How are you feeling today?....

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I hope things get better with your sister Beowulf *hug*
I arrived too late.
She was brain-dead.
Her husband had the plug pulled.
I got the sherriff involved.
It was depraved indifference in my view and there is a law by that name.
I miss my sweet sister.
I arrived too late.
She was brain-dead.
Her husband had the plug pulled.
I got the sherriff involved.
It was depraved indifference in my view and there is a law by that name.
I miss my sweet sister.

I am sorry for your loss and offer my condolences. I believe in most, if not all, states the spouse has the legal authority to decide whether or not to pull the plug. By the way, in the thread that concerned the brain dead teenager named Jahi, I mentioned there is no point in keeping her alive because there are zero cases of any brain dead people coming back to life.
It's a long story and I will try to keep it short.
My sister Mary Ann accepted Mom and my other sister Jane into her big home, which she shared with her husband. Mary Ann decided that it would be easier to have Mom close on hand, rather than a thirty-minute daily drive to the assisted-living center to visit and help care for her. She asked Jane to move in to help in the care, which she accepted.
That was two months ago.
Last week on a Sunday I planned to come visit, but Mary Ann called and said she felt too illl for my visit, so I didn't go.
Last Thursday my brother told me that Jane called him. She said that on Tuesday Mary Ann had the phone in her hand and was trying to call for an ambulance and her husband snatched it out of her hand and said she needed rest, that Jane witnessed this. She spent the next two days in her room apparently alone. She was brought to the hospital on Friday with hardly any blood pressure and systemic infection. She went downhill FAST.
Yesterday I saw her in that room on a ventilator, my heart shattered into a million pieces. She still looked beautiful, and her skin was soft, and her shiny hair. While I was caressing her arm and stroking her hair, I swear a tear formed in her eye. The doctor pooh-poohed it, saying that she was brain-dead with no chance of recovery.
The chaplain said prayers and I left before the plug was pulled.
I talked to four social workers about having Mom and Jane moved into a nursing home in my town, and they were shocked at my story of Mary Ann's treatment at home, and they called the sherriff, who then called a detective to interview her husband. I put Mom and Jane into an extended stay motel near St. Louis, because I figured things would get ugly fast.
I didn't have any sleep last night and am at work now. I just feel numb and so so sad. I have no idea what to expect now, and am living just one hour at a time.
I will say no more of this until I get positive news and results from the machine I have started.
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Beo, I am terribly sorry to hear all of this but don't do anything crazy, man!
Feeling sort of frightened. Two days ago my brother told me that one of my two sisters was in ICU with sytemic infection and in critical condition. My other sister was staying at her house and informed my brother that she saw my sick sister pick up the phone last Tuesday to call 911, but her husband grabbed the phone and told her "You need rest."
Two days ago one of my sister's eyes was unresponsive to light, a bad sign.
Yesterday neither of her eyes were responsive, a VERY bad sign.
I am going to the hospital today after work to see her.
I hope she pulls through.
If she doesn't make it, I am frightened of what I might do.
I'm very sorry that your sister is so ill and struggling. I hope you get some good news today.

Please stay calm for the sake of your family. They need you to be strong for them.
I arrived too late.
She was brain-dead.
Her husband had the plug pulled.
I got the sherriff involved.
It was depraved indifference in my view and there is a law by that name.
I miss my sweet sister.
Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see this post earlier.

My condolences on your loss. :(

Was your sister older or younger than you?

I hope the authorities' investigation gets the answers that you need.
Now is the time to keep your focus on your mom and surviving sister. Stay calm and strong for them.

Like you posted, let's see what happens with the machine that you put into motion.

Your family is blessed to have such a caring son and sibling. I've seen that care of your's for family over the years, especially with your dad.

Oh I'm so sorry for your loss :(


People take different paths seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your path does not mean they've gotten lost ~Dalai Lama
Beowolf....I hope you can find some sweet memories in your time of grief. I am truly sorry for your loss.
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