Hillary for President! Vote?

Were they refused medical care? No.

Did she have to take a gun to force the doctor to help her hubby? No.

An unexpected accident is always a "hassle and stress". But he did get medical care, right?

That situation isn't even close to the movie story.

I do not compare former ADer with John Q. movie but share what I know from a former ADer and her experience for don't have health insurance.

Anyway, if he don't have money to make monthly payment to cover medical care then what?
Is your "social insurance" voluntary or mandatory?

mandatory if my monthly income less than €3,800 (around $5,600)

That is, can you refuse to participate in that insurance?

Yes, I can refuse health insurance only if my monthly income is over €3,800 (around $5,600). It's up to me if I want to keep health insurance or look for private insurance or without health insurance but it's obligate to pay 3 insurances for unemployment, Nursing care and Pension, not health insurance if my monthly income is over $5,600.

Do you have a choice of which insurance company that you use?

Yes, we have. I can decide which health insurance, I want to. All what I do is look for pros and cons offers from different health insurance companies before agree to join one of them and then gave the name of my health insurance and their bank account number to my Employer. I can see the name of my health insurance on my wage slip. The employees/workers can change health insurance if they like to but they need to inform Employer with new health insurance and bank account number. I have been changed health insurance twice.

At England, we don't have any choice which health insurance we want to join.

Medicare is for older retired people. Retired working people are eligible for Medicare whether or not they are "poor".

Medicaid is for disabled and/or poor people regardless of age.

Oh I got the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. Thank you for an explanation.

You work to pay taxes for both Medicare and Medicare to help the poor/disabled people and older retired/pension people but what about yourself? It mean that you have to pay extra insurance for your own medicial needs volunatailty. Right? If yes, that's why I support Hillary's plan.
Reba, accord your post #207, 208 and 209.

I found some positive comments from some Canadians to against your negative links.

What Countries Have Universal Health Care? - Gadling

You know that the websites often made negatives and positives to against each other. We prefer to listen Canadians's posts here to compare our link either it's true or not because it's their own experiences.

My some Canadian online friends positive me about health care issues.

This link I provide to positive the rumors.

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Canadian Health Care

Accord one of your links.
"So when that happens, you can't have a waiting list for a mother having the baby. She just has the baby." sound pretty illogical to me. It's media's word, not comment's word.
I'm saying to earn salary isn't much you made as govt took out from your payroll to use for medical. Geez.

More tax, more quick to get people see doctor
• no money for vacation (rat!)

Less tax, long listing to get people to see doctor
• holiday for vacation (hello Hawaii!)

None are win-win situation

It make no difference...

When I was in USA for vacation last July. We visited a deaf man there in hospitail where a deaf man had an appointment for stay in hospitail on same day. We thought they prepared a bed for him immediately but they are not. We were in waiting room for long hours to accompany a deaf man because a deaf man don't get a right bed yet. Long hours until they found a right bed for him because of his height.

Anyway, I have health insurance who pays me full for sick leave up to 6 weeks and then after 6 weeks 90%...

Yes I have fully vacation money and also added vacation money from my Employer.

I have 30 days leave per year plus 6 days extra for disablity.

My government don't take tax out of my payroll for health insurance but my Employer and I pay 50-50 for my social insurances. It does the same to most EU countries as well.

I am surprised that some Americans think we use medicine care for free in EU countries or pay taxes for take care of my medicine needs which is not true. I am surprised that Americans work to pay taxes for medicard and medicare to help poor people when they don't have their own insurances to cover their medicine needs.

That's why I support Hillary's plan because its about treat everyone fair and equal, not just help poor people/disabled and elders because young people also need medicine care, too.

I never get waiting list to get emergency surgeries... All what is I wait between 5 and 20 minutes at waiting room for doctor appointment... emergency IMMEDIATELY instead of waiting list. Make date appointment for stay in hospitail then the bed for me is preparation few hours before my arrival.
I thought it ( John Q ) was based on a true story as it says on the back of its box with details what the movie was all about. :-\

Really? I will have a look at back of box when I am home from work and let you know.

wow, this is negative and misleading information...

To me, this movie is the one best movie, I ever seen because it helps the people to understand why it's important to have health insurance.

All what I want to say is STOP worry about money etc but think about all the people including children (no matter either they are old, poor, disabled etc but ALL) who suffers. What if you were in those shoes as a parent, what would you do. A real parent would do anything to save their child. I know I would....
Hi Guys,if i was an american my vote would go to Hillary.I've been stressed lately and recently about this Bush government out there.It is time to make a change by voting for Hillary.I'm sure there will be no more fights with the westerners out there.Go for her party.
John Q.: How Real Is This Horror Story?

As a rule, it's not a good idea to pick up a gun, take over the emergency room of a hospital and threaten to kill your family's cardiac surgeon. But that's what Denzel Washington's character does in the film John Q. when his son is denied the heart transplant he needs to survive. And if box-office reaction is any indication, plenty of frustrated health-care consumers have at least fantasized about doing the same thing: John Q., released in late February, hit No. 1 in its first week and stayed near the top. But does HMO hell really get this bad?

The good news is that most of us will never find ourselves in quite the medical crisis the John Q. family does. In the movie, which was written in 1993, during the Clinton health-care-reform battle, the parents are told that a heart transplant costs $250,000, that their insurance doesn't cover it and that they're required to post a $75,000 deposit or their sick son will be sent packing. While it's true that hospitals expect to be reimbursed for services provided to even the neediest and most grievously ill patients, it's not true that they handle things in so mercenary a manner. "That's Hollywood," says Anne Paschke, spokeswoman for the United Network for Organ Sharing. "The fact is, there are a lot of things that would prevent that from happening in the real world."

First of all, with 2,200 heart transplants performed in the U.S. each year, the procedure is no longer considered experimental; most policies today cover it. More important, those patients whose policies place restrictions on their transplant coverage and those who have no insurance at all are not simply turned away. (Even prisoners are entitled; in January a 31-year-old felon serving time in a California prison received a heart transplant that it is estimated could cost that state's taxpayers some $400,000, if not more.)

Transplant hospitals keep on staff financial advisers who work with insurance companies, federal and state governments, and even private foundations--which often provide funds for poor patients, especially children. "Transplantation hospitals must and do have this in place," says Paschke.

The problem is that other pricey medical procedures that are also matters of life and death do not come with the same financial safeguards. And like the family in John Q., millions of Americans live in a sort of insurance netherworld--too poor for the procedure they need but not so poor that they can rely on the government to step in and pay. "There are about 84 million Americans who are covered by either Medicaid or Medicare," says Kristina Newman of the Kaiser Family Foundation. "But there are about 40 million uninsured people who are not quite old enough or poor enough to qualify. If they have a serious accident, they're really up a creek."

Perhaps an additional 10 million to 15 million people have some coverage but not enough--belonging to plans that offer not much more than the basics. For them, a little insurance can be almost as bad as none at all. "Sometimes we tell people simply to stop working and spend all their money," says Mehmet Oz, the director of the Cardiovascular Assist Device Program at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City and a technical adviser for John Q. "Then at least they qualify for Medicaid."

For the majority of even minimally insured people, things will never come to that. Coverage caps--which in John Q. limit the family's reimbursement to just $20,000--do exist, but they're typically lifetime maximums rather than annual caps, and the majority of them are $1 million or more. Such a payout is usually more than adequate, though a catastrophic injury like paralysis can blow through the whole reserve in just a few years. Similarly, surreptitious policy switching--which in John Q. causes the family's coverage to shrink as the lead character's work hours are cut--is not as much of a danger as the movie would suggest. Even barebones policies ought to cover "medically necessary" procedures (a term that can be slippery), and in many cases, coverage doesn't dwindle as hours do, though such workers may be required to pay more to maintain the policies they have. Yet no one disputes that the health-insurance safety net remains badly frayed. "There are many people who still fall through the cracks," says Ray Werntz, of the Employee Benefits Research Institute, "but in some cases, that's because they don't know what their options are." Learning and acting on those options may be the best thing people can do to avoid a John Q. scenario. It's not always pretty when life imitates movie art, particularly when it's this movie--and your life.

John Q.: How Real Is This Horror Story? - TIME

(Even prisoners are entitled; in January a 31-year-old felon serving time in a California prison received a heart transplant that it is estimated could cost that state's taxpayers some $400,000, if not more.)

Is prisoners one of poor people? You work to pay tax for that? :hmm:
Sometimes, some movies could reveal its events in real life, but they usually changed real life people's names to protect their privacy.

Sometimes, some movies come true in a few years later after what the directors made... we never knew what future will happen until we remember some movies. It could be surreal, ya know ? Sometimes, it even makes me wonder how did the directors know about all these things ? Just like the old movie it talked about some astronauts that will fly to the moon one day and it did in years later. No body would ever thought it will happen until it really happens in that eventful day. Weird, huh ?

I dread for Hillary to become a president and I truly don't want her to become one. If, she wins to become a president... be sure to protect your children at all cost and defend them from ridiculous and nonsense laws. And, also make sure that you fight for your own rights not to allow them to tarnish your children's future.
It doesn't mean that we have free medical because we are work to pay health insurance but we get free medical if we are out of work and living on pension.

About antibiotic... I would recommend you to take herbal tea and some vitamin C to reduce your bad cold, flu etc. I don't use any medical but drink herbal tea and hot lemon. It work pretty good within 3 days... If it's more than 3 days then check with doctor.

How is much of UI (international unit) on Vitamin C?
It make no difference...

When I was in USA for vacation last July. We visited a deaf man there in hospitail where a deaf man had an appointment for stay in hospitail on same day. We thought they prepared a bed for him immediately but they are not. We were in waiting room for long hours to accompany a deaf man because a deaf man don't get a right bed yet. Long hours until they found a right bed for him because of his height.

LOL, you sure got mistook what I saying. I'm saying it's govt who give you on a long list until they call your name to get ready to see doctor.

Anyway, I have health insurance who pays me full for sick leave up to 6 weeks and then after 6 weeks 90%...

Yes I have fully vacation money and also added vacation money from my Employer.

I have 30 days leave per year plus 6 days extra for disablity.

LOL, you still mistook what I saying that you get on basic salary before tax. You thought I talk about benefit while I am try to saying you save some money than lose money.

My government don't take tax out of my payroll for health insurance but my Employer and I pay 50-50 for my social insurances. It does the same to most EU countries as well.

I am surprised that some Americans think we use medicine care for free in EU countries or pay taxes for take care of my medicine needs which is not true. I am surprised that Americans work to pay taxes for medicard and medicare to help poor people when they don't have their own insurances to cover their medicine needs.

you pay 50-50 while I pay like 20% while my private insurance from work paid mostly on medical. Maybe I'm lucky to have good job with good benefit.

That's why I support Hillary's plan because its about treat everyone fair and equal, not just help poor people/disabled and elders because young people also need medicine care, too.

I never get waiting list to get emergency surgeries... All what is I wait between 5 and 20 minutes at waiting room for doctor appointment... emergency IMMEDIATELY instead of waiting list. Make date appointment for stay in hospitail then the bed for me is preparation few hours before my arrival.

You're not in Canada. Hillary was refer to Canada's system that she thought US should have one. Bad risk.
You work to pay taxes to take care of poor people's medicine needs but what about yourself? It mean that you have to pay extra to join private health insurance to cover your medical needs. Right?
If I get private insurance, then yes, I pay for that myself.

No, you do not need to pay extra for your own medical needs since you already work to pay taxes under Hillary's plan.
Under Hillary's plan, my taxes will increase because I will have to pay more money to support other people. So Hillary's plan will make me poorer.
I do not compare former ADer with John Q. movie but share what I know from a former ADer and her experience for don't have health insurance.

Anyway, if he don't have money to make monthly payment to cover medical care then what?
The doctors and hospitals make arrangements for monthly payments that the family can afford.

My mom had Medicare and Blue Cross insurance but still she had expensive out of pocket medical expenses. The hospitals and doctors let her pay $5 per week sometimes, and they were satisfied.

Did you know that insurance actually increases the cost of medical care? If a patient pays cash for medical services, the cost is less. Example: Recently I broke a tooth. I need a crown for that tooth. The dentist receptionist told me it would cost $970. I told her that I don't have insurance, and that I will pay cash. She said, "Oh, that will be $873."

Same with auto insurance. My friend needed a new windshield. The repairman told her it would cost $225. She told him she didn't have insurance. He told her, "Oh, then it will cost $175."

Insurance increases costs.

Also, if a patient (such as my mom) doesn't pay the first bill received but resubmits it, often the new bill will be reduced. My mom always did that. She never paid the first notice bill. She would resubmit it to the hospital and doctors, and then they would recalculate and send her a lower bill. That shows that the hospitals and doctors always overcharge. They assume that people will not check the details and just accept whatever bill is sent.
mandatory if my monthly income less than €3,800 (around $5,600)
If it is mandatory, then it's not really insurance; it's a tax. That's the same scam that happens to American tax payers. The payroll deductions say they are for Social Security and Medicare insurance but it is really a tax because it is mandatory.

Yes, we have. I can decide which health insurance, I want to. All what I do is look for pros and cons offers from different health insurance companies before agree to join one of them and then gave the name of my health insurance and their bank account number to my Employer. I can see the name of my health insurance on my wage slip. The employees/workers can change health insurance if they like to but they need to inform Employer with new health insurance and bank account number. I have been changed health insurance twice.

At England, we don't have any choice which health insurance we want to join.
Choice is good. :)

Oh I got the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. Thank you for an explanation.
You're welcome. That's just a general description but basically that's how they are divided.

You work to pay taxes for both Medicare and Medicare to help the poor/disabled people and older retired/pension people but what about yourself? It mean that you have to pay extra insurance for your own medicial needs volunatailty. Right?
Right. If I want medical insurance I have to find it and pay for it myself.

When I become old enough I will also be eligible for Medicare.
wow, this is negative and misleading information...

To me, this movie is the one best movie, I ever seen because it helps the people to understand why it's important to have health insurance.

All what I want to say is STOP worry about money etc but think about all the people including children (no matter either they are old, poor, disabled etc but ALL) who suffers. What if you were in those shoes as a parent, what would you do. A real parent would do anything to save their child. I know I would....
Real parents don't need to risk the lives of other people to get surgery for their children. Taking hostages in a hospital will not save anyone's life. If the father is killed or put in jail, how can he help his son? It doesn't make any sense.

How can you say stop worrying about money, and then at the same time complain that people can't afford medical care? That's contradictory.
Hi Guys,if i was an american my vote would go to Hillary.I've been stressed lately and recently about this Bush government out there.It is time to make a change by voting for Hillary.I'm sure there will be no more fights with the westerners out there.Go for her party.
Do you trust Hillary? Does she tell the truth? Does she stick to her values?
John Q.: How Real Is This Horror Story?

John Q.: How Real Is This Horror Story? - TIME

(Even prisoners are entitled; in January a 31-year-old felon serving time in a California prison received a heart transplant that it is estimated could cost that state's taxpayers some $400,000, if not more.)

Is prisoners one of poor people? You work to pay tax for that? :hmm:
Just like your link says; the movie is a fictional story that never happened. :)

If taxpayers don't pay for prisoner medical care, then who does?