How are you feeling today?....

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I have 2 weeks where I am an in-active employee (had to leave the premises as soon as I packed up my desk) & will get two weeks severance pay.

My boss & his boss are going to pass my resume on to some contacts they have.

Good luck to you. I hope you find a new place soon.
i just watching marvless woman she adopted over ten children with Downs she got lovely 5bedroomed house she not married but loves and looks after them,the authrities help with key workers for the very disabled ,she got incredable lovely garden all her laundary up to date she gets up 7pm to get all ten ready for school..the thing that makes her different is she Downswoman herself
i just watching marvless woman she adopted over ten children with Downs she got lovely 5bedroomed house she not married but loves and looks after them,the authrities help with key workers for the very disabled ,she got incredable lovely garden all her laundary up to date she gets up 7pm to get all ten ready for school..the thing that makes her different is she Downswoman herself

That's a very big WOW!...and Kudos to her...don't believe I could do it....3 was enough!
exhausted. finally back to home... haven't been back to home for probably 3 weeks. was good seeing TheWriteAlex, OddBall and Shel in DC at deafnation expo. saw matajan too but it seems that he ran away from me whenever he saw me. as usual... he was busy prowling on girls, asking if they go to ivy league.
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Jiro said:
exhausted. finally back to home... haven't been back to home for probably 3 weeks. was good seeing TheWriteAlex, OddBall and Shel in DC at deafnation expo. saw matajan too but it seems that he ran away from me whenever he saw me. as usual... he was busy prowling on girls, asking if they go to ivy league.

Glad you had a great time with some AD members. I had to giggle about matajan , I saw him in KY last summer lol
exhausted. finally back to home... haven't been back to home for probably 3 weeks. was good seeing TheWriteAlex, OddBall and Shel in DC at deafnation expo. saw matajan too but it seems that he ran away from me whenever he saw me. as usual... he was busy prowling on girls, asking if they go to ivy league.

farout so he actually does this for real too, wow
A little irritated at my doctor's office. I specifically went online to their online appointment-setting site to make an appointment, and I get a call from them (to my text voice mail) telling me to call them to schedule the appointment. Sigh. So much for online convenience.
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AlleyCat said:
A little irritated at my doctor's office. I specifically went online to their online appointment-setting site to make an appointment, and I get a call from them (to my text voice mail) telling me to call them to schedule the appointment. Sigh. So much for online convenience.

That's crazy .
A little irritated at my doctor's office. I specifically went online to their online appointment-setting site to make an appointment, and I get a call from them (to my text voice mail) telling me to call them to schedule the appointment. Sigh. So much for online convenience.

thats mental
It is, isn't it. I did call and make the appointment, and you can be sure that when I go in, I'm going to say something about their so-called online efficiency.
A little irritated at my doctor's office. I specifically went online to their online appointment-setting site to make an appointment, and I get a call from them (to my text voice mail) telling me to call them to schedule the appointment. Sigh. So much for online convenience.

I will never ever understand why my audi office doesn't have on line appointment booking options......or the VR. The receptionist at my audi's office gave me her personal email address so I can make appointments. Which is frankly awesome of her if you ask me.
I will never ever understand why my audi office doesn't have on line appointment booking options......or the VR. The receptionist at my audi's office gave me her personal email address so I can make appointments. Which is frankly awesome of her if you ask me.

Same here for my audi. I have her email address so I can email her anytime. She's an awesome audi as it is! :)
Same here for my audi. I have her email address so I can email her anytime. She's an awesome audi as it is! :)

My audi sucks, I need a new one, but the recpetionist rocks!!
My audi sucks, I need a new one, but the recpetionist rocks!!

It took me forever to find one I like. I had audi's that wanted to charge me a boatload of money for things (e.g. a tube costs less than a buck, and one wanted to charge me $30 !!) and squeaky earmolds that would produce feedback within a week of getting them (poor fits), etc. This one, I love. She's the first I've had that signs ! And not just basic signs, she is good.
My audi sucks, I need a new one, but the recpetionist rocks!!

If you wanted to drive a little bit I can give you a referral to a great audi in Winston Salem ... she knows her stuff and is great ... fluent in ASL too ... does everything with the CI too both pre and post implant as well ... she was even in the OR when i had the surgery to test the electrodes after it was implanted before i woke up ...
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I am feeling much better, looking forward to a great weekend with my teenage cousin will be watching her while my uncle goes out of town. Girl bonding and taking the doggie along with us.
I have problem on cutting anxiety sleep stronger wow feeling sleep addict sleep not good health! :( soon healthy coming soon!
I'm thinking that at 35, maybe I just don't care to be married anymore. This is sad because at 25, I dreamed of being married and having a family. It's too late now. I feel like throwing the white flag.
Never too late, Derek.

I re-married at 42. That started a whole new family for me.

Sometimes the wait is worth it. :)
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