get her back inside then she escape again so i had to get her back and I told her go to her room which I cant slap her till she come out of her bedroom in few mins but she wont stay in room and keep come out alots so i had to put her room and she kicked me so hard it got me mad and put her room finally she stay in her room for few mins then i told her come out of her room cant stay that long so she had to learn her lesson cause her mom didnt Discipline her own kids which she have 3 kids. I wasnt happy with it till her daughter getting better no more from brat ..but one thing not again!!! one of her last son so brat!!!! so I cant do anything from my cousin again.
Looks like the kids suffers super-mega-ultra-ADHD!!!

I had ADHD when I was young, but I wasn't that bad. I just couldn't sit still. I was on Ritalin and it helped. :)
Interesting thread here... I noticed that some of you forget quickly that a boy has an eldest brother. What about him? Is he behave good or what?

I´m speechless after read comments at link to judge the parents for their wrong discipline... It disgust me total. They should amshamed themselves for judge the parents after what the parents have done everything what they can to help their son and at last order SuperNanny... Order SuperNanny is their LAST hope. They are good parents - look at their eldest son´s behavor which different from youngest son. It´s nothing do with parent´s form of discpiline how to expose him like this but himself. He suffer behavioral disorders. Due birth...

Well you all didn´t see full what I saw on TV (SuperNanny) for 45 minutes. Shame that there´re no subtiles :( that I´m able to tell you anything what the parents said. All what I know some from my sons and my co-worker because we all love to watch on SuperNanny...

Yes the parents spanked him and also lock him in his room to calm him down. Of course they did not right... I know they are good parents and tried form of discipline on him with the tips or without tips from counsellors, etc... Unfortunlately it doesn´t work but worst. A boy kicked and damage the rooms when the parents said "No" or lock, spank etc. Everytime the parents do something then he do something back to them. They tried with gentle discipline then give in... They feel helpless... They including Grandparents have been tried counsellors, doctors, teachers, kindergarten, helpful CPS etc every what you name it because they want help their son. They received a lot of tips from Experts to not do with spank and punishment... They tried with gentle discplinie and teach their eldest son to not hit his youngest brother... but hold him hard like "bearhug"... ..., change diets, more physcial exercises... he bit brother´s neck when he want to bearhug him... same with parents, too... Nobody knows where his behavioral comes from. First they thought it´s ADHD when he was a little boy... Later then Experts found it´s behavioral disorders but he need to have his brain to be test where his behavioral comes from. I suspect his behaviorial disorder is Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and serious emotional disorder (SED) but the parents refused to beleive it and tried with their son themselves without the help from counsellors... Unfortunlately it goes worst and worst. :(

Every school can´t accept his behavioral so he was put at special school.

He spat on Granny´s face when Granny tried to ask him anything what he like to play with her... bake the cake, draw, or whatever? He answered nothing but scream and spat on her face... throw potatoes, knife... It´s same thing with her parents, too... I know straight way that it´s something wrong with him, not blame parent´s form of discipline.

Order SuperNanny is parent´s last hope but she can´t deal with him. The parents turn tears when SuperNanny suggest them to send him to brain specialist to find out what form of brain disorder he has. The reason they cried because they ignored cousellors, therapies, etc.´s suggestion in the past to send him to brain specialist and thought they know their son better than everyone.

The heartbreak parents finally agreed with SuperNanny to have him hospitalized. They need result where/which form of brain disorder he suffer due his behavorial problematic. I feel for the parents. :(

Strong or strict discplinie, harsh punishment, humliation, even boot camp would not help anything to make aggressive children with behavioral disorder to be behave but worst... They might use weapon kill or hurt you back some day. They need parent´s strong support and attention...

I know from my sons & co-worker that a boy stay at psychical hospital for a year... He might go home for the weekends only if his behavioral is improve... I feel sad for the parents... I can image how they feel when I am in their shoe... :(
that kid in the video is VERY out of control -- i would have had him arrested since the video says hes 12 years old qq he LOOKS like hes 7 -- but anyhow since its said that hes 12 i would have him arrested, then off to boot camp he goes-- that should give him a huge dose of reality that violence is simply unacceptable
Liebling:-))) said:
Interesting thread here... I noticed that some of you forget quickly that a boy has an eldest brother. What about him? Is he behave good or what?

I know I didn't forget about that older brother. It seems that the older brother was well behaved since he was only sitting front of a television playing a video game. But however, keep in mind, That show was only portrayed for the younger child that had went out of control. If the older brother was out-of-control like his younger brother, I believe the parents would have got any kind of help in their power to do something about it. So personally it was aimed at the younger brother that was much in need for a severe disclipine.
Jolie_77 said:
I know I didn't forget about that older brother. It seems that the older brother was well behaved since he was only sitting front of a television playing a video game. But however, keep in mind, That show was only portrayed for the younger child that had went out of control. If the older brother was out-of-control like his younger brother, I believe the parents would have got any kind of help in their power to do something about it. So personally it was aimed at the younger brother that was much in need for a severe disclipine.

No, it´s not just sit front of a TV but park, where the Kalista´s link shown.

I already explained in my previous post that I withnessed the whole 45 minutes TV than link, Kalista added here. What I know from TV with the help from my sons and co-worker. They interpreted for me (of course not 100% -I can´t force them to interprete for me - I just wish that they add subtitles on SuperNanny programm). I watched the whole 45 minutes with my sons and can tell that he has behavioral disorder...

Oldest brother is calmer than youngest brother. He obey his parents - they have no problem with him but youngest son. The parent taught him to not hit his youngest brother back after get tip from therapy. Oldest brother tried to do is bearhug him but he bit his neck.

It has nothing do with parent´s form of discipline how to expose him like this but brain disorder due birth. He can´t help it. I know from my sons & co-worker that a boy stay at psychical hospital for a year.

Yes, I´m agree with SuperNanny´s suggestion to have him hospitalized and need to find out from the result which form of brain disorder he suffer... because she said the same things what therapies, counsellor etc.. suggest the parents in the past. Now the boy need parent´s support, not harsh punishment like send him to boot camp etc because he is a sick.

severe disclipine? do you mean spanking? Disagree! The parents never do that to their eldest son until they did to youngest son for a first time because of his "misbehavior" - they thought spank help to wake him up... but it got him worst and worst... until they found out that their son is sick from doctor, therapies, etc. The parents rejected physician´s recommend to have him hospitalized in first place. They are upset because SuperNanny said the same thing what therapies, doctors told them about him in the past.
Liebling:-))) said:
No, it´s not just sit front of a TV but park, where the Kalista´s link shown.

I already explained in my previous post that I withnessed the whole 45 minutes TV than link, Kalista added here. What I know from TV with the help from my sons and co-worker. They interpreted for me (of course not 100% -I can´t force them to interprete for me - I just wish that they add subtitles on SuperNanny programm). I watched the whole 45 minutes with my sons and can tell that he has behavioral disorder...

Oldest brother is calmer than youngest brother. He obey his parents - they have no problem with him but youngest son. The parent taught him to not hit his youngest brother back after get tip from therapy. Oldest brother tried to do is bearhug him but he bit his neck.

It has nothing do with parent´s form of discipline how to expose him like this but brain disorder due birth. He can´t help it. I know from my sons & co-worker that a boy stay at psychical hospital for a year.

Yes, I´m agree with SuperNanny´s suggestion to have him hospitalized and need to find out from the result which form of brain disorder he suffer... because she said the same things what therapies, counsellor etc.. suggest the parents in the past. Now the boy need parent´s support, not harsh punishment like send him to boot camp etc because he is a sick.

severe disclipine? do you mean spanking? Disagree! The parents never do that to their eldest son until they did to youngest son for a first time because of his "misbehavior" - they thought spank help to wake him up... but it got him worst and worst... until they found out that their son is sick from doctor, therapies, etc. The parents rejected physician´s recommend to have him hospitalized in first place. They are upset because SuperNanny said the same thing what therapies, doctors told them about him in the past.

Are you telling me it was on SuperNanny Show??? I didnt see that. If I had then I was say something about it. :dunno:
Pomeranian said:
Are you telling me it was on SuperNanny Show??? I didnt see that. If I had then I was say something about it. :dunno:

Yes, it´s German SuperNanny show in Germany. The family are Germans, not American. I know them thru TV... I watch SuperNanny every Wednesday. This SuperNanny show is in Germany only, not for America... I know you also have SuperNanny show in your country but it´s for American family.

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