How are you feeling today?....

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For one, I am glad I woke up before my alarm went off, and I'm soon gonna start getting ready for today's meeting.
I am feeling great today for today is Friday and the day I'll be going to the rodeo with some friends! Yeehaw!
Aah, feeling better today had a bad cold few days ago after took Mucinex fast-max. It works to clear out my throat chest.
Unfortunately, I don't have Gatorade. :(

I just drank Sprite but I will try to sip the water as possible.

Stomach virus was very unexpected because I didn't feel well to shopping.

Sprite is okay. 7UP is better. Helps keep your stomach calm. Also, saltine crackers will help, too. I have two boxes at the ready should I ever need crackers to help calm my stomach. Toast with no butter is also good.

The fizz in any soda bothers me. I generally don't drink any soda unless I am very desperate for something to drink. So I am sure not going to have it with an already upset stomach.
The fizz in any soda bothers me. I generally don't drink any soda unless I am very desperate for something to drink. So I am sure not going to have it with an already upset stomach.
Well, it does help others, so there's nothing wrong with him suggesting it.
The fizz in any soda bothers me. I generally don't drink any soda unless I am very desperate for something to drink. So I am sure not going to have it with an already upset stomach.

Well, it does help others, so there's nothing wrong with him suggesting it.

Where did you get any criticism of what others do from my post? I was talking about for me.
I rarely drink soda with an upset stomach; Gatorade is best.

Soda generally is not conducive to an upset stomach due to the acidity.

Here are some liquids/foods that help an upset food.

Carrot juice.

Rice Tea.

Burnt Toast.

Apple Cider Vinegar.


Caraway Seeds.


Also, there is a method using heat. Place a hot water bottle or heating pad on your upset stomach. The heat increases blood flow to the skin surface and transfers the perception of pain from inside your stomach to the outside.
Soda generally is not conducive to an upset stomach due to the acidity.

Here are some liquids/foods that help an upset food.

Carrot juice.

Rice Tea.

Burnt Toast.

Apple Cider Vinegar.


Caraway Seeds.


Also, there is a method using heat. Place a hot water bottle or heating pad on your upset stomach. The heat increases blood flow to the skin surface and transfers the perception of pain from inside your stomach to the outside.

Foxrac is gonna have a field day with some of these. They will help him feel better. Me? I shall stick with what my Mom taught me, and what I KNOW works best.
I just took a shower, and I feel quite good. The warm water helped a lot, so that's a good way to start the day. :)
Valentines day.. Yep, another year alone. Friends are going out for Valentines day, and another year has gone by, still alone in the world. How nice. I don't care about the holiday, but being alone just sucks.
This is how i feel some peiple feel about tomorrow....

Que? Ingles por favor.
Que? Ingles por favor.

For those who don't know Spanish. The above phrase means "What? English please."

As for the picture:

"Manana es San Valen..." => "Tomorrow is Valentine's Day."

"Manana es Viernes y punto" => "Tomorrow is Friday and that's that."
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