How are you feeling today?....

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Relieved there are nice people in the world. My puppy jerked her leash out of my hand while walking this morning, and a teenage boy who was passing by on his way to the pool, stopped and chased her down and brought her back to me!
Relieved there are nice people in the world. My puppy jerked her leash out of my hand while walking this morning, and a teenage boy who was passing by on his way to the pool, stopped and chased her down and brought her back to me!

Oh, glad you and zoey are OK! Teenage boy must be a good boy. :)
Oh, glad you and zoey are OK! Teenage boy must be a good boy. :)

Super nice. He was a big tough looking kid, and I would have been frightened of him on my own, but he had the most beautiful smile as he handed me back her leash!
Super nice. He was a big tough looking kid, and I would have been frightened of him on my own, but he had the most beautiful smile as he handed me back her leash!

Bott, what a sweet post to start my day. I am so glad all is good with you and Zoey.

After reading all the posts about crazy, sick people it is refreshing to read about a kind hearted teenager:aw:
Super nice. He was a big tough looking kid, and I would have been frightened of him on my own, but he had the most beautiful smile as he handed me back her leash!

LOL me too If i were you and i would do the same thing. I can image that he has a nice smile when he returned zoey to you and saw your face knowing that you are relieved. :)
I am lots of jeex headache heavy work!!

well you wanted to know how im' feeling..hope it isnt long till get the next person says 'repulsed' or 'bored' or 'depressed' or 'gobsmacked' or 'happy high as a kite' or ' thoughtful' or 'confused' LOL
Feeling a tad victorious for having spoken up to the Nephrologist about him messing with my Rx's (he doesn't really know me; only seen me once; too eager to "re-invent the wheel" by changing and mixing my Rx's around). :nono: I just declined and explained and educated. He was hard to understand even with my new aids in a quiet small exam room. :( He was soft spoken and had an accent, plus kept his back to me typing and reading on the computer, while talking to me. No matter how many times I explained he needed to face me. :roll: Fortunately my DH (husband) was there and *his* voice I hear well enough. So I would look at DH and he would repeat (kind of a verbal CART version :laugh2:). We got through it. Left me EXHAUSTED! Must deal with him again in 4 months. :ugh:

Feeling positive about my audiologist's adjustments in the programming of my new aids. Should help. Plus the new ear molds are comfortable without her needing to reshape them at all. :applause:

So, positive and negative evened out to feelin' OK. :D
softly spoken foriegners are a bloody pain in the ass!!, they shouldn't be doing that!, and i'd wager a bet they knew that and do it, to 'push CI"...cheeky audis

thats my view, cynical or even paranoid i dont care what you might think, but to me its disgusting, whatever happened to 'understanding hearing loss and how to communicate clearly' ??!! its just not appropriate, softly spoken my ass!
softly spoken foriegners are a bloody pain in the ass!!, they shouldn't be doing that!, and i'd wager a bet they knew that and do it, to 'push CI"...cheeky audis

thats my view, cynical or even paranoid i dont care what you might think, but to me its disgusting, whatever happened to 'understanding hearing loss and how to communicate clearly' ??!! its just not appropriate, softly spoken my ass!

Most of my doctors are great. And they have rearranged the exam room so that the computer is along side the exam couch/chair, so they are facing the patient and can still update themselves with stuff on the patient's record on the computer screen. This exam room was backa**wards as they used to be and hadn't been updated. :roll:

Talk about accents and people supposed to work with the general public... :dizzy: Yesterday I was on the caption phone w/ tech support for my ISP. I am trying to bump up the DSL speed (evidently I *can* in my area, at no additional charge; I just have to request it) as I am having a general system slow down because of the Captel internet phone added to the network (even when plugged in with an Ethernet cord and not being used wirelessly). The first tech, female and accent, couldn't help me, so got *another* tech on the phone for a 3-way, and *he* had an accent, as well. Poor captioner kept having to note "not clear" in the captions so I could ask them to repeat. :roll: They both spoke English fluently but had strong accents which made it hard on the captioner (and I could hear *some* of it myself). Why in h*ll are people who cannot speak clearly put in customer service/tech support? Just boggles the mind they can't help the people they are hired to help if people can't understand what they are saying half the time. :shock:
softly spoken foriegners are a bloody pain in the ass!!, they shouldn't be doing that!, and i'd wager a bet they knew that and do it, to 'push CI"...cheeky audis

thats my view, cynical or even paranoid i dont care what you might think, but to me its disgusting, whatever happened to 'understanding hearing loss and how to communicate clearly' ??!! its just not appropriate, softly spoken my ass!

Assume you are referring to GrayEagle's post (although you did not quote to let us know for sure).

If so, there is more in the "What Did you Do Today Thread" where she says "Dealt with the Nephrologist (kidney) doctor,". So it was not an audi which might account for the problem at least partly.

Opps seem to have been writing this at the same time GrayEagle was writing one with even more info.
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No, my audi is great. She has exam rooms that are quiet, and she faces me, etc. Very considerate! After all, it's her job and she fully understands what *she* needs to do to communicate with her clients! She does a great job. :)

I got irritated at the doctor because I kept reminding him to face me and not speak with his back to me, and he kept doing it. :mad: Totally rude. And, hey! This is MY medical care! I am just glad my DH (husband) was there. DH is a great advocate! :applause:

I understood what Grummer was saying and I understood the comment was referring to the doctor, not my audi, even though I referred to both in the same post. :P
Tried to have a phone conversation with my mom. The Cap-Tel relay still can't figure out her Irish accent. My screen just says "unclear" or "muffled". So my calls are always very brief:-( Today is just kind of blahhhh. Friday, my kitchen remodel work starts up again.
:( Even hearing captioners can't easily understand people with accents, or who speak too softly or too fast... :hmm:

well you wanted to know how im' feeling..hope it isnt long till get the next person says 'repulsed' or 'bored' or 'depressed' or 'gobsmacked' or 'happy high as a kite' or ' thoughtful' or 'confused' LOL

there cure for that
Migraines after contemplating suicide. Okay now except for the migraine. Will NOT let this person get me down anymore.
Migraines after contemplating suicide. Okay now except for the migraine. Will NOT let this person get me down anymore.

PM me Kristina if need have many people here that love & care for you....
healthy for you... :cool2:
not easy< I am focus on my job , I am tired,

almost to 1 monthly awesome successfully treat pass I will improve It is pretty good job! awesome!:lol:
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