No, we won't be able to view the posts from AllDeaf v1.0. When AllDeaf was first established, it was done using phpBB. phpBB is a kind of forum template that you can download and use. Alex decided to switch to a more advanced and more controlled forum template and that's when he switched to vBulletin. That's when AllDeaf went from ADv1.0 to ADv2.0, but that's when problems came up. Unfortunately, vBulletin is not compatible with phpBB so a lot of files were lost in the process. That's why we can only go as far back as ADv2.0 since we're still using vBulletin. If you want to read a post from ADv2.0, simply read the first post ever made... by Kevbo.
You'll notice the "1" at the end. That's the post number. Every new thread that's created will show increasing numbers. The latest thread created at this moment is 9889. That means, we've had 9,889 threads created since ADv2.0 was made. If you want to start reading threads from the beginning, you can do so from the index page. First, click on the forum you want to read old threads from. Second, click on the
icon that you see next to "Last Post". Now, the order of all threads will be reversed so the first will be the oldest unreplied thread and the last will be the most recent unreplied thread.
As for the images you're referring to, I don't know if it's still here. I can see if I can find that for you.
I hope this helps you understand a bit about the history of AllDeaf and how things work.